Don't like Obama, fine, but why the dishonesty?

Note to Gregg:

Epic Trolls on USMB with regard to Obama:

Lonestrar Logic
Lumpy 1
Kee keee
Mr Fitnah
the Kook (erasbil)
Titanic Sailor
Screaming Eagle
SFC Ollie
The Rabbi
Tom Clancy
US Army Retired
Wicked Jester

Now, while this list may seem large (and I've probably missed a couple), there are enough normal cons on here you can have a yarn with, and half decent convo most times. I like to think we've attracted all the right-wing whackos to the USMB so they can all wallow....

I feel privileged to be on this list.. ..righttttt

So, by Cons you mean Neo cons? :eusa_eh:
Labels and stereotyping nice. Next step is racism and genocide.............

1) Nice Strawman
2) Nice Sidestepping the issue
3) If it walks, looks and quacks like a duck, I doubt it's a dog...

So I am curious....are you denying that you were stereotyping with your post?

It is not a stereotype if it is true....and the evidence is posted all over this board..

...and if you don't think somehow you trying to link a group of people who IMO easily fall under the ultra-conservative umbrella in the US, to racism and genocide isn't a strawman, I've got a bridge to sell you in Alaska

PS: Sorry for not having you on the first list - too many ultras, so little time....
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There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Most cons around here ARE children.

It's been this way a long time. They can't be satisfied with the truth. It's like professional wrestling (a con favorite) as opposed to real wrestling.


I may be wrong...but I was taught that it was childish to blame things on the boogeyman. I was taught to own upo to my mistakes and learn from them.

Conservatives blame no one but themselves........mature

Liberals blame everyone else BUT themselves......childish

Seems you are a bit off with your assessment...unless of course you feel it is mature to blame soemone else for your own you?

BS and I proved that to you in a past thread when I showed video proof of W and republicans blaming clinton for everything from 9/11 to housing bubble.

There were even threads last week where cons were trying to blame the housing bubble on dems despite the fact that republicans controlled the agenda never sent any legislation to the floor for a debate or a vote.

Cons love TALKING about personal responsibility and preaching it to others while they refuse to apply that standard to themselves and their own party. LOL

You probably should have just stopped at "I may be wrong" and avoided your own shortcomings. LOL
No your not a centrist to most Americans....maybe to some democrats which most lean just left of center. Most Americans are just right of center. But your not just left of center, Grump. I really don't care about the rest of the socialist Western world. This is a board is on American soil.
Nice try on an insult, but that is a big fail on your end. You insulting me, is like drsmitty trying to insult me.

So me being pro death penalty and anti abortion makes me a socialist? The fact you see the rest of the Western World as socialist just reinforces my point how far out of touch with the rest of the world and mainstream America the extreme right in the US is....
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Im curious....................

If the above referenced "trolls" really are trolls...........why do we take a look at the USMessage Board Political Forum scoreboard and find this??????

No your not a centrist to most Americans....maybe to some democrats which most lean just left of center. Most Americans are just right of center. But your not just left of center, Grump. I really don't care about the rest of the socialist Western world. This is a board is on American soil.
Nice try on an insult, but that is a big fail on your end. You insulting me, is like drsmitty trying to insult me.

So me being pro death penalty and anti abortion makes me a socialist? The fact you see the rest of the Western World as socialist just reinforces my point how far out of touch with the rest of the world the extreme right in the US is....

Most european nations have a lot more socialism than our country, Grump...agreed/ I'm not saying a Marxist style, but I'm saying heavy government taxes for heavy government influence in those nations....would you say that is a fiar statement?
Clinton was responsible for 9/11 and the housing bubble.

Id say partially responsible for 9/11, but Reagan and Bush I played a part as well to be fair..........

The housing bubble?

In large measure the Clinton administration , due to regulations established in the early 1990's which pressured banks to extend billions of dollars to non-credit worthy borrowers. Its not even debatable........and of course Republicans werent going to say sh!t and get pigeonholed for being racist. It was a no-lose for the Dums.
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Wonder if the same thing could be said about George Bush? Just thinking... I guess because he isn't a liberal Democrat your plea doesn't apply to him. Also wonder why we didn't hear any of this sort of stuff from folks like you back when Bush was President. Did this idea just come to you in a vision?

Better yet...lets not go with the past...lets go with the present.

Obama told the world that the republicans had no ideas for healthcare. The democratic party referred to them as the party of no ideas.

