
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama should be impeached ASAP for dereliction of duty, abuse of power and gross miscarriage of justice.
EWIs and overstayers both is a crime punishable by deportation per Federal Immigration and Nationality Act.
Immigration and Nationality Act Section 237 (a)(1)(B) which says:
"Any alien who is present in the United States in violation of this Act or any other law of the United States is deportable."
The law does not say only criminal Illegal Aliens are subject to deportation. This new rule to stop deportation of non-criminal Illegal Aliens is nothing more than “back door amnesty” without even a fine.
Obama Stops Automatic Deportation of Illegal Aliens | TheBlaze.com

And it sends to message that if you can successfully cross the border and get past border patrol agents you are welcome and you will not be deported and eventually you can bring your extended family over.

The new rule say that those serving in our military will not be deported. (Illegal Aliens are not allowed to serve in our military) If you are a student you will not deported. (there are some very good schools in Mexico. American student go to them because they are affordable) If you are working you will not be deported. (If you are working in this country you are committing a felon because your are using false or stolen Social Security number, stolen identifications or false and fraudulent documents.) They are also taking jobs away from Americans who want a better life for their families.

This new rule on deportation is the biggest threat to controlling illegal immigration, miscarriage of justice, derelict of duty and abuse of power by Obama and he should be impeached. ASAP. He need Latino voters and this will assure him their votes.
What is it about illegal that a “deportation review” is needed. If one cannot prove they are in the country legally, there should be a fast trip back across the border.

This “rule” puts a halt to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s apprehending, detaining and turning illegal over to ICE for deportation because they will not be deported and back on the same streets or job from which they were apprehended. And put a halt to state’s new immigration laws. This rule will bring them out of the shadows because they will have no fear of deportation. Will Obama’s next step be to defund ICE?

How does the cost of “deportation reviews” compare with cost of “mandatory E-Verify? Mandatory E-Verify would eliminate the need for a “deportation review” and would save us millions. What part of illegal has to be reviewed? If they cannot work they would leave by passing a deportation review.

Part of Obama’s job description is to enforce our laws. All of them. Not to by pass them with other laws.
How much will review the remaining 300,000 deportation cost and how long will it take? Never ending review and cost our our future.
All illegals must be located and forcibly deported .March their asses to the nearest spot on the border and use a swift kick to kick them across.They should not be able to carry any belongings with them .They came here with just the clothes on their backs and they should go home the same way.
Secure the border all the way from Brownsville,Texas to San Diego ,California with a massive number of armed military ( about 300,000 should do the trick) --with instructions "shoot to kill" .
All illegals must be located and forcibly deported .March their asses to the nearest spot on the border and use a swift kick to kick them across.They should not be able to carry any belongings with them .They came here with just the clothes on their backs and they should go home the same way.
Secure the border all the way from Brownsville,Texas to San Diego ,California with a massive number of armed military ( about 300,000 should do the trick) --with instructions "shoot to kill" .

I belive rounding them up and deporting will cost much less than amnesty or reviewing deportations. Anything other then deportation is a waste of time and money when we want to stop illegal immigraiton and drug smuggling. I also believe any property aquired should be taken to pay for their deportations.
If we were invaded by any others we would shoot to kill. Illegal aliens are more a threat than terrorists al qaeda or taliban.
All illegals must be located and forcibly deported .March their asses to the nearest spot on the border and use a swift kick to kick them across.They should not be able to carry any belongings with them .They came here with just the clothes on their backs and they should go home the same way.
Secure the border all the way from Brownsville,Texas to San Diego ,California with a massive number of armed military ( about 300,000 should do the trick) --with instructions "shoot to kill" .

Texan don I feel you have some hate issues I suggest TAKE it easy you choose the wrong way but agree With e-verify thats a good strategy also verify the ssn when provide EBT cards, another one so good is seized all the persons who cannot proof licence,insurance and legal status,. Shooting That s stupid you not at western times.
How much will review the remaining 300,000 deportation cost and how long will it take? Never ending review and cost our our future.

Review for what? There should never be a review when some one is found to be in the country illegally. Review is not in the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act.
How much will review the remaining 300,000 deportation cost and how long will it take? Never ending review and cost our our future.

Review for what? There should never be a review when some one is found to be in the country illegally. Review is not in the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act.

It is in the Constitution, however – the 14th Amendment.

All persons in the United States are entitled to due process, including undocumented immigrants. See: Plyler v. Doe (1982). One cannot be subject to punitive measures such as deportation until found guilty of a crime, including that of being in the country illegally.

Lack of a SSN may be evidence in the prosecution of someone suspected of being undocumented, but persons cannot be deported absent due process simply because you think they’re ‘illegal.’
All illegals must be located and forcibly deported .March their asses to the nearest spot on the border and use a swift kick to kick them across.They should not be able to carry any belongings with them .They came here with just the clothes on their backs and they should go home the same way.
Secure the border all the way from Brownsville,Texas to San Diego ,California with a massive number of armed military ( about 300,000 should do the trick) --with instructions "shoot to kill" .

Texan don I feel you have some hate issues I suggest TAKE it easy you choose the wrong way but agree With e-verify thats a good strategy also verify the ssn when provide EBT cards, another one so good is seized all the persons who cannot proof licence,insurance and legal status,. Shooting That s stupid you not at western times.

I agree with LoL. If we can establish and administer e-verify, we can damned well set up a database to screen illegals. As for verify ssn when EBT cards or other goodies are handed out? How about we STOP passing out goodies. Illegal means they have broken the law. Of course, this is all moot discussion as long as our government resists closing the borders to additional invasion.
A short time ago when we were discussing cutbacks in the military, etc., a graph showed that we spend many times the amount of the military's annual budget in our social programs. It's no secret that illegal aliens have overburdened our social programs to the bursting point.
I believe if we took immediate action to relieve some of that pressure, our budgeting problems would be helped tremendously.
I think we should expand on E-verify and refuse to help anyone who cannot provide either proof of citizenship or a valid student or work visa. Those that cannot provide adequate documentation should be on the next bus to the nearest US border point and sent walking across it. And those that come back across those borders in the same fashion should be dealt with both swiftly and harshly.

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