Drudge vs. Liberty Daily


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Drudge - mentions of the IG report in headlines: 0
LibertyDaily - 6 or more. it was a lot more yesterday.

now if you want to talk impeachment or POOR LEFT then drudge is way ahead.

not a huge fan of all the jr high name calling libertydaily does in their headlines but at least i see a different side of the news.

Drudge is dead. they are losing traffic like crazy and hey - in looking at the stats i found out a site they are losing traffic to.

Whatfinger – Whatfinger News

seems more than a drudge ripoff so i'll check it out.

i really miss "the news". i miss the days when a crime was a crime and punishable by law.
I would like to see a news aggregator that excludes CFR and think tank news sources of the establishment and foundations, and only includes independent journalists and independent sources.

Whenever I want to check the news, I have to go to each source individually, and I end up always missing something.

Let's face it, as far as the establishment news? We will eventually get both sides, on all the main events, with links, from this forum right here.


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