Duke on Obama Nomination

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Obama Wins Demo Nomination: A Black Flag for White America | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD

In reality, Barack Hussein Obama is no more of a danger to the interests of the White American than Hillary Clinton or John McCain. Perhaps he is even less of one, for when traitors become your own leaders they are much more dangerous to you than a powerful enemy outside of your own ranks.

Still, Obama is a signal flag that European Americans have lost control over the government of the nation they founded, a nation that when it was at its best was the a pinnacle of the dreams of Western man. In a sense, America being composed of every heritage of Europe embodied a collective will of our European folk, a power that created great documents of freedom and wonderful examples of courage. It embodied a national will that accomplished the greatest adventure in the history of mankind, the placing of European footprints on the moon.

...Now, the dreams of our forefathers have morphed into our own living nightmares in which anti-White racism and and White self-hate dominate the political and media landscape. Millions of our people face massive racial discrimination in the Newspeak of “affirmative action.” We have lost the educational system our people created and made one of the best in the world, to the point where millions of our people can’t send their kids to the schools their own taxes pay for, where their children not only face educational mediocrity, but often the far worse fate of physical beatings, sexual assaults and the drug environment of gangstas and gangsta rap-infested schools.
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Obama Wins Demo Nomination: A Black Flag for White America | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD

In reality, Barack Hussein Obama is no more of a danger to the interests of the White American than Hillary Clinton or John McCain. Perhaps he is even less of one, for when traitors become your own leaders they are much more dangerous to you than a powerful enemy outside of your own ranks.

Still, Obama is a signal flag that European Americans have lost control over the government of the nation they founded, a nation that when it was at its best was the a pinnacle of the dreams of Western man. In a sense, America being composed of every heritage of Europe embodied a collective will of our European folk, a power that created great documents of freedom and wonderful examples of courage. It embodied a national will that accomplished the greatest adventure in the history of mankind, the placing of European footprints on the moon.

...Now, the dreams of our forefathers have morphed into our own living nightmares in which anti-White racism and and White self-hate dominate the political and media landscape. Millions of our people face massive racial discrimination in the Newspeak of “affirmative action.” We have lost the educational system our people created and made one of the best in the world, to the point where millions of our people can’t send their kids to the schools their own taxes pay for, where their children not only face educational mediocrity, but often the far worse fate of physical beatings, sexual assaults and the drug environment of gangstas and gangsta rap-infested schools.

Whites brought slaves to America. It's your fault you couldn't keep them in check. Instead, the weakness of the white european has led the freed slaves to take over your country. I guess that makes blacks the superior race...
I just read that link, I need a shower. Ewww.

I really like this analogy

"In auto racing, a black flag is the signal used for the car to go to the pits. Barack Obama winning the Democrat Nomination is a black flag for America, a sign of where we as a people and nation are heading…to the pits."

Because the only reason to go into the pits is to get repaired or refueled. Black flags are for cars sent to the garage because they cannot keep up with the pace of the race. Silly racist.:shock:
That article was a nice read. I am leary of Mr. (Dr?) Duke personally.

This is a great line.
David Duke said:
The government and media establishment are embarked on a catastrophic agenda to make European Americans an eventual political minority in the nation we founded.

Whites brought slaves to America. It's your fault you couldn't keep them in check. Instead, the weakness of the white european has led the freed slaves to take over your country. I guess that makes blacks the superior race...

Superior is he who lives at the end of the day.

You actually have a point. Our empathy and morallity has been used against us and if that means that a rude and dumb people vanquish us as was done in Rhodesia and South Africa, what good was our intelllectual superiority? What good is compassion if it lets the murderer sleep in your house durring the rainstorm?

We are a smarter and more industrious race, but what good is that when we allow the heathens of the world to trample upon us? When we see them as equals and have our children associate with their litter, what good is the gift of our genes?

