E-Waste Dumped Into Landfills A Shortsighted Solution


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2015
An increase in population as well as the growth of electronic devices per-capita has created a disposal issue that the world has yet to address. The quantity of e-waste being generated has been on the rise, the total amount of e-waste produced will reach 50 million tons in 2018, nearly 50 percent more than in 2010.

Government and the EPA has made it so difficult to legally recycle these products within its so called "safe" parameters that business steers clear of this market because of the massive liabilities. In fact government rules as to how e-waste is handled, disposed of, and recycled add to and greatly limit the amount that is recycled. With many people simply unaware or not caring how they dispose of their e-waste they slip it into the trash sending it to a landfill even though it is illegal in many states.

The prize for recycling these products is very appealing. One report states that the gold content from e-waste in 2014 is roughly 300 tons, which represents 11% of the global gold production from mines in 2013. The article below delves into how and why we are failing to handle e-waste in an intelligent manner.


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