As we all knew, and later saw it proven, those were outright lies by the President himself andf the democratic party.

SO what do you say about those whose salaries you pay Doc? Huh?

They seem to lie about others....and not on some BB...but on international you wish to offer them the same chastising as you gave a few forum opinionators?

Or are you a hypocrite?

Actually in the beginning that was true. Republcians offered up 15 page powerpoint presentations and called them plans and bills that had NO numbers when most of what they wrote in those ppt presentation were nothing but attacks on the democrats plan or blank pages. LOL

However, recently the righties have actually started to provide something REAL which is something that they failed to do it the beginning. However, then the righties became the party of NO instead of the party of NO ideas.
However, they are still the party of no NEW ideas. They think everything can be solved by cutting taxes, when bush's taxcuts are still in effect and haven't bailed us out yet, as they blame big goverment for all of the problems. Yet another instance of the cons not accepting personal responsibility.

But NO, <sarcasm and more of the lack of personal responsibility of the cons> we don't need to look back at what W did because he is no longer president. LOL.
However, my guess is that IF the republicans win back the white house in 2012 you can bet the farm that these same morons will be blaming obama and clinton for everything for years to come.
It's the way these hypocrites work.
Clinton was responsible for 9/11 and the housing bubble.

Id say partially responsible for 9/11, but Reagan and Bush I played a part as well to be fair..........

The housing bubble?

In large measure the Clinton administration , due to regulations established in the early 1990's which pressured banks to extend billions of dollars to non-credit worthy borrowers. Its not even debatable........and of course Republicans werent going to say sh!t and get pigeonholed for being racist. It was a no-lose for the Dums.

They never pressured them to loan to non-credit worthy borrowers. Laws were passed that required banks to stop redlining... which was wholly proper because redlining doesn't make assessments based on credit-worthiness, it makes assessments based on location of the property.

Deregulating banks and allowing them to bundle bad debt didn't help.

I can't even begin to tell you how many re-fi's I did during that time where peopel (NOT MINORITY, SO NOT COVERED BY THE CHANGES PROHIBITING REDLINING) were pulling huge amounts of equity out of their homes and taking out 5-year ARM's. The banks and brokers told those people "don't worry. when the ARM comes due, we'll re-fi you again so your mortage won't go up to ridiculous amounts".

And then the market fell...

and people couldn't re-fi because the equity was no longer equal to the loan they needed...

now, there's something to be said for personal responsibility (personally, you couldn't have paid me enough to take an ARM under those conditions, but that's me) but the banks were responsible for not demanding credit-worthiness (and no, nothing in the law required that they not require buyers to have good credit).
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.
Yeah, and i'm sure your stupid liberal ass was up defending Bush when you lil' candyasses were throwing all kinds of ridiculous shit his way. And yeah, we sure have seen you defending Palin against all the attacks against she and her children.

You're such a fucking hypocritical hack!

Man up, or shut the fuck up already, ya' whiney lil' liberal idiot!
Most cons around here ARE children.

It's been this way a long time. They can't be satisfied with the truth. It's like professional wrestling (a con favorite) as opposed to real wrestling.


I may be wrong...but I was taught that it was childish to blame things on the boogeyman. I was taught to own upo to my mistakes and learn from them.

Conservatives blame no one but themselves........mature

Liberals blame everyone else BUT themselves......childish

Seems you are a bit off with your assessment...unless of course you feel it is mature to blame soemone else for your own you?

If you have examples of me lying by all means post them.

LOL don't even bother. this moron actually believes that whatever he says is true unless you can prove him wrong.

In other words he believes he can say whatever he wants to and doesn't have to substantiate anything he says.

It's beyond absurd.
Note to Gregg:

Epic Trolls on USMB with regard to Obama:

Lonestrar Logic
Lumpy 1
Kee keee
Mr Fitnah
the Kook (erasbil)
Titanic Sailor
Screaming Eagle
SFC Ollie
The Rabbi
Tom Clancy
US Army Retired
Wicked Jester

Now, while this list may seem large (and I've probably missed a couple), there are enough normal cons on here you can have a yarn with, and half decent convo most times. I like to think we've attracted all the right-wing whackos to the USMB so they can all wallow....
I see your keeping a list of all the conservatives who have kicked your ass in debate.

Man, you sure have gotten your ass kicked by a lot of people, lil' one!