CharlestonChad, be careful on what ammunition you hand out.
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You actually have a point. Our empathy and morallity has been used against us and if that means that a rude and dumb people vanquish us as was done in Rhodesia and South Africa, what good was our intelllectual superiority? What good is compassion if it lets the murderer sleep in your house durring the rainstorm?

The fact that you said your morality is your weakness only means that you are admitting that being racist and a bigot is immoral. Well said. The fact that whites see others as equals is the reason why others are becoming equals. It is the moral thing to do. You racist are unknowingly admitting that racism is immoral.

We are a smarter and more industrious race, but what good is that when we allow the heathens of the world to trample upon us? When we see them as equals and have our children associate with their litter, what good is the gift of our genes?

If the "heathens" can trample on you, then maybe your race isn't as smart and industrious as you think. Your comment is similar to the Patriots saying they are the better team, but the Giants just got the better of them. Fact is, the best team wins, period.

CharlestonChad, be careful on what ammunition you hand out.

I hear ya dog. I'll keep shit tight cause I wouldn't want you to shoot yourself in the other foot next time.
The fact that you said your morality is your weakness only means that you are admitting that being racist and a bigot is immoral.
No. Morality is a weakness when applied to the wrong and underserving person. Our compassion, justice, and 'want to be liked' developed for our own people; that it is tricked and lied onto others is the imorality.

Reread my post. It differs not but a hair from yours.

If the "heathens" can trample on you, then maybe your race isn't as smart and industrious as you think. <snip> Fact is, the best team wins, period.
A more eloquent call to arms I have never heard.
No. Morality is a weakness when applied to the wrong and underserving person. Our compassion, justice, and 'want to be liked' developed for our own people; that it is tricked and lied onto others is the imorality.

Morality is a universal applied to all. If not, then what you perceive as morality isn't actual morality. Morality seeks instill justice into a society. Societies are most functional when in cooperation with other societies. This is evident by the explosion of population around the world once the global economy became existent. The fact that you consider morality not universal is showing that you are not the best fit human for survival. If you wanna start talking bout evolution and such.

A more eloquent call to arms I have never heard.

In the wild, the inferior male will lose the fight and usually does not engage the alpha male for fear of death. Admitting inferiority and then demanding violence is the exact reason you're dumb enough to be a racist. Your fear and insecurities are not advantageous and will only make your life miserable.
Morality is a universal applied to all. If not, then what you perceive as morality isn't actual morality. Morality seeks instill justice into a society. Societies are most functional when in cooperation with other societies. This is evident by the explosion of population around the world once the global economy became existent. The fact that you consider morality not universal is showing that you are not the best fit human for survival. If you wanna start talking bout evolution and such.

In the wild, the inferior male will lose the fight and usually does not engage the alpha male for fear of death. Admitting inferiority and then demanding violence is the exact reason you're dumb enough to be a racist. Your fear and insecurities are not advantageous and will only make your life miserable.

I have to disagree with you here. Morality is arbitrary, based on societal belief. There is no inherent set of morals.

I would argue that a human willing to judge for him/herself what is right and wrong and not blindly follow the herd would in fact be the best fit to survive.

You're mixing two different theories. Societal cooperation which has led to a population explosion due to the basic fact that society protects and props up its weak vs Man's basic instinct to survive. The former is a contradiction to natural selection.

If so, we have a big problem.

A child in China you've never met is owed the same duty of care you owe your own children.

Those plane tickets are going to start adding up, Chad.

Ahhhhh, you've shown another of your flaws in being a racist. You ASSUME that your family is more deserving than strangers, BUT in actuality, strangers are deserving the same moral treatment as your family. This doesn't mean we have to fly to China, rather we need to treat those in China like we would those in America to the best of our abilities.
You ASSUME that your family is more deserving than strangers, BUT in actuality, strangers are deserving the same moral treatment as your family. This doesn't mean we have to fly to China, rather we need to treat those in China like we would those in America to the best of our abilities.

