Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Li


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life"
Sen. Dick Durbin reacts to the tornadoes in Dallas, Texas earlier this week. Durbin calls for more laws regulating carbon output while he sends a dire warning that we must convert to hybrid cars or lose our life. Durbin says we must spend money now to fix the problem.

"It's your money or your life," he said a press conference. "We are either going to dedicate ourselves to a cleaner, more livable planet and accept the initial investment necessary or we're going to pay a heavier price in terms of loss of human life, damage and costs associated with it."
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life" | RealClearPolitics

This guy doesn't have all his geece in order.:eusa_boohoo:
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life"
Sen. Dick Durbin reacts to the tornadoes in Dallas, Texas earlier this week. Durbin calls for more laws regulating carbon output while he sends a dire warning that we must convert to hybrid cars or lose our life. Durbin says we must spend money now to fix the problem.

"It's your money or your life," he said a press conference. "We are either going to dedicate ourselves to a cleaner, more livable planet and accept the initial investment necessary or we're going to pay a heavier price in terms of loss of human life, damage and costs associated with it."
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life" | RealClearPolitics

This guy doesn't have all his geece in order.:eusa_boohoo:

You seem a little confused, maybe if you reread it..
The longer we, the human race, continue putting ever increasing amounts of GHGs into the atmosphere, the worse the inevitable consequences are going to be. While vehicles that use less fuel are just one small component of the problem, it is a part of the solution of the problem.

We put more GHGs into the atmosphere, more energy is retained in the atmosphere, and we have a more energetic atmosphere. As in storms, whether tornadoes, extreme precipitation events, or hurricanes. And people die in these events.

As the weather gets increasingly dicey, we lose crops. Those nations that are already teetering on the edge of existence then have people dying of starvation. It is already happening. And will get worse.

The way that Durbin states it is a bit flambouyant, but is not inaccurate.
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life"
Sen. Dick Durbin reacts to the tornadoes in Dallas, Texas earlier this week. Durbin calls for more laws regulating carbon output while he sends a dire warning that we must convert to hybrid cars or lose our life. Durbin says we must spend money now to fix the problem.

"It's your money or your life," he said a press conference. "We are either going to dedicate ourselves to a cleaner, more livable planet and accept the initial investment necessary or we're going to pay a heavier price in terms of loss of human life, damage and costs associated with it."
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life" | RealClearPolitics

This guy doesn't have all his geece in order.:eusa_boohoo:

So Durbin thinks cars cause tornados now?


so what caused them in the eon before cars?

and, Why do liberals think everyone they talk to is fucking stoopud?
Durbin is lying and he knows it. Instead of telling people who don't have a job and can't afford to pay their bills to buy a new car to support the presidebts government owned car company, he would be working toward making gas powered cars illegal and start confiscating them off the road.

Global warming is a crock. They've known it was a crock ever since the e-mails detailing the lies were made public.
Build a quality electirc for 18-20K that can go a few hundred miles on a charge.........otherwise, the point is moot.

Lock the thread.


Truth be told........I hope more people beholden to AGW repeat the Durbin story. It just further makes them look like hysterical nutters.
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Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life"
Sen. Dick Durbin reacts to the tornadoes in Dallas, Texas earlier this week. Durbin calls for more laws regulating carbon output while he sends a dire warning that we must convert to hybrid cars or lose our life. Durbin says we must spend money now to fix the problem.

"It's your money or your life," he said a press conference. "We are either going to dedicate ourselves to a cleaner, more livable planet and accept the initial investment necessary or we're going to pay a heavier price in terms of loss of human life, damage and costs associated with it."
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life" | RealClearPolitics
This guy doesn't have all his geece in order.:eusa_boohoo:
So Durbin thinks cars cause tornados now?
so what caused them in the eon before cars
and, Why do liberals think everyone they talk to is fucking stoopud?

No dumbass global warming/climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels causes increases in tornadoes
^Number of tornadoes has increased by 30% due to global warming.
It's a superb campaign issue. It might be better than guns.

Democrats want to take your car.
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life"
Sen. Dick Durbin reacts to the tornadoes in Dallas, Texas earlier this week. Durbin calls for more laws regulating carbon output while he sends a dire warning that we must convert to hybrid cars or lose our life. Durbin says we must spend money now to fix the problem.

"It's your money or your life," he said a press conference. "We are either going to dedicate ourselves to a cleaner, more livable planet and accept the initial investment necessary or we're going to pay a heavier price in terms of loss of human life, damage and costs associated with it."
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life" | RealClearPolitics

This guy doesn't have all his geece in order.:eusa_boohoo:

I'm willing to bet that if Dickless Durbin was a member here, his avatar would be a black and white dog on a red carpet.
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life"
Sen. Dick Durbin reacts to the tornadoes in Dallas, Texas earlier this week. Durbin calls for more laws regulating carbon output while he sends a dire warning that we must convert to hybrid cars or lose our life. Durbin says we must spend money now to fix the problem.

"It's your money or your life," he said a press conference. "We are either going to dedicate ourselves to a cleaner, more livable planet and accept the initial investment necessary or we're going to pay a heavier price in terms of loss of human life, damage and costs associated with it."
Durbin Says We Must Buy Hybrid Cars Because Of Tornadoes: "It's Your Money Or Your Life" | RealClearPolitics
This guy doesn't have all his geece in order.:eusa_boohoo:
So Durbin thinks cars cause tornados now?
so what caused them in the eon before cars
and, Why do liberals think everyone they talk to is fucking stoopud?

No dumbass global warming/climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels causes increases in tornadoes
^Number of tornadoes has increased by 30% due to global warming.


Some of these lefties:D............you could sell them a bag of dog doo for $5,000 a pop if its packaged up by the right k00k.
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