Oh yeah. and just to remind you. Obama's an epic failure on ALL fronts.

Wouldn't want you to forget that!

Ya' can thank me later!
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commenting on the truth is not dishonesty. The kool-aid drinkers are getting upset because the facts are getting out about their messiha. He is not what the people were told he was.!!!! As more facts about him are revealed more people are getting mad at being sold a bunch of lies. This man is a FRAUD, LIAR!!!!!

LOL and notice how none of these alleged "facts" are presented in the post.

Talk about fraud. LOL

This type of post basically substantiates the argument presented in the OP. LOL

If you want to align yourself with the rambling of the doc, go right ahead. I presented enough facts to support my side of the debate. I dont need to play your game of "show me the link".

Feel free to feel as you do. I would say dont come cryiong to me when you realize what a farce this administration is....but likely, you will be blaming someone for it.

LOL you presented your own opinion based interpretation.

Please open up a dictionary or check any of the numerous online dictionaries and look up OPINION and FACT and LEARN THE DIFFERENCE.
LOL and notice how none of these alleged "facts" are presented in the post.

Talk about fraud. LOL

This type of post basically substantiates the argument presented in the OP. LOL

If you want to align yourself with the rambling of the doc, go right ahead. I presented enough facts to support my side of the debate. I dont need to play your game of "show me the link".

Feel free to feel as you do. I would say dont come cryiong to me when you realize what a farce this administration is....but likely, you will be blaming someone for it.

LOL you presented your own opinion based interpretation.

Please open up a dictionary or check any of the numerous online dictionaries and look up OPINION and FACT and LEARN THE DIFFERENCE.
Yeah right. Like you've ever presented facts.

not true, he is indeed a Marxist. to the core. 20 years. with jeramiah bullfrog and farrakam, seeks out radicals and anarchists, sal alinsky, and above all. "we are five days away from fundamentally changing the USof KKKA."

OK, tell us what the definition of marxist is and then list the things Obama has done that are marxist.


(Fact is you have no idea what it is and you're just spewing GOP talking points and lies, just like this thread is stating).

GOP talking points? Exactly what notable memeber of the GOP refers to Obama as a marxist?

LOL way to try to dodge the question and fail miserably as you try to change the subject and demand proof from others when you refuse to provide proof of your own claims. LOL

So why are you so dishonest that you apply one standard to the left and a completely different standard to yourself and the other righties on this board?

Thanks for exposing your hypocrisy once again. LOL
Do not get me wrong. I know how to read between the lines. Most dont.
As fort "understanding is the last a speakwer wants" may be OK with that, but if it is someone that I employ, I am not ok with that.

Greed is the driving factor for all that are trich and many that are poor as well.
Greed is what drives those to invest...greed is what drives those to buy lottery tickets...greed is what motivates one to start a business.

Greed is not a is a typical human emotion that very few do NOT have.

LOL So you attack obama for calling out greedy people and then you argue that greed is "a typical human emotion that very few do NOT have." So why are you so upset with obama for calling out greedy people when according to you most people are greedy?? LOL

Nice try...well...not really.

I call him out for saying that what got people into this mess was the greed of the banks, traders and others....never once mentioning it was the greed of each individual person that got them into the mess.

I know...way to deep for you to understand.

So you wanted him to name all of the people involved INDIVIDUALLY?? Do you know how LONG that would take especially considering the fact that you believe that most people are greedy. LOL

Deep?? You think that kiddy pool that you are playing in is deep?? LOL
go ahead bigmouth. show us specifically which is untrue and why. put up or stfu. we shall wait.

The burden of proof lies with the poster making the claim.

You claim that obama is "indeed a marxist" based on who he knows and then lace your post with colorful terms like "radcials and anarchists" while NOTHING that you have said proves that obama is "indeed a marxist. to the core."

Put up or shut up. LOL

Uh....excuse me son....

In a debate, the burden of proof lies in the hands of the one who disagrees...not the other way around.
If you disagree with what the poster said, you should show how and why.


Dont disagree and instead be human and simply say....I dont see it that way...please offer me examples as to why you think that way, and maybe I will see it differently.


be a dick and handle it the way you did.

If that is truly the case then why did you just previously ask another poster to provide proof of one of their claims concerning GOP talking points as you tried to avoid and ignore the question that was asked??

And why aren't you busy calling out all of the righties on this thread and others, like YOU, who demand proof from others instead of proving them wrong??

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