Eagles win,yahoo!!!! thanks Eagles

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Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
I am not en Eagles fan obviously but i was really really pulling for the Eagles to beat the Bears because with the Bears losing,I got my wish of getting to see that long time rivalry the Cowboys had with the LOS ANGELES RAMS renewed again.:5_1_12024::dance: Not to mention it shut up Bear whats his name and his babbling about how great his Bears were and that they were going to the superbowl crap.

During the 70's the Rams constantly met up with either the Cowboys or Vikings every year in the playoffs. this will be sooo cool to see that rivalry renewed in the LA coliseum no less.:dance:

those were the days.ahhh this so much brings back fond memories from yesteryear this video below.:)

the only thing that sucks is the game wont be in the sun like it should be. thats another thing that sucks abut the NFL these days,i miss the good old days when the games were in the daytime out in the california sun like they SHOULD be.
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I felt bad for the kicker.
And for trubiski. He played well enough to win that game. That should have been an amazing comeback. That kicker robbed him of a legendary playoff comeback win. Fuck that guy. He’s cursed. Lol
I felt bad for the kicker.
And for trubiski. He played well enough to win that game. That should have been an amazing comeback. That kicker robbed him of a legendary playoff comeback win. Fuck that guy. He’s cursed. Lol

Thank You Doug Peterson for the brilliant decision to call a timeout to ice him.it worked PURRfectly.:abgg2q.jpg:

Man you would think with all his field goal problems he had all year long,Nagy would have had ANYBODY try that field goal instead of him.The punter,anybody but him.thank for Nagy for not doing that.:2up:
I felt bad for the kicker.
And for trubiski. He played well enough to win that game. That should have been an amazing comeback. That kicker robbed him of a legendary playoff comeback win. Fuck that guy. He’s cursed. Lol

Thank You Doug Peterson for the brilliant decision to call a timeout to ice him.it worked PURRfectly.:abgg2q.jpg:

Man you would think with all his field goal problems he had all year long,Nagy would have had ANYBODY try that field goal instead of him.The punter,anybody but him.thank for Nagy for not doing that.:2up:
People are saying the NFL rigged the game so the rams won. Are you complaining now that they rigged it for big market LA?

And roger goddell is in Kansas City to make sure it’s Brady vs the rams. So I’m rooting for New England because you don’t cry when they cheat for you. Just like I’m a hypocrite politically you are a hypocrite here. Go New England or Kansas City
Congrats to Goff, and the Rams. Goff, and Mahone are way better quarterbacks than Wentz. If Alshon had caught that ball I think the Eagles would be in it though.

Go Rams. Brady must LOSE.
Congrats to Goff, and the Rams. Goff, and Mahone are way better quarterbacks than Wentz. If Alshon had caught that ball I think the Eagles would be in it though.

Go Rams. Brady must LOSE.

They have no chance of beating the pats
Congrats to Goff, and the Rams. Goff, and Mahone are way better quarterbacks than Wentz. If Alshon had caught that ball I think the Eagles would be in it though.

Go Rams. Brady must LOSE.

They have no chance of beating the pats

uh thanks but off topic moron.so surprise since this is YOU posting,this thread is about the fucking RAMS and COWBOYS playoff rivaly being renewed dumbass.you dont want to talk about the TOPIC and that goes for EVERYBODY here,this thread is getting closed.
I felt bad for the kicker.
And for trubiski. He played well enough to win that game. That should have been an amazing comeback. That kicker robbed him of a legendary playoff comeback win. Fuck that guy. He’s cursed. Lol

Thank You Doug Peterson for the brilliant decision to call a timeout to ice him.it worked PURRfectly.:abgg2q.jpg:

Man you would think with all his field goal problems he had all year long,Nagy would have had ANYBODY try that field goal instead of him.The punter,anybody but him.thank for Nagy for not doing that.:2up:
People are saying the NFL rigged the game so the rams won. Are you complaining now that they rigged it for big market LA?

