Dr. Alveda C. King: Nothing Threatening About Patriotic, Religious Americans

They used to make fun of some weirdos who called Obama “The Messiah”, but now mainstream evangelicals are calling Trump a messiah from the pulpit! Clear violation of the churches’ tax-exempt status, BTW.

Well no. Evangelicals have as much right to state their beliefs as anyone. Now if a candidate is supported from a pulpit, that might run into issues.
Did Mexico pay for that wall? How close to balancing the budget did we come under Trump? How did those negotiations with China that Trump said would be easy go? When are we going to get his tax returns he promised? How about that great health care bill he had ready to go that everyone was going to love?
The wall was a pittance in cost and stopped by Biden. Trump started to bring back manufacturing which was stopped by Biden. Tax returns! Health care bill. We will never know because the maverick ended that idea. Health care is becoming an albatross whether we want to admit or not. Wings of hospitals are just for billing.
They used to make fun of some weirdos who called Obama “The Messiah”, but now mainstream evangelicals are calling Trump a messiah from the pulpit! Clear violation of the churches’ tax-exempt status, BTW.

Quote them.

I'll wait.


Where'd you go konradv? You were just here a second ago. Busy looking up all of those quotes of "evangelicals calling Trump a messiah"?

Still waiting. Normally your erroneous retorts are a little quicker coming.
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The wall was a pittance in cost and stopped by Biden.

Not what I asked but what I generally expect.

Trump started to bring back manufacturing which was stopped by Biden. Tax returns! Health care bill. We will never know because the maverick ended that idea. Health care is becoming an albatross whether we want to admit or not. Wings of hospitals are just for billing.

No, the health care plan could have been presented at any time. You know there never was any such plan.
He has made no changes.

That is an ignorant statement. He is no longer the party boy of the 90's showing up on Playboy magazine. He is a wonderful father and grandfather and has saved the lives of millions of innocent babies.

For all your attempt to appear even handed you are just another ignorant lemming of fake news. Don't be late for your AOC fan club meeting, moron
And it's going to keep getting better and better as their terror of the upcoming midterms grows!

The demonic hate in them is out of control. Did you notice how none of them can directly address Dr Kings words?

Dr. Alveda C. King: Nothing Threatening About Patriotic, Religious Americans

Recently, President Biden escalated the inflammatory rhetoric inundating the American political landscape to a whole new level.

In prepared remarks, President Biden referred to President Trump’s voters as "MAGA Republicans," calling the America First movement "semi-fascism."

These declarations, in effect, smeared the good character of almost half the nation, while demonizing his political opponents.

Mr. President, while this writer remains a "MAGA" supporter, I am by no means a fascist or a threat to this nation.

In fact, I am a Fredrick Douglass Republican, a friend of President Trump, as well as a prayerful American Christian woman.

One who works to unite humanity as one blood, one human race.

Thus, as an American, my goal is that everyone gets to live out the American Dream, regardless of race, age, faith, or creed — and yes, that includes those still in the womb.

I want to see America return to the days when we were a nation that placed our trust in God. I pray every day that our people be safe and blessed.

Nothing about this makes this writer a threat — of any kind.

President Biden, your rhetoric is harmful and irresponsible.
That is an ignorant statement. He is no longer the party boy of the 90's showing up on Playboy magazine. He is a wonderful father and grandfather and has saved the lives of millions of innocent babies.

For all your attempt to appear even handed you are just another ignorant lemming of fake news. Don't be late for your AOC fan club meeting, moron

Again, you address ONE issue that I pointed out. ONE.
The demonic hate in them is out of control. Did you notice how none of them can directly address Dr Kings words?

Dr. Alveda C. King: Nothing Threatening About Patriotic, Religious Americans

Recently, President Biden escalated the inflammatory rhetoric inundating the American political landscape to a whole new level.

In prepared remarks, President Biden referred to President Trump’s voters as "MAGA Republicans," calling the America First movement "semi-fascism."

These declarations, in effect, smeared the good character of almost half the nation, while demonizing his political opponents.

Mr. President, while this writer remains a "MAGA" supporter, I am by no means a fascist or a threat to this nation.

In fact, I am a Fredrick Douglass Republican, a friend of President Trump, as well as a prayerful American Christian woman.

One who works to unite humanity as one blood, one human race.

Thus, as an American, my goal is that everyone gets to live out the American Dream, regardless of race, age, faith, or creed — and yes, that includes those still in the womb.

I want to see America return to the days when we were a nation that placed our trust in God. I pray every day that our people be safe and blessed.

Nothing about this makes this writer a threat — of any kind.

President Biden, your rhetoric is harmful and irresponsible.

I condemned Hillary many times for her "deplorable" comment. While there were many, many reasons to not support her this issue did her in.

I do not support Bidens name calling either.

Trump supporters have no leg to stand on here though.
Not what I asked but what I generally expect.

No, the health care plan could have been presented at any time. You know there never was any such plan.
There were plans, but in that Republican Congress there was Ryan, Romney, McCain, and other RINOs.
They used to make fun of some weirdos who called Obama “The Messiah”, but now mainstream evangelicals are calling Trump a messiah from the pulpit! Clear violation of the churches’ tax-exempt status, BTW.
Oh, konradv, about those "evangelicals who are calling Trump a messiah".....................................

We're still waiting.

Perhaps it's time for you to just admit you made that up.
Is it me, or did not one single dem in this thread try to directly address the words of Dr King? It was all hate and attacks and insults having nothing to do with what she wrote.
It's because they have been taught from birth that shit-flinging is the way to get what you want.
I am still not able to wrap my head around the idea that certain segments of Christians have fallen behind a guy with a long history of lying, cheating others, taking the Lord's name in vain, adultery and I could go on.

Have you ever heard of redemption?

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