OK. How are you treating those in China -- actually, everyone in the world, given your position -- "like we would those in America"?
I vote to elect politicians who feel a responsibility to aid those around the world in need. There isn't much more I can do than that.

WJ, are you religious?

I have a question insofar as your expressed ethics are concerned ....

What if "other people" don't wish to be treated in the manner you believe they should?

For example ... you liberate a people oppressed by a ruthless military dictatorship and "give them democracy" and they just look at you like you're nuts and go back to killing each other over their little patches of sand like they were doing before the aforementioned ruthless dictator suppressed their homicidal urges.

Another example would be the white man vs Native American society. Euro-Christians and their Christian kindness and peace offerings were seen as weak by Native Americans. In their mindset, whites only traded for what they were not capable of getting/making themselves and only offered peace because they were afraid to fight.

Whites had this straight-up, stand up on the battlefield code of chivalry for conducting warfare while it just made good common sense to a Native American to shoot from ambush thereby reducing the risk to himself. A whte man caught stealing a horse was hanged. A Native American that was a good horse thief was a good provider.

I'm just curious as to what you base the ideal of this univeral morality on.
I have a question insofar as your expressed ethics are concerned ....

What if "other people" don't wish to be treated in the manner you believe they should?

For example ... you liberate a people oppressed by a ruthless military dictatorship and "give them democracy" and they just look at you like you're nuts and go back to killing each other over their little patches of sand like they were doing before the aforementioned ruthless dictator suppressed their homicidal urges.

Another example would be the white man vs Native American society. Euro-Christians and their Christian kindness and peace offerings were seen as weak by Native Americans. In their mindset, whites only traded for what they were not capable of getting/making themselves and only offered peace because they were afraid to fight.

Whites had this straight-up, stand up on the battlefield code of chivalry for conducting warfare while it just made good common sense to a Native American to shoot from ambush thereby reducing the risk to himself. A whte man caught stealing a horse was hanged. A Native American that was a good horse thief was a good provider.

I'm just curious as to what you base the ideal of this univeral morality on.

I am my brothers keeper.
Do to others what you want others to do to you.

Basically, help those in need of help. Don't force ideals on people. Don't kill. It's pretty simple and universal around the world.
I am my brothers keeper.
Do to others what you want others to do to you.

Basically, help those in need of help. Don't force ideals on people. Don't kill. It's pretty simple and universal around the world.

My point is, it is not universal. It is universal within Euro-Western societies. It is a societal belief.

You don't see that humanitarian stuff in Southeast Asia or the Middle East except where WE have introduced it through first colonialism then later aid.
My point is, it is not universal. It is universal within Euro-Western societies. It is a societal belief.

You don't see that humanitarian stuff in Southeast Asia or the Middle East except where WE have introduced it through first colonialism then later aid.

The bonding of people for a better adapted society is an example of cooperation. Cooperation is putting aside differences for a greater advantage. This happens all over the world.
**in a story teller's voice**
Hey maybe if the fore-fathers/European Americans never had slaves then just maybe White people would have America all to them selves. However, White America needed people for labor, they were too lazy to do it them selves. Then some of the White people realized that maybe slavery isn't a good idea, that the slaves were actually real people who had rights. Also some of the White people started working on their own and realized slavery was hurting their economy. So White America fought. As a result, the slaves were freed. But White America couldn't send them back to Africa, it would be too costly. White America didn't want to split the land in half, instead they wanted to exclude them from the society they built and forced them to live in. Now that the slaves are deemed as people and have rights and more White people are educated, America is the land of the Free. Every group is welcomed and has the opportunity to advance. Oh wait I forgot to mention how Europeans/White America stole America from the Natives, so this isn't really their land anyhow. But they are still are in denial about that. :cuckoo:

Hope this helps :lol:
No. Morality is a weakness when applied to the wrong and underserving person. Our compassion, justice, and 'want to be liked' developed for our own people; that it is tricked and lied onto others is the imorality.
Morality is a universal applied to all. If not, then what you perceive as morality isn't actual morality.
You have not refuted my point. Poisonous animals are not allowed to roam free in your home. You is DNA, you continue through children and are a part of a greater continuance of related parts -- thus your point fails. Treat each accordingly as deserved.

