DOUBLE OUCH! How Barack Obama Became Mr. Unpopular

Unfortunately the country is not!

In September of 1982 the unemployment rate was 10.1% and the economy was in recession.

That would make you factually incorrect, at least vs. Reagan.

Oh, and btw, it was this month in 1982 that Reagan signed the biggest tax increase in history.

Didn't get the memo.....they announced last year that they were changing the way the calculate unemployment now. I think this was done to keep the rate below 10 percent.

The real unemployment rate is somewhere around 20 percent.

Please provide a link that Reagan signed the biggest tax increase in date. Not biggest increase in 1982.

The highest rate of unemployment under Reagan was 10.8%. The discontinued U-7 series, which closely approximates the U-6 series today, under Reagan was just under 16% at the peak. Today it is 16.7%. There is no evidence that the change in the U-3 series significantly altered how the rate of unemployment was calculated.

But there is a big difference in this recession and the recession of the early 1980s. During Bush's time in office, nonfarm payrolls were negative 40 or 96 months. Bush experienced a balance sheet recession caused by the collapse of the Tech Bubble. Obama is facing the same phenomenon, only it is multiples times bigger. Reagan faced a recession caused by skyrocketing inflation. This recession and the recessions of the early 1980s are two very different animals.
Liberals who are giving him a thumbs down on approval right now will be voting for him in 2012.

Obama is still doing better than both Reagan and Clinton at this point in their presidencies.

Unfortunately the country is not!

In September of 1982 the unemployment rate was 10.1% and the economy was in recession.

That would make you factually incorrect, at least vs. Reagan.

Oh, and btw, it was this month in 1982 that Reagan signed the biggest tax increase in history.

If you look the true figures, unemployment is over 20%. If you factor the way the jobs are counted along with the created or saved garbage.
How nation's true jobless rate is closer to 22% -

Real unemployment rate higher than federal figures - MSN Money - New Investor Center

Then we could debate the deficit which in 09 rose 16% inn 1 year which put it at 3.2 trillion.

Tell me again "factually" how the Regan era was worse.
By the way...there's no proof Obama is any more intelligent then Bush. He can't give a speech without a teleprompter and he has problems pronouncing words like corpsman. He can't remember how many states he's been to or what religion he belongs to.
You're not just putting me on, are you? :tongue:
How Barack Obama Became Mr. Unpopular

The Barack Obama that most Hoosiers remember voting for can still be found on YouTube. He stands before a cheering Elkhart high school gymnasium in August 2008, tireless, aspirational, promising a new America of jobs and hope. "We can choose another future," says the newcomer with the funny name. "So I ask you to join me."

Today that view of Obama is harder to find in Indiana. A couple of weeks back and a dozen miles west of Elkhart, hundreds gathered in another school gym - except this time it was for a job fair. With the local unemployment rate above 12% and rising again this summer, about a third of the employer display tables stood empty. Julie Griffin, who voted for Obama in '08, sat down at the room's edge, well dressed and discouraged. After 23 years as a payroll administrator at a local RV plant, she got laid off 18 months ago. "Really, what has he been doing?" she said when I asked about Obama's efforts to help people like her. "I guess I don't know what he is doing." (See TIME's 2008 Person of the Year: Barack Obama.)

This shift in perception - from Obama as political savior to Obama as creature of Washington - can be seen elsewhere. When Obama arrived in office in January '09, his Gallup approval rating stood at 68%, a high for a newly elected leader not seen since John Kennedy in 1961. Today Obama's job approval has been hovering in the mid-40s, which means that at least 1 in 4 Americans has changed his or her mind. The plunge has been particularly dramatic among independents, whites and those under age 30. With midterm elections just nine weeks off, instead of the generational transformation some Democrats predicted after 2008, the President's party teeters on the brink of a broad setback in November, including the possible loss of both houses of Congress. By a 10-point margin, people say they will vote for Republicans over Democrats in Congress, the largest such gap ever recorded by Gallup. (See pictures of Barack Obama behind the scenes on Inauguration Day.)

