Eat Meat = Be Human

I don't think there is any threat, Unk was just saying eating meat was good since it helped us become smarter

Like everything else in life, there is happy mediums. No need to eat meat now, we are already smarter ... unless we can continue to get smarter BUT, they key is moderation.... we really don't need to eat meat everyday -- much less with every meal....
I don't think there is any threat, Unk was just saying eating meat was good since it helped us become smarter

Like everything else in life, there is happy mediums. No need to eat meat now, we are already smarter ... unless we can continue to get smarter BUT, they key is moderation.... we really don't need to eat meat everyday -- much less with every meal....

Okay, Dr. Bonzo. :D ROFL.
Eating meat (and cooking it) led to the evolution of our large brains (well, for some of us) and formidable cognitive powers.

Stupid vegans...

Cooking and Cognition: How Humans Got So Smart
Maybe meat is the forbidden fruit, and we'd be better off a bit dumber

You really think people could be any dumber?

I admit, it IS hard to believe.... we are smarted technologically, but common sense etc. No. It's bad.
You are what you eat! Which 'splains VEGANS.

And deep in their souls, vegetarians really do crave meat. One third of them eat meat when drunk...which I suspect is their excuse when they are jonesing for a a delicious cheeseburger.

Survey: 1 in 3 vegetarians admits to eating meat when drunk
Had a guy go vegan at work...lost a lot of weight but couldnt maintain the veganism
It isn't an easy diet to follow, especially when you go out to eat.
You are what you eat! Which 'splains VEGANS.

And deep in their souls, vegetarians really do crave meat. One third of them eat meat when drunk...which I suspect is their excuse when they are jonesing for a a delicious cheeseburger.

Survey: 1 in 3 vegetarians admits to eating meat when drunk
Had a guy go vegan at work...lost a lot of weight but couldnt maintain the veganism
It isn't an easy diet to follow, especially when you go out to eat.

Few things in life are more tedious than dining out with a Vegan, especially a recently converted one.
Anecdotal thing:

My wife's family emigrated from a small town in Italy. Many cousins came at the same time, as well as a large portion of the unrelated population of that small town. Although they would never freely admit it, they were, by American standards, quite poor. Specifically, they only had meat in their diets one day a week - Sunday - and on that day it was a small portion of meat. Other days it was pasta, fruit, and vegetables. And wine.

When they came to this country, they all became enthusiastic meat eaters. Beef, pork, chicken, turkey (goat, lamb), anything.

The men and women in this community who were born in the U.S. (hence, had a meat-protein enriched diet) have been, on average, 6" taller than their fathers; women 4" taller than their mothers. And they basically all intermarried with people from the same Italian community. Second generation saw no increase in height (except for the ones who married outside this community). Specifically, the Italian men averaged 5'2" to 5'4", and their sons 5'8" to 5'10". Women had a comparable height increase.

I personally attribute it all to meat. None of them was big into vitamins, drinking milk, or anything like that. and FWIW they are all living to quite an old age (mid-80's and relatively healthy now).
My wife's doctor advised her to go on a vegan diet to help control her diabetes. It did cut her insulin usage by nearly half. Also helped her lose some weight and her joints tend to swell up less. I've been trying to follow her diet to be supportive, but it isn't easy for me. I eat meat now and then, but not nearly as much as I used to. Eating all these veggies is kind of tiring, although I've found a lot of vegan recipes that I like.
We were CREATED. That took care of that. Also not likely that killing and eating cadavers was God's intention. Nothing about that before the Fall of Man.

Yep, it definitely wasn't God's intention.

Genesis 1:29-30

29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. 30 And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.

Also, one day, when God restores His original design, we will once again have that peace and harmony that existed in the very beginning.

Isaiah 11:6-9

6 The wolf shall dwell with the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat,
and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together;
and a little child shall lead them.
7 The cow and the bear shall graze;
their young shall lie down together;
and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
8 The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra,
and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder's den.
9 They shall not hurt or destroy
in all for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea.

And we know that in heaven there is no suffering and death. Jesus taught us to pray for God's will "on earth as it is in heaven...." I wonder if any Christians here who eat meat have ever thought about that. If we genuinely and sincerely want God's will on earth as it is in heaven, would we be eating meat, which not only goes against God's original design… but in most cases means supporting abuse, cruelty, brutal violence and killing...simply to satisfy our taste buds?
You are what you eat! Which 'splains VEGANS.

And deep in their souls, vegetarians really do crave meat. One third of them eat meat when drunk...which I suspect is their excuse when they are jonesing for a a delicious cheeseburger.

Survey: 1 in 3 vegetarians admits to eating meat when drunk
I don't!! Never again. I'm not really a vegetarian because I eat poultry and sea food, but no mammals . It does not work for me unless they are on the hoof, have only two legs, and are of the opposite gender.
Eating meat (and cooking it) led to the evolution of our large brains (well, for some of us) and formidable cognitive powers.

Stupid vegans...

Cooking and Cognition: How Humans Got So Smart
Interesting article, but just a few points:

It does not make the claim that eating meat is the reason for our brain development or intelligence. Meat is mentioned only once when it is said that our advancement is due to eating better food, " like meat" but it goes on to say that ....that alone did not make us smart.

Cooking is mentioned and that makes sense in terms of digestion and the use of nutrients but your "stupid vegans" do not just eat raw food, and vegetarians certainly do not either.

It mentions health problems but I'm willing to bet that those eating a meat centered diet have way more health problems than non meat eaters.
Eating meat (and cooking it) led to the evolution of our large brains (well, for some of us) and formidable cognitive powers.

Stupid vegans...

Cooking and Cognition: How Humans Got So Smart
Stupid vegans? Those stupid vegans are much less likely to have heart disease, stroke, or obesity.

Enjoy the panic attacks, OCD, and depression, bloodless.
Gee Bubba, I didn't know that I was having panic attacks, OCD, and depression. I'll look into it.

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