ID Card for Workers Is at Center of Immigration Plan


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Solve the immigration problem? What a red herring.....ostensibly this legislation would provide employers with the ability to check employees citizenship......but employers ALREADY have a way to check social security numbers...through the E-Verify system....why not just make that mandatory.....instead of requiring every worker in the U.S. to carry a biometric ID card?

Once these ID cards are in place you can bet they will be used for other purposes....such as health care, financial services, housing, etc.,'s the evolution of the policy called "internal enforcement"....i.e.....big time Big Brother....

Lawmakers working to craft a new comprehensive immigration bill have settled on a way to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants: a national biometric identification card all American workers would eventually be required to obtain.

Under the potentially controversial plan still taking shape in the Senate, all legal U.S. workers, including citizens and immigrants, would be issued an ID card with embedded information, such as fingerprints, to tie the card to the worker.

Worker ID Card at Center of Immigration Plan -
I saw this reported on this morning on TV. On FOX it was reported in a negative light, on MSNBC it was reported favorably.
Talk about bias in the media!
Anyway, I am of the opinion that will just lead to an underground economy. I won't get a national ID card, and most of the people i know that live in my town would not either.
I would not employ anyone that had one, and the employer where i work at in the summer will not either.

This could be a great thing. The underground economy would put more money in the pockets of those that defy the law, no taxes.
It would starve the government out of existence for the same reason, no taxes.

There isn't enough jails to hold every person that would defy this policy if it became law.
A positive means to identify whether someone is a citizen would put an end to illegal immigration. Having a biometric proof of identity (retinal scan, DNA, facial recognition) would prevent fake IDs.

Once you have a way of positively identifying eligible workers....JAIL any employer who hires illegals
I don't like illegals in our country but I don't like the idea of a National ID card either. If we get one, it won't be long before we begin to hear the phrase, "Can I see your papers, commrade?"
National ID card with biometric link

Ends Illegal immigration, identity theft, stolen credit cards

If you don't want a positive ID program....quit your bitching
A positive means to identify whether someone is a citizen would put an end to illegal immigration. Having a biometric proof of identity (retinal scan, DNA, facial recognition) would prevent fake IDs.

Once you have a way of positively identifying eligible workers....JAIL any employer who hires illegals

:lol: Yeah, right like that will happen.
A positive means to identify whether someone is a citizen would put an end to illegal immigration. Having a biometric proof of identity (retinal scan, DNA, facial recognition) would prevent fake IDs.

Once you have a way of positively identifying eligible workers....JAIL any employer who hires illegals

:lol: Yeah, right like that will happen.

It only needs to happen ONCE....and the rest will get the message

Rounding up illegals is like herding cats. Jail the employers and the jobs will disappear will the illegals
Solve the immigration problem? What a red herring.....ostensibly this legislation would provide employers with the ability to check employees citizenship......but employers ALREADY have a way to check social security numbers...through the E-Verify system....why not just make that mandatory.....instead of requiring every worker in the U.S. to carry a biometric ID card?

Once these ID cards are in place you can bet they will be used for other purposes....such as health care, financial services, housing, etc.,'s the evolution of the policy called "internal enforcement"....i.e.....big time Big Brother....

Lawmakers working to craft a new comprehensive immigration bill have settled on a way to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants: a national biometric identification card all American workers would eventually be required to obtain.

Under the potentially controversial plan still taking shape in the Senate, all legal U.S. workers, including citizens and immigrants, would be issued an ID card with embedded information, such as fingerprints, to tie the card to the worker.

Worker ID Card at Center of Immigration Plan -

Yeah but all those illegal immigrants look alike. How will I know one has not traded places with one I hired?
Most of us have photo IDs already for driver's licenses. Instead of fighting an entirely new "ID card" battle, the States need to form a database with everyones' driver's licenses and add a few biometrics, such as "face-print", "voice-print", fingerprint, etc. There is no new conspiracy, just an enhanced ID, that could have things on it like medical allergies, blood type, SS#, who to contact, etc.

They should just pass a law upgrading drivers licenses. You would need to present your ID to fly and get a job. The alternative is a temporary "green card" for those on visas.
Weren't the Democrats in Congress opposed to REAL ID? And really, until we do something about birthright citizenship and the welfare benefits that go with it, NOTHING will stop illegal immigration.
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All anybody needs to know about this plan is that Lindsay Grahamnesty and Schmuckie Schumer thought it up TOGETHER. :disbelief:
While I never cared one way or the other about a National ID (several of us here carry a Federal ID most of our adult lives). I do care that they try to make it sound like it has anything to do with illegal immigration. We all know that no one in Washington gives a rats ass about sealing the borders or it would already be done.
If the Feds were really worried about preventing voter fraud, they would get rid of Motor Voter.

We don't need this Obamanation - those of us who are legal citizens already have plenty of ID to provide to an employer during an I-9 check. Legal immigrants with visas or green cards likewise have proper ID.

This is a big government program in search of a problem - and Lindsay Graham should just switch parties and join the Democrats.
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It's a great idea.
Except for extending the biometric ID to US citizens and green card aliens.
Why not apply it only to guest workers, make it easy and cheap to get, and include a proviso they can go back across the border at their point of entry only?
The problem with using SS numbers is that many of them are hacked or sold and the system itself is unreliable.
Most of us have photo IDs already for driver's licenses. Instead of fighting an entirely new "ID card" battle, the States need to form a database with everyones' driver's licenses and add a few biometrics, such as "face-print", "voice-print", fingerprint, etc. There is no new conspiracy, just an enhanced ID, that could have things on it like medical allergies, blood type, SS#, who to contact, etc.

They should just pass a law upgrading drivers licenses. You would need to present your ID to fly and get a job. The alternative is a temporary "green card" for those on visas.

Unfortunately, that is already in the works. Fortunately several states have refused to go along with the plan.

BTW, NAFTA has driven literally millions of Mexicans out of work and they are coming here. Why are all the immigration freaks ignoring this?
yanno, it's got to the point here that, a small biz trying to make the leap toward employees has to really hire 5 or 6 to validate all the beuaracratic expenses

vs. just 1, which isn't worth it anymore

I-9's were the last go around....

such are the insudiuos fuelings of our underground economy.....
While I can see one side of this issue and may agree with parts of it. I really can't see myself with a National ID card. Kinda reminds me of WWII when folks had to have papers just to walk around in their own town or village or be jailed or shot.

Kinda creepy to me.

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