Drax: The Traffic Killjoy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Let me tell you a story that could be right out of an American comic book.


The modern world, so wrapped up in speed and conveniences (i.e., eTrade, eBay, etc.) unwittingly released a powerful demon onto the world landscape --- a fortune-shrieking jester ghoul named Drax.

On the campus of a prestigious American Ivy League school, two young men were competing ruthlessly for the affections of the same young woman. One man, named Bradley, would demoralize the motivations of his competitor, Sal, by constantly goading him about his speech impediment: "How are you going to romance a woman when you can't even form quick sentences with consonants?" Sal was not deterred but he became increasingly mad. Was Bradley right? Was Sal handicapped in our world of savvy communiques?

Meanwhile, in a quiet suburban neighborhood, an opportunistic drug dealer named Ernie and his narcotics-smuggling mistress Alexa (who also worked as a stewardess) had enslaved a young Asian couple by making them addicts to their over-priced supply of cocaine. The Asian couple was literally held hostage emotionally (and spiritually).

The American social environment was radically changing, and Hollywood (USA) was making networking-daredevil films such as "The Social Network" (2010) and "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013). A certain wild movie star named Tom Cruise had become so popular for his films about derring-go, that some Puritans were calling him the AntiChrist.

Comic books had become very popular, echoing a newfound populist sentiment for individualistic daydreams and anti-government vigilantism fantasies. A certain band of bandits had formed in Boston, Massachusetts and began carrying out diabolical bank robberies during which they claimed the only reason they were committing these crimes was to announce to the media that they were the ominous Red Hood Gang, intent on conveying to the American public that complacency about wealth and profiteerism has raised up a wrathful spirit of adventure.

In this melee of anarchy and piracy and mania, the demon Drax had risen from the depths of Hell, from the bottomless pit itself. Drax realized that civilization was stinking with the smell of civil unrest and fortune-immaturity. Drax began terrorizing American society in invisible but spooky ways --- he would steal unattended cheeseburgers at fast food joints, disguised as a customer; he would steal Halloween candy from kids, disguised as a clown. Drax wondered how much trouble he could make.

A young new Boston mayor named Will Wheeler believed he knew the 'cure' to this new social malady of profiteerism-related mania, unjustified bravado, and dangerous nihilism. Wheeler began writing a regular column in the Boston Herald about 'traffic hellfire.' It was a matter of pure luck whether or not Wheeler's column would chase away the demonic presence of Drax.
Reversal of Anger

Here's a reversal of the above story, told from the view of a night-listener:

A princely heir of a royal family from Asia named Abu attended the prestigious American Ivy League school Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire) where he experimented with drugs and wild living.

Feeling repentant, he decided to become a priest. He first encountered a strange competition between two college male friends over the same woman, a contest which resulted in one friend killing the other. Abu decided to write a Catholic prayer editorial in a Toronto newspaper about the highly-publicized incident.

Abu then encountered a deadly narcotics operation in an otherwise quiet suburban neighborhood in Washington. It was an opium ring, and Abu decided once again to send to the newspapers a relevant editorial titled, "The Human Cost of Drug Dominions."

Abu then read in the newspapers of a deadly gang of London bank-robbers that would spray corrosive acid on the faces of bank tellers during their diabolical robberies. The gang called themselves the Leatherheads, and Abu decided to send an editorial to the London newspaper titled, "Crime Covens."

Abu was satisfied that he had paid for his sins of youth with diligent priestly social work (i.e., society commentaries). However, he started to have strange dreams about a demonic clown named Drax.

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