And roger goddell is in Kansas City to make sure it’s Brady vs the rams. So I’m rooting for New England because you don’t cry when they cheat for you. Just like I’m a hypocrite politically you are a hypocrite here. Go New England or Kansas City

Thanks for acknowledging you are the biggest fucking hypocrite when it comes to politics when the subject concerns PRESIDENTS. now you have even ADMITTED your hypocricy on record i can always refer back in the future.:5_1_12024::2up::beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

as i told dipshit cowturd fan WRONG thread,if you two assholes are not going to talk about the TOPIC of this thread the Rams and Cowboys PLAYOFF rivalry being renewed,,its closing time jerks. :rolleyes:again that goes for EVERYBODY here,talk about the damn topic or this thread is getting closed EVERYBODy here listening? my hunch tells me i am going to have to ask for this thread to be closed and you will ignore this post.:rolleyes:

next person thats off topic,thanks for getting it closed.
oh and to answer your question hypocrite sealybozo troll,ass kisser of the corrupt dems,Because of the OPPONENT the Rams face in this superbowl,only an idiot would be cheering against the Rams because the Rams got robbed of a superbowl from them back when they were still in STANK LOUIS. at the time back then,I LOVED the patriots for winning that superbowl since as you know,i always rooted AGAINST the Rams when they were in st louis every sunday.:abgg2q.jpg:

HOWEVER, i would never have been so happy about it at the time as i was back then because i did not know during that game and leading up to it, that the pats illegally spied on the rams to win that superbowl illegally spying and taping practices of theirs.

seriously,is your brain so badly flawed you ALREADY forgot how the cheatiots CHEATED their way to a superbowl win over that phony st louis team that called themselves the Rams?:cuckoo:

Super cheaters? Report says Patriots filmed Rams before Super Bowl XXXVI - NY Daily News

The Rams players said it was as though the patriot players were in the huddle with them,that they knew everything they were calling beforehand. "that was the same story in the raiders/bucs superbowl when Bill Callahan threw the game so his pal John Gruden would win cause Callahan hated al davis and did not like many of the raiders players.:D"

Oh and the cheatriots of course had the refs in their pockets that day as well to win,the allowed the pats players to MUG the Rams recievers. Rams receiver Issac Bruce said he had NEVER played in a game like that before where the refs allowed the players to MUG him as they did.there was even a former NFL official who said he had never seen a game so poorly officiated and one sided in his whole life.

Now if the CHIEFS had made it to this supernbowl like they would have IF the game had been fairly officiated by the refs,then i would of course be pulling for the chiefs to win because unlike the patriots and rams,they SHOULD be in the superbowl.

this SHOULD be a superbowl between the CHIEFS and SAINTS but because it is the corrupt NFL cartel,it of course is the rams and cheatriots and we all KNOW the cheatriots will have the refs in their pockets for this game as well same as they did for the chiefs game.so WHY watch this game when i already know whats going to happen?

I never thought i would miss a superbowl with the Rams in it,but i make the exception if it is the cheatriots,dont get me wrong,i wont never watch the game,I will go back and watch it a few days later,i just wont watch it LIVE that day on super sunday is all just to clear that up.:D
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oh and to answer your question hypocrite sealybozo troll,ass kisser of the corrupt dems,Because of the OPPONENT the Rams face in this superbowl,only an idiot would be cheering against the Rams because the Rams got robbed of a superbowl from them back when they were still in STANK LOUIS. at the time back then,I LOVED the patriots for winning that superbowl since as you know,i always rooted AGAINST the Rams when they were in st louis every sunday.:abgg2q.jpg:

HOWEVER, i would never have been so happy about it at the time as i was back then because i did not know during that game and leading up to it, that the pats illegally spied on the rams to win that superbowl illegally spying and taping practices of theirs.

seriously,is your brain so badly flawed you ALREADY forgot how the cheatiots CHEATED their way to a superbowl win over that phony st louis team that called themselves the Rams?:cuckoo:

Super cheaters? Report says Patriots filmed Rams before Super Bowl XXXVI - NY Daily News

The Rams players said it was as though the patriot players were in the huddle with them,that they knew everything they were calling beforehand. "that was the same story in the raiders/bucs superbowl when Bill Callahan threw the game so his pal John Gruden would win cause Callahan hated al davis and did not like many of the raiders players.:D"

Oh and the cheatriots of course had the refs in their pockets that day as well to win,the allowed the pats players to MUG the Rams recievers. Rams receiver Issac Bruce said he had NEVER played in a game like that before where the refs allowed the players to MUG him as they did.there was even a former NFL official who said he had never seen a game so poorly officiated and one sided in his whole life.