Societies are most functional when in cooperation with other societies.
Unsubstaniated and arguing for mass segregation of populations.

This is evident by the explosion of population around the world once the global economy became existent.
Global population explosion occured as a result of western agricultural revolution, western industrial revolution, and western medical technology. This happened under Western Imperialism.

In the wild, the inferior male will lose the fight and usually does not engage the alpha male for fear of death.
Our ancient ancestors, who now live in the Happy Hunting Ground, invented the "giant-heavy-stick-to-the-back-of-the-head" technique to settle the "wild-alpha-male" problem.

Admitting inferiority and then demanding violence is the exact reason you're dumb enough to be a racist.
I admitted nothing of the sort and have yet to demand violence. Admitting a condition of inferiority, though, is what drives innovation.

Ahhhhh, you've shown another of your flaws in being a racist. You ASSUME that your family is more deserving than strangers, BUT in actuality, strangers are deserving the same moral treatment as your family. This doesn't mean we have to fly to China, rather we need to treat those in China like we would those in America to the best of our abilities.
This was not directed at me but I will answer as well.
My family is MORE deserving than strangers. It is a closer match to DNA and thus is closer to being YOU. A stranger is deserving of being left unmolested as long as it is not in the interest of your family to do otherwise.

I vote to elect politicians who feel a responsibility to aid those around the world in need.
Stupid and incorrect. You do not addle civilizations that can not stand on their own yet. Malthus lears at you from his grave as well.

There isn't much more I can do than that.
As stated above you are stupid. You wish to steal money from one group of people to pay for another group of people. You do not donate money, supplies, or your own labor to charities but want to steal the money of other people to accomplish the things you are not obliged to do personally.

I am my brothers keeper.
Do not interfere with other intraspecies groups until they confilct with my group's interest. Save the foreigner from eminent doom but only as buffer cushion for species survival if my group is destroyed -- unless they conflict with my group's interest.

Help group members of my intraspecies group so far as the doing of so improves the chances of group survival and do not threaten or impend upon further personal subgroup obligations.

Do to others what you want others to do to you.
Leave me alone, let me fail on my own, and let me keep my earnings.

Basically, help those in need of help. Don't force ideals on people. Don't kill. It's pretty simple and universal around the world.
Killing is quite justified and an acceptable form of morale improvement.

Hey maybe if the fore-fathers/European Americans never had slaves then just maybe White people would have America all to them selves.
That could still happen if matters keep degenerating.

However, White America needed people for labor, they were too lazy to do it them selves.
No stupid. There was initially a labor shortage but subsequent to more colonization the issue was not laziness (no way one family could tend a plantation and no way the lower class would have turned away paying work) but greed -- profit-before-patriotism.

Then some of the White people realized that maybe slavery isn't a good idea
Denied jobs to White people and introduced a competeing population into the homeland.

Also some of the White people started working on their own and realized slavery was hurting their economy.
Idiot, the ruling, slaving-holding-elite were a minority.

But White America couldn't send them back to Africa, it would be too costly.
Inaccurate. Lincoln was going to ship them off to Panama before he was murdered.

instead they wanted to exclude them from the society they built and forced them to live in.
Do you know what happened in the War Between The States?

Now that the slaves are deemed as people and have rights and more White people are educated, America is the land of the Free. Every group is welcomed and has the opportunity to advance.
America was the Land of the Free, now it is the land of entitlement where any foreign heathen can come and take part ownership of the country. The former slave-labor population is kept as a political-slave population; bundeled all nice in the Great Society.

Oh wait I forgot to mention how Europeans/White America stole America from the Natives, so this isn't really their land anyhow. But they are still are in denial about that.
We conquered the land. What part of small pox blankets and Indian Wars do you not understand?

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