DOW breaks the 30K mark! Congratulations President Trump!


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

New York (CNN Business)Dow 30,000 is a milestone nearly 125 years in the making.
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and it has served as a broad measure of the market's health through 22 presidents, 24 recessions, a Great Depression and two global pandemics. Along the way, it also weathered at least two stock market crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets.
The blue chip index took just over 120 years to crack the 20,000 mark for the first time in early 2017, just after President Donald Trump took office. It needed just less than a year after that to reach the 25,000 mark on January 4, 2018.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)
Yeah, you run with that one, skippy.
If Trump had done nothing and let the market do what it would do, you would be on to something.
The fact that Trump got rid of Obama's EO's regarding businesses and the economy, well, that negates
what you're trying to lie about.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

New York (CNN Business)Dow 30,000 is a milestone nearly 125 years in the making.
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and it has served as a broad measure of the market's health through 22 presidents, 24 recessions, a Great Depression and two global pandemics. Along the way, it also weathered at least two stock market crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets.
The blue chip index took just over 120 years to crack the 20,000 mark for the first time in early 2017, just after President Donald Trump took office. It needed just less than a year after that to reach the 25,000 mark on January 4, 2018.

Yes......thank you President Trump....MAGA......

Sadly, when the Chinese take over through the democrat party, the economy is going to crash and burn.....
The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there
And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE. Thanks Barack!

Gee, JackOff, what a BOOB you are! Barack was part of the democrat group in 2006 who blindly IGNORED GW's warnings and CAUSED the economic collapse in the first place! Then they put him in office to "fix it."

What was he going to do, JerksOff, make it worse? Take us from the worst economy since the depression farther DOWN?

It took him EIGHT LONG YEARS to finally bring it around, at a near DOUBLING of our debt! More than all previous presidents combined!

You got royally SHAFTED by your government and like the Clueless Cluck you are, here you are bending over asking for MORE of it while thanking your jailers for DOING IT! :auiqs.jpg:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

New York (CNN Business)Dow 30,000 is a milestone nearly 125 years in the making.
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and it has served as a broad measure of the market's health through 22 presidents, 24 recessions, a Great Depression and two global pandemics. Along the way, it also weathered at least two stock market crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets.
The blue chip index took just over 120 years to crack the 20,000 mark for the first time in early 2017, just after President Donald Trump took office. It needed just less than a year after that to reach the 25,000 mark on January 4, 2018.

THE TRUMP VACCINE is driving the markets up on top of the taxation cuts.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)
Yeah, you run with that one, skippy.
If Trump had done nothing and let the market do what it would do, you would be on to something.
The fact that Trump got rid of Obama's EO's regarding businesses and the economy, well, that negates
what you're trying to lie about.

Nice try, but fail. Businesses adapt to regulations. In fact, they had. And those Trump reversals will be reversed..again. :)
If you're going to give credit to Trump (who had nothing to do with any economic growth) then you have to give credit to
his predecessor...who handed off a growing economy...even with all those mean regulations. :)
The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there
And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE. Thanks Barack!

Gee, JackOff, what a BOOB you are! Barack was part of the democrat group in 2006 who blindly IGNORED GW's warnings and CAUSED the economic collapse in the first place! Then they put him in office to "fix it."

What was he goes to do, JerksOff, make it worse? Take us from the worst economy since the depression farther DOWN?

It took him EIGHT LONG YEARS to finally bring it around, at a near DOUBLING of our debt! More than all previous presents combined!

You got royally SHAFTED by your government and like the Clueless Cluck you are, here you are bending over asking for MORE of it while thanking your jailers for DOING IT! :auiqs.jpg:


Wow, that's a lot of misplaced anger. Kind of funny actually.
Your grasp of recent history mirrors that of the collective alt-right...which is to say. None.
I remember an economy in shambles in 2008. And I remember Obama and the Democrats pulling the country out of it in two years. :)
The real estate debacle (caused by both parties) was only a part of the economic collapse.

And stop with the whole debt/deficit shit. Trump was on track to bring us a 1.2 trillion deficit before the pandemic hit.
Republicans have been the party of the deficit since Reagan. Neither side can lay claim to being deficit hawks..even though Republicans give it their best shot.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)
Yeah, you run with that one, skippy.
If Trump had done nothing and let the market do what it would do, you would be on to something.
The fact that Trump got rid of Obama's EO's regarding businesses and the economy, well, that negates
what you're trying to lie about.

