East Antarctic meltwater ponds seen for first time


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
East Antarctic meltwater ponds seen for first time

September 22, 2016

Previously thought to be barely affected by the formation of meltwater ponds, new research has shown East Antarctica experienced large numbers of supraglacial lakes developing during the summer months of every year between 2000 and 2013.


Wow, but heck, it is a big fraud and scam you will yell.

East Antarctic meltwater ponds seen for first time

September 22, 2016

Previously thought to be barely affected by the formation of meltwater ponds, new research has shown East Antarctica experienced large numbers of supraglacial lakes developing during the summer months of every year between 2000 and 2013.


Wow, but heck, it is a big fraud and scam you will yell.


No, but you are. You are just a loud mouth fraud.
East Antarctic meltwater ponds seen for first time

September 22, 2016

Previously thought to be barely affected by the formation of meltwater ponds, new research has shown East Antarctica experienced large numbers of supraglacial lakes developing during the summer months of every year between 2000 and 2013.


Wow, but heck, it is a big fraud and scam you will yell.


You know Matt, there are a lot, and I do mean, A LOT of folks that do believe that the weather changes. Like, a lot of us know there are seriously loooong trends in the weather. Millions of years ago, it was much cooler, there were things called ice ages.. . . .

Also, before that, it was sooo much hotter. Did you know, that our solar system is in the same spot in the galaxy where it was when the T-rex roamed the earth. Do you have any idea how hot the planet was at that time? Do you know why it was able to grow to such an enormous size? Do you?

I'm sure the planet wasn't so incredibly hot because the Triceratops was engaged in heavy industry, what do you think?

Now, I'm not saying that human activity has absolutely no effect what so ever on climate, but, you know, the government and the establishment might, just might, have an agenda to make you believe that every thing society does needs to be regulated. What do you think? :cranky:
Mr Beale it was 15,000 years ago, not millions, that we were in an ice age. If you are that ignorant on this subject, why do you bother to post?
East Antarctic meltwater ponds seen for first time

September 22, 2016

Previously thought to be barely affected by the formation of meltwater ponds, new research has shown East Antarctica experienced large numbers of supraglacial lakes developing during the summer months of every year between 2000 and 2013.


Wow, but heck, it is a big fraud and scam you will yell.


No, but you are. You are just a loud mouth fraud.
Interesting, Mathew posts information with a link to a credible source, you post an insult with no information or links, and you call Mathew a fraud?
Mr Beale it was 15,000 years ago, not millions, that we were in an ice age. If you are that ignorant on this subject, why do you bother to post?
Quaternary glaciation, also known as the Pleistocene glaciation or the current ice age, is a series of glacial events separated by interglacial events during the Quaternary period from 2.58 Ma (million years ago) to present.[1] During this period, ice sheets expanded, notably from out of Antarctica and Greenland, and fluctuating ice sheets occurred elsewhere (for example, the Laurentide ice sheet). The major effects of the ice age are erosion and deposition of material over large parts of the continents, modification of river systems, creation of millions of lakes, changes in sea level, development of pluvial lakes far from the ice margins, isostatic adjustment of the crust, and abnormal winds. It affects oceans, flooding, and biological communities. The ice sheets themselves, by raising the albedo, effect a major feedback on climate cooling.

The region of the world I live in was shaped by glaciation. It didn't happen several thousand years ago skipper. It was a process that took millions of years.

While we're on it, why don't you look at the causes? You might learn something. It sure as hell wasn't the activity of men.

Quaternary glaciation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
East Antarctic meltwater ponds seen for first time

September 22, 2016

Previously thought to be barely affected by the formation of meltwater ponds, new research has shown East Antarctica experienced large numbers of supraglacial lakes developing during the summer months of every year between 2000 and 2013.


Wow, but heck, it is a big fraud and scam you will yell.


No, but you are. You are just a loud mouth fraud.
Interesting, Mathew posts information with a link to a credible source, you post an insult with no information or links, and you call Mathew a fraud?

What he is basically saying is this, Matt wants to imply that this is caused by AGW. This is what this link implies. The end of the report even states, that this is worrying to "environmentalists." Like this story is because of human activity.

But I looked a little bit into this site, and wow, look at this?


Scientists have discovered plants similar to palm trees growing in the Antarctic region during the early Eocene era, when the area had a near-tropical climate.

