Dream act kids no guaranteed pay off.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

After investing in these kids education, there is no guarantee that we will recoup the money we invested in them and that they would ever contribute to the country. I know a girl that were brought her illegally when she was 12 years old, attended middle school, high school and four years of college and she has a green card and cannot find a job in the field she was trained for and she is now cleaning houses. How much taxes is she generating? How many jobs has she created? How much has her education cost American tax payers? Will she ever do more than cleaning houses? The economy may never recover enough to provide a job for her in her field that will pay off.
She has a brother that has dropped out of high school and is gang banging. He says dealing in drugs is a career with a guaranteed pay off.
After investing millions of dollars in these kid, it is no guarantee that it will pay off and they will contribute to the economy. If there are lucky some will find jobs but they will be jobs taken away from American children. Just as they have taken away part time after school jobs.
8 million Illegal Aliens in the work force is 8 million jobs taking away from an American citizen. That one American could be one of my grand children and that makes me angry.

American graduates are having to leave the country, the only country they have ever known, to find jobs. Case in point.
Top American graduates heading to India for jobs — RT

Last but least, how many college graduates are in our state and federal prisons.

Obama, how the hell is this the "best thing for America?" Not my America.

After investing in these kids education, there is no guarantee that we will recoup the money we invested in them and that they would ever contribute to the country. I know a girl that were brought her illegally when she was 12 years old, attended middle school, high school and four years of college and she has a green card and cannot find a job in the field she was trained for and she is now cleaning houses. How much taxes is she generating? How many jobs has she created? How much has her education cost American tax payers? Will she ever do more than cleaning houses? The economy may never recover enough to provide a job for her in her field that will pay off.
She has a brother that has dropped out of high school and is gang banging. He says dealing in drugs is a career with a guaranteed pay off.
After investing millions of dollars in these kid, it is no guarantee that it will pay off and they will contribute to the economy. If there are lucky some will find jobs but they will be jobs taken away from American children. Just as they have taken away part time after school jobs.
8 million Illegal Aliens in the work force is 8 million jobs taking away from an American citizen. That one American could be one of my grand children and that makes me angry.

American graduates are having to leave the country, the only country they have ever known, to find jobs. Case in point.
Top American graduates heading to India for jobs — RT

Last but least, how many college graduates are in our state and federal prisons.

Obama, how the hell is this the "best thing for America?" Not my America.

To LilOlLady: Have you noticed the Dream Act gives Democrats what they’ve always demanded? So because Republican Marco Rubio suddenly gives the act legitimacy Democrats and their media mouthpieces are showing up on TV saying they are ready to cross the aisle. Cross the aisle my ass. If Democrats don’t get everything they want Republicans are painted as uncaring obstructionists playing politics with immigration and racists to boot.

I can only hope that conservatives see through the media sales campaign as well as not believe the media con job about Rubio’s conservatism. If anything, he is a full-fledged RINO in the making.
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I think it's truly telling how racist the Democratic party is when one of the ways as brown, illegal kid to get your papers free and clear is to volunteer as cannon fodder in Obama's military adventurism. Rome part II, can't wait for the fall.
What I want to know is... if the people are "undocumented immigrants" how will any of the prerequisites be proven to qualify to stay in the country. Or will they just take their "word" for it when they say say, I came here when I was 5, I've never been in trouble, and I am here for the right reasons. The entire concept is a farce, and Obama has once again shown his desperate attempts to buy people.
Kids who have come here illegally and go to college getting worthless degrees then being unable to find work is only part of the problem. Not even the biggest part of the problem. How many really graduate? How many get into school, rack up thousands in loans, then drop out? They take every resource possible, then abandon it when they realize that they can't go on, and complain about paying back the loans.

American graduates are having to leave the country, the only country they have ever known, to find jobs. Case in point.
Top American graduates heading to India for jobs — RT
India is cool.Brazil is better but 90% of non Latino graduates only speak murkin.Most Indians do business in English so they pretty much understand murkin.
A friend of mine's son got a kickass job in Kuala Lampur (no-it's not a furry animal) but had spent the last 8 years studying the lingo so he could pull it off.
There all a drain on society,nobody in there right mind wants them here,funny Mexico has more natural resources than most any Country , and they still manage to fu@@k it up, so now they can come here and fu@@k-up everything.

What I want to know is... if the people are "undocumented immigrants" how will any of the prerequisites be proven to qualify to stay in the country. Or will they just take their "word" for it when they say say, I came here when I was 5, I've never been in trouble, and I am here for the right reasons. The entire concept is a farce, and Obama has once again shown his desperate attempts to buy people.

I believe this is just a campaign plot by obama, this close to election, to ever be implemented. There is not way to process and as usually it will cost too much. He don't give a Shite about those poor little kids of illegal aliens, he just did a enough to give them a little hope and Romeny took it a bit farther and it is all political pandering by both.

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