Nice try, but fail. Businesses adapt to regulations. In fact, they had. And those Trump reversals will be reversed..again. :)
If you're going to give credit to Trump (who had nothing to do with any economic growth) then you have to give credit to
his predecessor...who handed off a growing economy...even with all those mean regulations. :)
Slowest recovery ever for a recession, Thank YOU Obama.
Trump was handed an anemic recovery and strengthened the economy.
If the economy wasn't anemic the entire time Obama was in office the fed reserve would have started raising the lending rates.
I'm sure they will be reversed by your tribe, and if so, the economy will feel the weight of it it. After all, businesses do so well
with higher taxes, especially the small businesses. :rolleyes-41: The larger ones will probably move overseas like they did before.
Not even a good try on your behalf
Just sayin'

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE.
Thanks Barack! :)
Yeah, you run with that one, skippy.
If Trump had done nothing and let the market do what it would do, you would be on to something.
The fact that Trump got rid of Obama's EO's regarding businesses and the economy, well, that negates
what you're trying to lie about.

Nice try, but fail. Businesses adapt to regulations. In fact, they had. And those Trump reversals will be reversed..again. :)
If you're going to give credit to Trump (who had nothing to do with any economic growth) then you have to give credit to
his predecessor...who handed off a growing economy...even with all those mean regulations. :)
Stop throwing the shit. the Globalist Tax that will be fronted as the Climate Change Agenda will make many Americans poorer.
The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there
And the growth started under Obama, who left his predecessor with a growing economy and falling UE. Thanks Barack!

Gee, JackOff, what a BOOB you are! Barack was part of the democrat group in 2006 who blindly IGNORED GW's warnings and CAUSED the economic collapse in the first place! Then they put him in office to "fix it."

What was he goes to do, JerksOff, make it worse? Take us from the worst economy since the depression farther DOWN?

It took him EIGHT LONG YEARS to finally bring it around, at a near DOUBLING of our debt! More than all previous presents combined!

You got royally SHAFTED by your government and like the Clueless Cluck you are, here you are bending over asking for MORE of it while thanking your jailers for DOING IT! :auiqs.jpg:


Wow, that's a lot of misplaced anger. Kind of funny actually.
Your grasp of recent history mirrors that of the collective alt-right...which is to say. None.
I remember an economy in shambles in 2008. And I remember Obama and the Democrats pulling the country out of it in two years. :)
The real estate debacle (caused by both parties) was only a part of the economic collapse.

And stop with the whole debt/deficit shit. Trump was on track to bring us a 1.2 trillion deficit before the pandemic hit.
Republicans have been the party of the deficit since Reagan. Neither side can lay claim to being deficit hawks..even though Republicans give it their best shot.

Hahaha @ two years. Eight years of anemic growth is more like it
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

New York (CNN Business)Dow 30,000 is a milestone nearly 125 years in the making.
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and it has served as a broad measure of the market's health through 22 presidents, 24 recessions, a Great Depression and two global pandemics. Along the way, it also weathered at least two stock market crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets.
The blue chip index took just over 120 years to crack the 20,000 mark for the first time in early 2017, just after President Donald Trump took office. It needed just less than a year after that to reach the 25,000 mark on January 4, 2018.

Pathetic nonsense.

There’s no evidence Trump’s fiscal policies had anything to do with the Dow hitting 30,000.

It’s more likely in response to news that the Biden transition has started and Biden will soon be president.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

The Dow just hit 30,000. It was a long road to get there

New York (CNN Business)Dow 30,000 is a milestone nearly 125 years in the making.
The average began tracking the most powerful corporate stocks in 1896, and it has served as a broad measure of the market's health through 22 presidents, 24 recessions, a Great Depression and two global pandemics. Along the way, it also weathered at least two stock market crashes and innumerable rallies, corrections, bull and bear markets.
The blue chip index took just over 120 years to crack the 20,000 mark for the first time in early 2017, just after President Donald Trump took office. It needed just less than a year after that to reach the 25,000 mark on January 4, 2018.

Pathetic nonsense.

There’s no evidence Trump’s fiscal policies had anything to do with the Dow hitting 30,000.

It’s more likely in response to news that the Biden transition has started and Biden will soon be president.

Oh BS, another topic you slither into you know zilch about

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