Now if the CHIEFS had made it to this supernbowl like they would have IF the game had been fairly officiated by the refs,then i would of course be pulling for the chiefs to win because unlike the patriots and rams,they SHOULD be in the superbowl.

this SHOULD be a superbowl between the CHIEFS and SAINTS but because it is the corrupt NFL cartel,it of course is the rams and cheatriots and we all KNOW the cheatriots will have the refs in their pockets for this game as well same as they did for the chiefs game.so WHY watch this game when i already know whats going to happen?

I never thought i would miss a superbowl with the Rams in it,but i make the exception if it is the cheatriots,dont get me wrong,i wont never watch the game,I will go back and watch it a few days later,i just wont watch it LIVE that day on super sunday is all just to clear that up.:D

log out faggot
I felt bad for the kicker.
And for trubiski. He played well enough to win that game. That should have been an amazing comeback. That kicker robbed him of a legendary playoff comeback win. Fuck that guy. He’s cursed. Lol

Thank You Doug Peterson for the brilliant decision to call a timeout to ice him.it worked PURRfectly.:abgg2q.jpg:

Man you would think with all his field goal problems he had all year long,Nagy would have had ANYBODY try that field goal instead of him.The punter,anybody but him.thank for Nagy for not doing that.:2up:
People are saying the NFL rigged the game so the rams won. Are you complaining now that they rigged it for big market LA?

And roger goddell is in Kansas City to make sure it’s Brady vs the rams. So I’m rooting for New England because you don’t cry when they cheat for you. Just like I’m a hypocrite politically you are a hypocrite here. Go New England or Kansas City

Thanks for acknowledging you are the biggest fucking hypocrite when it comes to politics when the subject concerns PRESIDENTS. now you have even ADMITTED your hypocricy on record i can always refer back in the future.:5_1_12024::2up::beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

as i told dipshit cowturd fan WRONG thread,if you two assholes are not going to talk about the TOPIC of this thread the Rams and Cowboys PLAYOFF rivalry being renewed,,its closing time jerks. :rolleyes:again that goes for EVERYBODY here,talk about the damn topic or this thread is getting closed EVERYBODy here listening? my hunch tells me i am going to have to ask for this thread to be closed and you will ignore this post.:rolleyes:

next person thats off topic,thanks for getting it closed.
OMG someone hacked my account. I didn't write that.
I felt bad for the kicker.
And for trubiski. He played well enough to win that game. That should have been an amazing comeback. That kicker robbed him of a legendary playoff comeback win. Fuck that guy. He’s cursed. Lol

Thank You Doug Peterson for the brilliant decision to call a timeout to ice him.it worked PURRfectly.:abgg2q.jpg:

Man you would think with all his field goal problems he had all year long,Nagy would have had ANYBODY try that field goal instead of him.The punter,anybody but him.thank for Nagy for not doing that.:2up:
People are saying the NFL rigged the game so the rams won. Are you complaining now that they rigged it for big market LA?

And roger goddell is in Kansas City to make sure it’s Brady vs the rams. So I’m rooting for New England because you don’t cry when they cheat for you. Just like I’m a hypocrite politically you are a hypocrite here. Go New England or Kansas City

Thanks for acknowledging you are the biggest fucking hypocrite when it comes to politics when the subject concerns PRESIDENTS. now you have even ADMITTED your hypocricy on record i can always refer back in the future.:5_1_12024::2up::beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

as i told dipshit cowturd fan WRONG thread,if you two assholes are not going to talk about the TOPIC of this thread the Rams and Cowboys PLAYOFF rivalry being renewed,,its closing time jerks. :rolleyes:again that goes for EVERYBODY here,talk about the damn topic or this thread is getting closed EVERYBODy here listening? my hunch tells me i am going to have to ask for this thread to be closed and you will ignore this post.:rolleyes:

next person thats off topic,thanks for getting it closed.
OMG someone hacked my account. I didn't write that.

okay thanks for getting the thread closed you two assholes.
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