They have shown the area, which is today typified by freezing temperatures, glaciers and icebergs, had almost three times the level of carbon dioxide as now, with warm weather and virtually no frost.
Palm trees could grow in Antarctic if climate change continues, scientists say

This article makes me wonder about the stupidity of their readers. Do they know that there was no heavy industry in the Eocene? Maybe these guys were responsible for Climate Change back then?


It was all caused by the ancestor of today's elephant. . . . :badgrin:
East Antarctic meltwater ponds seen for first time

September 22, 2016

Previously thought to be barely affected by the formation of meltwater ponds, new research has shown East Antarctica experienced large numbers of supraglacial lakes developing during the summer months of every year between 2000 and 2013.


Wow, but heck, it is a big fraud and scam you will yell.

Fantastic news. Since most weather related deaths are due to cold and this opens up millions of acres for farming the continued end of the ice age has been a great hope for mankind.
And Now For The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle…
And Now For The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle… : The Corbett Report


"The heart of the issue (for those who need it elaborated) is this: the future of $90 trillion of energy infrastructure investments and the $1 trillion green bond market and the multi-trillion dollar carbon trading market and the $391 billion (and growing) climate finance industry hangs in the balance.

Of course it does. What else explains the convergence of interest in the organizations, structures and mechanisms for global governance that the magical global thermostat narrative affords?

It’s why Enron and Goldman Sachs pioneered the emissions trading swindles (that–surprise, surprise!–are a complete and total fraud from top to bottom).

It’s why General Electric, DuPont, Johnson & Johnson, Pepsi, Siemens, AIG and a host of other Fortune 500/CFR companies joined BP, ConocoPhillips, GM and a host of other oiligarch companies as founding members of the US Climate Action Partnership whose “Blueprint for Legislative Action” became the backbone of the Wall Street-backed Waxman-Markey bill of 2009.

It’s why the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are at the forefront of the climate hysteria.

It’s why over 400 global institutional investors worth over $25 trillion have decided to cash in on the bonanza with their “Investment Platform for Climate Actions.”

Heck, it’s why EDF, Engie, Air France, Renault, BNP Paribas and a host of other oiligarch companies footed 20% of the bill for the Paris conference itself (and why the French government bent over backwards to point out their “green” credentials)."

That could have been anywhere, in Canada. The warmers are all too eager and capable of going out on ice and dumping rock salt for the photo ops...

Remember who we are dealing with, kleptocratic fudgers who lie and are never held accountable when busted lying.

This is the real data from Antarctica ...


" the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008."

Antarctica has gained at least 80 billion tons of ice every year since Algore started lying...

and no amount of rock salt dumping or PhotoShopping can alter that truth.
East Antarctic meltwater ponds seen for first time

September 22, 2016

Previously thought to be barely affected by the formation of meltwater ponds, new research has shown East Antarctica experienced large numbers of supraglacial lakes developing during the summer months of every year between 2000 and 2013.


Wow, but heck, it is a big fraud and scam you will yell.


No, but you are. You are just a loud mouth fraud.
Interesting, Mathew posts information with a link to a credible source, you post an insult with no information or links, and you call Mathew a fraud?

Because he is. Nothing he posted has been denied by any right-winger. Thus he is a fraud and liar.

Matthew is always a fraud and a lair. This is the guy that claimed Trump said the world was flat.

He's a fraud. He's a liar. You can't trust anything Matthew says.
The Warmers lie about:

1. sinking Pacific Islands
2. Antarctic ice growth
3. correlation of CO2 and temps in the ice cores
4. whether or not the only warming on Earth ongoing is from the surface of growing urban areas
5. whether or not they said in 2005 that the hurricanes would get bigger and more frequent (they now deny they said that)


456,241 why coral is bleeching in water that has not warmed at all
East Antarctic meltwater ponds seen for first time

September 22, 2016

Previously thought to be barely affected by the formation of meltwater ponds, new research has shown East Antarctica experienced large numbers of supraglacial lakes developing during the summer months of every year between 2000 and 2013.


Wow, but heck, it is a big fraud and scam you will yell.


No, but you are. You are just a loud mouth fraud.

