Drive the DNC Insane....Vote for Bernie in the Primary


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.
Are you saying he can't possibly win? Where have we heard that before?
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.

First off, I doubt you're going to get many Democrats voting for Trump in November. If Bernie wins he beats Trump in a walk. Just look at Bernie's Fox town hall. Fox viewers and followers gave him multiple rounds of applause because he addressed issues that were important to them. Trump couldn't articulate a policy position if his life depended on it.

He better hope Biden is the nominee. If he has to stand on a debate stage with Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, or Klobuchar, he gets shredded and exposed.
Bernie is going to win the first 3 primaries in a row.

Uh oh, guys had better get to work destroying him personally..and fucking fast.

I’m thinking he is colluding with Putin to rig the primaries. Go with that.
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.
no need to. Bernie leads in Iowa, New Hampshire, California, Wisconsin, etc and leads Donald Trump in general election matchup.

Bernie has a majority of democratic votes anyway.
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.

Primarie vote

Democrat voters do not decide the useful idiot peasant peons dont matter to the party establishment lol
At the end democrat super delegates do.If they feel slighted again they will stay home ....moms basement
Bernie's in for a new house

I smell beach front getaway ....

now all ya need is a leftard to give ya the muh muh democracy speech

Come to gulag for the living wage
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.
Are you saying he can't possibly win? Where have we heard that before?
That is exactly what Im saying!
America is not going to elect a communist.
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to get rid of ICE.
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to get rid of US borders
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to implement day of birth abortion.
America is not going to elect a communist who believes there is no such thing as an illegal alien
America is not going to elect a communist who wants free healthcare for illegal aliens
America is not going to elect a communist who believes a 90% tax rate is acceptable
If he becomes the dems candidate Trump wins in a landslide.
It will be like Nixon-McGovern in 72
Sanders can win for all the same reasons Trump won. The difference is that he is not lying about ending socialism for the rich and running the country for the benefit of everyday people.
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.
Are you saying he can't possibly win? Where have we heard that before?
That is exactly what Im saying!
America is not going to elect a communist.
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to get rid of ICE.
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to get rid of US borders
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to implement day of birth abortion.
America is not going to elect a communist who believes there is no such thing as an illegal alien
America is not going to elect a communist who wants free healthcare for illegal aliens
America is not going to elect a communist who believes a 90% tax rate is acceptable
If he becomes the dems candidate Trump wins in a landslide.
It will be like Nixon-McGovern in 72
They elected a corrupt conman, so isn't anything possible? Just to counter the snarks, I'm talking about Trump, OF COURSE. The worst part of it all is that y'all know, but just don't care. it's a sad day in America.
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.
Are you saying he can't possibly win? Where have we heard that before?
That is exactly what Im saying!
America is not going to elect a communist.
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to get rid of ICE.
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to get rid of US borders
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to implement day of birth abortion.
America is not going to elect a communist who believes there is no such thing as an illegal alien
America is not going to elect a communist who wants free healthcare for illegal aliens
America is not going to elect a communist who believes a 90% tax rate is acceptable
If he becomes the dems candidate Trump wins in a landslide.
It will be like Nixon-McGovern in 72
They elected a corrupt conman, so isn't anything possible? Just to counter the snarks, I'm talking about Trump, OF COURSE. The worst part of it all is that y'all know, but just don't care. it's a sad day in America.
America is smarter than to elect a communist. Sanders is a vile shit that is against American Values and would love to destroy the country by eliminating borders and having open immigration. that is what communist do.
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.
Are you saying he can't possibly win? Where have we heard that before?
That is exactly what Im saying!
America is not going to elect a communist.
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to get rid of ICE.
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to get rid of US borders
America is not going to elect a communist who wants to implement day of birth abortion.
America is not going to elect a communist who believes there is no such thing as an illegal alien
America is not going to elect a communist who wants free healthcare for illegal aliens
America is not going to elect a communist who believes a 90% tax rate is acceptable
If he becomes the dems candidate Trump wins in a landslide.
It will be like Nixon-McGovern in 72
They elected a corrupt conman, so isn't anything possible? Just to counter the snarks, I'm talking about Trump, OF COURSE. The worst part of it all is that y'all know, but just don't care. it's a sad day in America.
America is smarter than to elect a communist. Sanders is a vile shit that is against American Values and would love to destroy the country by eliminating borders and having open immigration. that is what communist do.
Never said he would, just pointing out that you support a corrupt conman. At least Sanders is an honest man.
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.

Superdelegates will prevent that.

North Korea has a more democratic system than the DNC...and probably a looser grip on their media.
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.

First off, I doubt you're going to get many Democrats voting for Trump in November. If Bernie wins he beats Trump in a walk. Just look at Bernie's Fox town hall. Fox viewers and followers gave him multiple rounds of applause because he addressed issues that were important to them. Trump couldn't articulate a policy position if his life depended on it.

He better hope Biden is the nominee. If he has to stand on a debate stage with Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, or Klobuchar, he gets shredded and exposed.

Spoken by a man convinced Bernie will never win. Could you play it any safer?
So, wait, you want The GOP to help a Candidate who has said he wanted to build Gulags for Conservatives, put them in work camps, make them dig mass graves and behead us all?
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.

First off, I doubt you're going to get many Democrats voting for Trump in November. If Bernie wins he beats Trump in a walk. Just look at Bernie's Fox town hall. Fox viewers and followers gave him multiple rounds of applause because he addressed issues that were important to them. Trump couldn't articulate a policy position if his life depended on it.

He better hope Biden is the nominee. If he has to stand on a debate stage with Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, or Klobuchar, he gets shredded and exposed.

Here's how a debate between Trump and the Bernout would go:

The Bernout: I want to make this free.

Trump: How are you going to pay for it? Your math doesn't work.

Repeat over and over again for all of the Bernouts free stuff.

Trump would dig up all the batshit crazy stuff the Bernout has said over the last 30 years and run hundreds of commercials on tv.
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.

Superdelegates will prevent that.

Probably not since the DNC voted back in 2018 to change the rules regarding super delegates preventing them from voting on the first ballot in a contested convention. They'll only be allowed to vote on the first ballot if a candidate has already won enough pledged delegates from state primaries and caucuses to secure the nomination regardless of how the super delegates vote.

Democrat super delegates will only be a factor if the nomination goes to a second floor vote and/or beyond.

Democrats strip superdelegates of power in picking presidential nominee
Democrats that are voting for Trump in November should vote for Crazy Bernie in their state primaries and caucuses. If Bernie wins the dem nomination the DNC will implode. No matter it will be fun to watch.
Superdelegates will prevent that. North Korea has a more democratic system than the DNC...and probably a looser grip on their media.
What would Kim, Trump and their minions know about democracy? They're doing everything in their power to turn America into a version of NK's strongman system. Notice how they're saying that Trump deserves a chance at a third term. History tells us that often turns into a demand for a fourth and, then, a presidency-for-life. Don't say you haven't been warned.

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