Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives.

Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. Bush. He promised us that the transfer of $12.8 trillion in taxpayer money to Wall Street would open up credit and lending to the average consumer. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), however, admitted last week that banks have reduced lending at the sharpest pace since 1942. As a senator, Obama promised he would filibuster amendments to the FISA Reform Act that retroactively made legal the wiretapping and monitoring of millions of American citizens without warrant; instead he supported passage of the loathsome legislation. He told us he would withdraw American troops from Iraq, close the detention facility at Guantánamo, end torture, restore civil liberties such as habeas corpus and create new jobs. None of this has happened.

We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives.

Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. Bush. He promised us that the transfer of $12.8 trillion in taxpayer money to Wall Street would open up credit and lending to the average consumer. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), however, admitted last week that banks have reduced lending at the sharpest pace since 1942. As a senator, Obama promised he would filibuster amendments to the FISA Reform Act that retroactively made legal the wiretapping and monitoring of millions of American citizens without warrant; instead he supported passage of the loathsome legislation. He told us he would withdraw American troops from Iraq, close the detention facility at Guantánamo, end torture, restore civil liberties such as habeas corpus and create new jobs. None of this has happened.

Chris Hedges: Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

more people than just those two saying these things.....and i for one will never apologise to that piece of shit McKinney....
We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives.

Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. Bush. He promised us that the transfer of $12.8 trillion in taxpayer money to Wall Street would open up credit and lending to the average consumer. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), however, admitted last week that banks have reduced lending at the sharpest pace since 1942. As a senator, Obama promised he would filibuster amendments to the FISA Reform Act that retroactively made legal the wiretapping and monitoring of millions of American citizens without warrant; instead he supported passage of the loathsome legislation. He told us he would withdraw American troops from Iraq, close the detention facility at Guantánamo, end torture, restore civil liberties such as habeas corpus and create new jobs. None of this has happened.

Chris Hedges: Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

more people than just those two saying these things.....and i for one will never apologise to that piece of shit McKinney....

But they were saying this before the election.
We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives.

Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. Bush. He promised us that the transfer of $12.8 trillion in taxpayer money to Wall Street would open up credit and lending to the average consumer. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), however, admitted last week that banks have reduced lending at the sharpest pace since 1942. As a senator, Obama promised he would filibuster amendments to the FISA Reform Act that retroactively made legal the wiretapping and monitoring of millions of American citizens without warrant; instead he supported passage of the loathsome legislation. He told us he would withdraw American troops from Iraq, close the detention facility at Guantánamo, end torture, restore civil liberties such as habeas corpus and create new jobs. None of this has happened.

Chris Hedges: Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

I am curious...
After spending months admonishing the banks for making risky loans.....did anyone really expect that those same banks will lend to the average American while employment is not stable and and the forecast of propserity non existant?

I mean...really? DId you, or Obama truly think that lending to a family who may lose their head of househhold income would be considered NOT a risky loan?
Socialist nutters criticizing fellow Socialist nutters? Pretty entertaining stuff. I do respect Nader on some level but he is the epitome of a whiny handwringing Nanny State Socialist. Can't support him politically at all but i do respect his honesty & integrity.
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We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives.

Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. Bush. He promised us that the transfer of $12.8 trillion in taxpayer money to Wall Street would open up credit and lending to the average consumer. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), however, admitted last week that banks have reduced lending at the sharpest pace since 1942. As a senator, Obama promised he would filibuster amendments to the FISA Reform Act that retroactively made legal the wiretapping and monitoring of millions of American citizens without warrant; instead he supported passage of the loathsome legislation. He told us he would withdraw American troops from Iraq, close the detention facility at Guantánamo, end torture, restore civil liberties such as habeas corpus and create new jobs. None of this has happened.

Chris Hedges: Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

I am curious...
After spending months admonishing the banks for making risky loans.....did anyone really expect that those same banks will lend to the average American while employment is not stable and and the forecast of propserity non existant?

I mean...really? DId you, or Obama truly think that lending to a family who may lose their head of househhold income would be considered NOT a risky loan?
My thoughts exactly. It's hard to have a steep decline in something without having a steep incline that precedes it. What got the banks into trouble was giving risky loans (with encouragement from Uncle Sam). So now because they're back on solid footing, are we expecting them to go right back to risky loans?
Nader and McKinney ????

Two certified nutjobs....yea....lets hear what they have to say
We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives.

Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. Bush. He promised us that the transfer of $12.8 trillion in taxpayer money to Wall Street would open up credit and lending to the average consumer. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), however, admitted last week that banks have reduced lending at the sharpest pace since 1942. As a senator, Obama promised he would filibuster amendments to the FISA Reform Act that retroactively made legal the wiretapping and monitoring of millions of American citizens without warrant; instead he supported passage of the loathsome legislation. He told us he would withdraw American troops from Iraq, close the detention facility at Guantánamo, end torture, restore civil liberties such as habeas corpus and create new jobs. None of this has happened


Cynthia Mckinney is so liberal she makes Obama look like a right wing Republican.:cuckoo:
We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives.

Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. Bush. He promised us that the transfer of $12.8 trillion in taxpayer money to Wall Street would open up credit and lending to the average consumer. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), however, admitted last week that banks have reduced lending at the sharpest pace since 1942. As a senator, Obama promised he would filibuster amendments to the FISA Reform Act that retroactively made legal the wiretapping and monitoring of millions of American citizens without warrant; instead he supported passage of the loathsome legislation. He told us he would withdraw American troops from Iraq, close the detention facility at Guantánamo, end torture, restore civil liberties such as habeas corpus and create new jobs. None of this has happened

Chris Hedges: Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Cynthia Mckinney is so liberal she makes Obama look like a right wing Republican.:cuckoo:

On the issues.