How Barack Obama Became Mr. Unpopular - Yahoo! News

This is from Time Magazine! :eek: Obama Unpopular Ahead of Midterms: Will the GOP Benefit? - TIME

When the lib media starts turning on Obama like that, you know Obama is in trouble! :eek::eek:

Now, of course later in the article they do a bunch of CYA's because OF COURSE, it's not really "Obama's fault." Noooooooooo, of course not.

But let's face it. Obama is not Mr. Wonderful anymore and the messiah liberals were hoping was going to take them to their socialst promised land.

Instead, he turns out to be another Jimmy Carter. Full of talk and radical leftism, and not much else.


The Obama candidacy is far different than the Obama Presidency, and that's a function of the financial meltdown that happened at about the time it was generally assumed he'd be elected. Many on the progressive side shit their collective pants when that happened because while it almost guaranteed his election, the money to do what they really wanted was gone.

And now we're left with a policy perspective of having to first get the government to further intrude into the economy to raise the money and then do their thing. That stance is being rejected.
Obama has no one to blame but himself for his steady drop in the polls. I wanted so badly for Obama to succeed. I wanted him to lead this proud nation the way she deserves to be lead.

Unfortunately he is headed in the wrong direction. He has made many mistakes. Some of those are...

1) Divides the parties further instead of bringing them together for the greater good of the nation.
2) Appointed the absolute worst AG in American history.
3) Let the New Black Panthers off the hook.
4) Appointed an extreme, radical, inexperienced individual to the Supreme Court.
5) His Stimulus plan has been a colossal failure.
6) Pulling out of Iraq too soon.
7) Apology-Fest.
8) Interfering with the Arizona Immigration laws.
9) Weak on illegal immigration.
10) Obama Care
11) Cash or Clunkers was a failure.
12) Auto bailouts.

Now Obama still has a chance to turn this ship around and leave us with a positive legacy but he's going to have to take a deep, moral inventory of himself to accomplish this.

You know what Obama needs to do? He needs to reach out to Bill Clinton and ask for help. He needs to be mentored by Bill and get his guidance on how to right this ship. Clinton was a damn fine POTUS and someone Obama can trust. Let Bill be his political advisor. I would think Clinton would want to help Obama in any way he can.

Obama has potential but he needs to knock off the bullshit and get serious. He needs to lead this country from the front. He needs to look back to us and say "Follow me."

Bill Clinton didn't turn this economy around! :lol::lol::lol:

Republicans turned the economy around by FORCING him to do the things necessary to fix it.

We were in a recession until Republicans won in 1994.

They forced Clinton to do Welfare Reform, Capital Gains Tax Cuts, and other things.

THAT turned the economy around. Then Billy Boy had the nerve to take credit for it (when he ran in 1996) when he drug his feet like crazy not to sign any of it.

No, the Republicans managed to get the government to back off enough for the happenstance expansion to occur despite both fuckwit big government parties.

The Republicans deserve no credit for the 1990s, they just weren't as bad as the Democrats.

Educate yourself on Economics if you're going to claim to be part of the TEA Party.
If you think his popularity has only dropped with conservaitves, then you are not paying attention.

OIr you are paying attention to the worng material.

Liberals who are giving him a thumbs down on approval right now will be voting for him in 2012.

Obama is still doing better than both Reagan and Clinton at this point in their presidencies.
Considering the possible opponents, if the presidential election were this year, he would win.

In 2012, he's going have a very impressive score card. No wonder the Right hates him so.
He promised universal healthcare - Done
He promised to stop the financial downturn -Done
He promised to bring Israel and the Palestinians to bargaining table -Done
He promised to improve improve America's image abroad -Done
He promised to bring combat troops home from Iraq - Done
He promised to reform the financial system - Done
He promised to raise taxes - In progress
He promised Immigration Reform - In progress
He promised an Energy bill - In progress
He promised deficit reduction. - This is going happen with an improving economy , higher taxes, and the big ticket legislation out of the way.

None of that matters if things aren't better. All the Republicans have to do (sadly) is use Bill Clinton's line of "are you better off now?" Obama will never see the same 6% unemployment that he criticized.

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