Matthew's comment is based on long experience with the posters on this board. The odds were extremely high that his story would be called false or alarmist or deceptive. Rather than turn the thread into an attack fest, why not express an opinion regarding supra-glacial meltwater ponds?
The Warmers lie about:

sinking Pacific Islands
Antarctic ice growth
correlation of CO2 and temps in the ice cores
whether or not the only warming on Earth ongoing is from the surface of growing urban areas
whether or not they said in 2005 that the hurricanes would get bigger and more frequent (they now deny they said that)
why coral is bleeching in water that has not warmed at all

The islands La Dexter claims are actually sinking into the Earth are 1,380 miles to the closest subduction zone. LaDexter not only believes the islands are sinking, but his response to the fact in the previous sentence is that the entire plate is sinking into the Earth like a dinner plate dropped flat into a pond.

La Dexter pins great hope on the single study that claims the ice mass balance of Antarctica is positive (Zwally) and rejects/ignores the dozens of other studies that show it to be negative. He also draws the false conclusion that because, as he believes, 90% of the Earth's ice is growing, global sea level cannot be rising.

Suggesting that CO2 and temperature in ice cores is not correlated is completely indefensible. A 4-year old can see it.

The world's oceans are warming. The Arctic and Antarctic are warming - at rates faster than anywhere on the planet. Last time I checked, none of those areas were susceptible to the Urban Heat Island effect.

Increased temperatures have increased the intensity, the duration and the level of precipitation of storms worldwide.

Coral is bleaching in numerous places around the globe due to increased water temperatures and decreased pH from increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

LaDexter is one of the more ignorant and irrational posters on this board. If you're new here, take EVERYTHING he says with an enormous grain of salt.
The islands La Dexter claims are actually sinking into the Earth are 1,380 miles to the closest subduction zone.

Let there be no confusion as to why people do not trust "warmer" stories in the media and those like crick who religiously parrot them. The warmers have three sinking island chains, all on the subduction side of the Pacific Ring of Fire (PROF). The Marshall Islands are about 200 miles from the PROF, but the PROF slants,and crick insists that only perpendicular angles result in subduction, as if the plate is in strips, some which move and some which do not move. HOGWASH. The entire plate is going under...

Then the question becomes = if the oceans are rising, why are only three island chains on the lip of the PROF sinking while nothing else is???

That's where your taxdollars go to work funding crick and others to shout you down and LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE.

The lack of any ocean rise is yet another hole in the swiss cheese theory the warmers promote. If the oceans are not rising, then the ice is not melting.... because 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica adds at least 80 billion tons of ice every year according to NASA. So the oceans are not rising, and there is no net ice melt ongoing.... because there is no warming on Earth aside from Urban Heat Island Effect on the surface of growing urban areas....
La Dexter pins great hope on the single study that claims the ice mass balance of Antarctica is positive

The warmers call it a "study" but it is really THE DATA they hate and they lost in court in 2007 on that same issue. Every single time the warmers claimed "Antarctica is melting," they LIED.

He also draws the false conclusion that because, as he believes, 90% of the Earth's ice is growing, global sea level cannot be rising.


It isn't just the 90% chunk which your side has lied about all along. It is Greenland, Mongolia, New Zealand, and other places too. You have NO CASE AT ALL for a net planetary ice melt - NONE.

Suggesting that CO2 and temperature in ice cores is not correlated is completely indefensible.

One would think that when you go to court, one side wins, the other side does not appeal, that would shut up the losing side. Not with the FRAUD. They just keep lying and lying and lying....

Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

  • The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.
  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing"

So this is crick's position - we went to court, we lost, we lied, we fudged, and we just will never stop lying
Coral is bleaching in numerous places around the globe due to increased water temperatures

There is no ocean temperature rise. That is why we are having no 'canes once again this year, and continue to re-write the record for longest time without a Cat 3 strike - 11 years and counting. That is why Antarctic Sea Ice continues to set record high after record high.

The only "warming" on Earth is from the surface of growing urban areas. That's it.
East Antarctic meltwater ponds seen for first time

September 22, 2016

Previously thought to be barely affected by the formation of meltwater ponds, new research has shown East Antarctica experienced large numbers of supraglacial lakes developing during the summer months of every year between 2000 and 2013.


Wow, but heck, it is a big fraud and scam you will yell.

what causes that to happen, do you know?

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