NBC Nightly News is a Propagandistic Farce


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I happened to watch it last night and was shocked by how much it keeps lowering its journalistic standards:

1. It led off with the impeachment "closing arguments" but only showed the Democrats' arguments.

2. It then then covered the IG Report on the FISA warrants and only mentioned that the Steele Dossier contained "unverified" information which was paid for by a "third party."

3. It then interviewed a Boeing "whistleblower" who had expressed concerns about the speed of the 737 Max assembly line (even though the two crashes had nothing to do with the assembly process). This story was obviously an implied analogy to the Ukraine "whistleblower" in an attempt to rehabilitate his credibility.

4. The last story was a puff piece about Hunger in America (even though we are the most obese nation on Earth).

I consider the National Enquirer to be a more reliable source of information that NBC News.
I happened to watch it last night and was shocked by how much it keeps lowering its journalistic standards:

So basically, you're upset because they didn't echo any of your lunatic conspiracy theories.

This is how things go with cults. They think everyone outside of the cult is out to get them.
The sad thing is it’s not just NBC, it’s almost all of the MSM.
I happened to watch it last night and was shocked by how much it keeps lowering its journalistic standards:

So basically, you're upset because they didn't echo any of your lunatic conspiracy theories.

This is how things go with cults. They think everyone outside of the cult is out to get them.

Well said, comrade!
One aspect you forgot to mention is the MSN expects people watching to have some kind of brain unlike the Fox entertainment "news" that is solely fake information to support the king Rump.
One aspect you forgot to mention is the MSN expects people watching to have some kind of brain unlike the Fox entertainment "news" that is solely fake information to support the king Rump.
That’s absurd. Those watching DNCMSM are just as dumb as those who watch Fox News. It’s all government run media and just plain propaganda.
I happened to watch it last night and was shocked by how much it keeps lowering its journalistic standards:

So basically, you're upset because they didn't echo any of your lunatic conspiracy theories.

This is how things go with cults. They think everyone outside of the cult is out to get them.
Yep. If you're not constantly engaged in wild distortions of reality to support Trump, you're either a communist or a RINO.
One aspect you forgot to mention is the MSN expects people watching to have some kind of brain unlike the Fox entertainment "news" that is solely fake information to support the king Rump.
That’s absurd. Those watching DNCMSM are just as dumb as those who watch Fox News. It’s all government run media and just plain propaganda.
So you do not discern the difference in the intellect required to digest the noise of Fox Entertainment news and real news from the media?
I happened to watch it last night and was shocked by how much it keeps lowering its journalistic standards:

1. It led off with the impeachment "closing arguments" but only showed the Democrats' arguments.

2. It then then covered the IG Report on the FISA warrants and only mentioned that the Steele Dossier contained "unverified" information which was paid for by a "third party."

3. It then interviewed a Boeing "whistleblower" who had expressed concerns about the speed of the 737 Max assembly line (even though the two crashes had nothing to do with the assembly process). This story was obviously an implied analogy to the Ukraine "whistleblower" in an attempt to rehabilitate his credibility.

4. The last story was a puff piece about Hunger in America (even though we are the most obese nation on Earth).

I consider the National Enquirer to be a more reliable source of information that NBC News.

I simply will not watch any of the MSM bullshit anymore. Walter, Chet and David are all spinning in their graves and Edward gave up on them a long time ago.
Other than financial about all I can tolerate anymore is Fox and that in small doses. I watch the local and weather but as soon as they go to their national parent network programming I grab the remote and change channel.
If I were an advertiser, I wouldn't spend a dime buying airtime from the idiots.
One aspect you forgot to mention is the MSN expects people watching to have some kind of brain unlike the Fox entertainment "news" that is solely fake information to support the king Rump.
That’s absurd. Those watching DNCMSM are just as dumb as those who watch Fox News. It’s all government run media and just plain propaganda.
So you do not discern the difference in the intellect required to digest the noise of Fox Entertainment news and real news from the media?
LOL. What you think is real news is government propaganda. Get informed before posting.

Do some research on the Church Committee from 1975!!!! Then look up Operation Mockingbird.
I post a FACTUAL account of NBC News and you LIBTARDS post NONFACTUAL replies. Are you too stupid to tell the difference, or just dishonest (or both)?
I happened to watch it last night and was shocked by how much it keeps lowering its journalistic standards:

So basically, you're upset because they didn't echo any of your lunatic conspiracy theories.

This is how things go with cults. They think everyone outside of the cult is out to get them.


the 9/11 truthers often claim Alex Jones is as reliable as 60 Minutes.

You can no longer tell the difference between blob supporters and 9/11 Truthers
Obama is the biggest traitor in America history, but he's just a fence post turtle carrying out orders from the same people who ran both Bushes
I happened to watch it last night and was shocked by how much it keeps lowering its journalistic standards:

So basically, you're upset because they didn't echo any of your lunatic conspiracy theories.

This is how things go with cults. They think everyone outside of the cult is out to get them.


the 9/11 truthers often claim Alex Jones is as reliable as 60 Minutes.

You can no longer tell the difference between blob supporters and 9/11 Truthers
When you want to smear all of us with the same paint brush of course you can't tell the difference. That's the way you want it.
I happened to watch it last night and was shocked by how much it keeps lowering its journalistic standards:

So basically, you're upset because they didn't echo any of your lunatic conspiracy theories.

This is how things go with cults. They think everyone outside of the cult is out to get them.


the 9/11 truthers often claim Alex Jones is as reliable as 60 Minutes.

You can no longer tell the difference between blob supporters and 9/11 Truthers
When you want to smear all of us with the same paint brush of course you can't tell the difference. That's the way you want it.

So you feel that the whole Clintons being behind the deaths of 100+ people is bullshit too?
I happened to watch it last night and was shocked by how much it keeps lowering its journalistic standards:

So basically, you're upset because they didn't echo any of your lunatic conspiracy theories.

This is how things go with cults. They think everyone outside of the cult is out to get them.


the 9/11 truthers often claim Alex Jones is as reliable as 60 Minutes.

You can no longer tell the difference between blob supporters and 9/11 Truthers
When you want to smear all of us with the same paint brush of course you can't tell the difference. That's the way you want it.

So you feel that the whole Clintons being behind the deaths of 100+ people is bullshit too?
Yet you think Russia stole the election for Donnie.
I happened to watch it last night and was shocked by how much it keeps lowering its journalistic standards:

1. It led off with the impeachment "closing arguments" but only showed the Democrats' arguments.

2. It then then covered the IG Report on the FISA warrants and only mentioned that the Steele Dossier contained "unverified" information which was paid for by a "third party."

3. It then interviewed a Boeing "whistleblower" who had expressed concerns about the speed of the 737 Max assembly line (even though the two crashes had nothing to do with the assembly process). This story was obviously an implied analogy to the Ukraine "whistleblower" in an attempt to rehabilitate his credibility.

4. The last story was a puff piece about Hunger in America (even though we are the most obese nation on Earth).

I consider the National Enquirer to be a more reliable source of information that NBC News.
I don’t watch them
Or local news any more,, it’s all fake news except for sport scores
The sad thing is it’s not just NBC, it’s almost all of the MSM.

Yes that's correct

It's called Mockingbird media.....CIA media, Deep State controlled media, Globalist socialist Media

American voters didn't know it in the past

Today they know, they are totally aware of what scum Main Stream Media is ....and the socialists they work for.
I watch cnn and msnbc for the shock value of a train wreck, to watch real insane people

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