Eliminate the Fed.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Cancel NAFTA, etc.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Completely withdraw from Iraq.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Close all military bases around the world and bring all troops home.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Stop all foreign aid.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Enforce Posse Comitatus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Restore habeas Corpus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Favors the bailout.
Obama - yes
McCain - yes
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - no
Paul - No

Protect gun rights.
Obama - no
McCain - yes ?
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Single payer universal health care.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - yes
Paul - No

So we need to apologize to nutjobs for being right about Obama lying despite the fact that anyone with a brain and (obviously now) half a brain knew that he was a complete and utter lair?

We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives.

Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. Bush. He promised us that the transfer of $12.8 trillion in taxpayer money to Wall Street would open up credit and lending to the average consumer. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), however, admitted last week that banks have reduced lending at the sharpest pace since 1942. As a senator, Obama promised he would filibuster amendments to the FISA Reform Act that retroactively made legal the wiretapping and monitoring of millions of American citizens without warrant; instead he supported passage of the loathsome legislation. He told us he would withdraw American troops from Iraq, close the detention facility at Guantánamo, end torture, restore civil liberties such as habeas corpus and create new jobs. None of this has happened


Cynthia Mckinney is so liberal she makes Obama look like a right wing Republican.:cuckoo:

Maybe Rahm Emanuel doesn't like McKinney's tactics in Israel? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! ~BH
We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives.

Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. Bush. He promised us that the transfer of $12.8 trillion in taxpayer money to Wall Street would open up credit and lending to the average consumer. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), however, admitted last week that banks have reduced lending at the sharpest pace since 1942. As a senator, Obama promised he would filibuster amendments to the FISA Reform Act that retroactively made legal the wiretapping and monitoring of millions of American citizens without warrant; instead he supported passage of the loathsome legislation. He told us he would withdraw American troops from Iraq, close the detention facility at Guantánamo, end torture, restore civil liberties such as habeas corpus and create new jobs. None of this has happened

Chris Hedges: Ralph Nader Was Right About Barack Obama - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Cynthia Mckinney is so liberal she makes Obama look like a right wing Republican.:cuckoo:

On the issues.

Eliminate the Fed.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Cancel NAFTA, etc.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Completely withdraw from Iraq.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Close all military bases around the world and bring all troops home.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Stop all foreign aid.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Enforce Posse Comitatus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Restore habeas Corpus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Favors the bailout.
Obama - yes
McCain - yes
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - no
Paul - No

Protect gun rights.
Obama - no
McCain - yes ?
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Single payer universal health care.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - yes
Paul - No


What planet do you live on? I have lived in Georgia for 50 years.
McKinney: for increased Section 8 housing, increases in welfare payments for AFDC, favors no cuts in entitlement programs, no increases in military funding, increases in affirmative action.
And you do not know that labels her as a HARD CORE LIBERAL?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Believe me son, she is a hard core liberal. She believe Fidel Castro is a model citizen.
Cynthia Mckinney is so liberal she makes Obama look like a right wing Republican.:cuckoo:

On the issues.

Eliminate the Fed.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Cancel NAFTA, etc.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Completely withdraw from Iraq.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Close all military bases around the world and bring all troops home.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Stop all foreign aid.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Enforce Posse Comitatus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Restore habeas Corpus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Favors the bailout.
Obama - yes
McCain - yes
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - no
Paul - No

Protect gun rights.
Obama - no
McCain - yes ?
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Single payer universal health care.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - yes
Paul - No


What planet do you live on? I have lived in Georgia for 50 years.
McKinney: for increased Section 8 housing, increases in welfare payments for AFDC, favors no cuts in entitlement programs, no increases in military funding, increases in affirmative action.
And you do not know that labels her as a HARD CORE LIBERAL?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Believe me son, she is a hard core liberal. She believe Fidel Castro is a model citizen.

Don't mean to butt in here, but I believe that some politically uneducated folks here think that McKinney isn't a Lberal just because she hates Obama. The truth is though McKinney, a hardcore anti-semite, understands that Obama is a Zionist puppet and Rahm Emanuel, who's father was a member in The Israeli terrorist group The Irgun, is his master. ~BH
Cynthia Mckinney is so liberal she makes Obama look like a right wing Republican.:cuckoo:

On the issues.

Eliminate the Fed.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Cancel NAFTA, etc.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Completely withdraw from Iraq.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Close all military bases around the world and bring all troops home.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Stop all foreign aid.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Enforce Posse Comitatus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Restore habeas Corpus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Favors the bailout.
Obama - yes
McCain - yes
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - no
Paul - No

Protect gun rights.
Obama - no
McCain - yes ?
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes
Paul - Yes

Single payer universal health care.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - yes
Paul - No


What planet do you live on? I have lived in Georgia for 50 years.
McKinney: for increased Section 8 housing, increases in welfare payments for AFDC, favors no cuts in entitlement programs, no increases in military funding, increases in affirmative action.
And you do not know that labels her as a HARD CORE LIBERAL?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Believe me son, she is a hard core liberal. She believe Fidel Castro is a model citizen.

Yes, what you say is true on those issues. However, if you look at her economic policies like end the Fed and the debt based system, reign in the military industrial complex, end "trade agreements" that are more about corporate welfare and corporate control than about trade, promote local economies through the support of small business and family farms, etc., you can see that the need for those "entitlements' will fade away as the economy improves.

To eliminate the safety net without addressing economic policy is putting the cart before the horse.
How bout voting out all hand-wringing Nanny State Socialists? Just a thought anyway. Make 2010 count people.

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