Duh!!!~ Psychologists Can’t Figure Out Why Hardly Anyone Wants To Date A Trans Person

These psychologists need to find an old fashioned psychologist to help the deft, dumb, and blind ones!

The Federalist ^ | Nicole Russell

A recent Journal of Social and Personal Relationships study found that nearly 90 percent of survey respondents are not interested in dating transgender people. In a Psychology Today article on the study, coauthor Karen Blair implies these findings demonstrate significant discrimination—or at least an unwillingness to be inclusive—in dating.

However, instead of pointing out the obvious truth that biological cues are foundational for sexual and romantic attraction, the author goes to great lengths to convey sympathy for the exclusion of transgenders in the dating field as if it’s merely a social justice issue. This is yet another avenue progressives are using to encourage others to deny biological reality and normalize abnormal behaviors.

Blair also found that “only a very small minority of cisgender, heterosexual individuals (3.1%) were willing to date a trans person, a much greater percentage of individuals who identified as bisexual or queer provided inclusive responses (55%).” However, Blair still seems puzzled at the responses that indicated “individuals were least likely to express an interest in dating trans women, even if their sexual identity would otherwise indicate an interest in women (i.e., straight men, lesbian women, or queer/bisexual individuals).”

The extrapolations of this study are painfully obvious: The results indicate that biology-affirming people fail to be attracted, sexually or romantically, to people who have chosen to live outside biological norms. This is not only ideologically sound but biologically normal and healthy. Because of this, many people will continue to find love, and heck, even procreate.

Since this article is a couple of weeks old, I'll extend it a bit. People do not often think through the repercussions of a decision until the ramifications of that decision are out of their control. We can legislate that trans people are not discriminated against, yes. But we cannot FORCE other people to date them.

I mean there it is.

We see this at school when we refer children for special ed evaluations. Let's say we do this in second-third grade for behavioral issues (despite what many here will say, it's NOT to "get them on medicine". We cannot recommend medicine. It's often for other modifications that are more effective than meds anyway). Parents will often refuse even the evaluation for reasons like "we don't want the label", even though they've heard from teacher after teacher, year after year that the behavior is a growing concern.

What inevitably happens then, especially as all the children mature, is that no children want to be friends with your child BECAUSE of the behavior. By this time, your child has been behaving strangely in school for years and years, has a reputation and has lost friendships because of it. We can enforce that all staff and students be "nice" to your child.

But we CANNOT make children form friendships. We just can't.

It's kind of the same thing and teachers have seen that story play out so many times. We try to warn parents that their children WILL lose friendships if steps are not taken--but so many do not listen. I guess trans thought the same thing--that the dating pool was really wider than it was. Sad.
How do Gay men feel about dating trans women? If they are proud of their gay orientation, does throwing this overboard to be in a heterosexual relationship with a trans woman feel like stepping back into the closet?

I don't relate to gay men & I don't get along with gay male culture. Gay men only want butt, and they have no feelings or sympathy for trans women.

Then there's the lesbian crowd. They are not any friendlier. They want somebody with a "beard" or in a "male" role to suck up to them, but they violently & viciously exclude trans women from their female-only space.

Lesbians, gays, and bisexuals tend to be very strict gender segregationists, not at all welcoming to transgender individuals.

I can't say I have any understanding at all about the psychology etc but I do know that, whatever you're going through and have gone through, I have compassion for your suffering. Your choices? Can't comment except that, as a rule, i would not suggest them.

I love how far lefties frame this sorta shit, these days. ". . . An unwillingness to be inclusive - in dating." As though someone's sexual attraction is a function of their will power! If that works, then why don't those rascally homosexuals just stop being difficult and turn straight so we can all stop arguing about it? Why can't the trans people just decide to exclusively be attracted to other trans people and cancel out the problem by pairing off? Oh shit, you mean sexual attraction doesn't work that way? Then stop thinking you can guilt my penis into getting woke.
Local City Hall cops want butt & they can't keep their warrant zipped up in their pants.


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I love how far lefties frame this sorta shit, these days. ". . . An unwillingness to be inclusive - in dating." As though someone's sexual attraction is a function of their will power! If that works, then why don't those rascally homosexuals just stop being difficult and turn straight so we can all stop arguing about it? Why can't the trans people just decide to exclusively be attracted to other trans people and cancel out the problem by pairing off? Oh shit, you mean sexual attraction doesn't work that way? Then stop thinking you can guilt my penis into getting woke.

As if dating, by its very nature, is not exclusive, and SUPPOSED to be exclusive.
As if dating, by its very nature, is not exclusive, and SUPPOSED to be exclusive.

Usually something "dated" is simply old.

There are too many connotations to meeting a "romantic" companion at a pre-arranged date & time at a public place which is usually some well-known local establishment.

Either the gentleman pays the bill and it's sex-for-money, or the lady goes in half-way or "Dutch" and the relationship is over, which is pretty much the same thing anyways.
  • fish-without-a-bicycle
  • mother-in-law's advice
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People shack up in bed in a back alley somewhere & they meet up with someone else in public. It's phony, and the people you meet are more the professional players than they let on.

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