Don't like Obama, fine, but why the dishonesty?

Because he is a socialist/marxist who surounds himself with his fellow radicals in the highest levels of government.

Can you prove that point? Simply being left-of-center does not make one a "radical".

If you look at the definition of a radical:

a person who holds or follows strong convictions or extreme principles; extremist.

a person who advocates fundamental political, economic, and social reforms by direct and often uncompromising methods.​

you have to this any different from the previous administration...or....Reagan's administration?'s only "radical" when it disagrees with your world view.

He thinks he is the messiah.

You can read his mind....? Got a quote or something?

Thus far, for some perverse reason, the only ones calling him a "messiah" seem to be the rightwingnuts.

And he is actively destroying America.

Debatable and complex.
ah yes, the typical dishonest response, claim someone posting on a forum needs to calm down, amazing ability you have of determining emotions for posts.

Sounds like many of the hacks need to calm down, you should see the nasty comments they post to me and on the forum.

And, not suprisingly, you completely ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of my post...which was to show how the premise of your original post is hypocritical.

criticizing a war, that kills thousand of american troops, on proven faulty intelligence (my guess is you refuse to admit the intellignece was sketchy) that killed thousands and thousands of people, destabilizing yet another region, spending billions of dollars for that when there already was a war going on that pretty much everybody supported.

Liberal democrat gets blasted when he didn't even do anything, called a terrorist sympathizer, marixist, socialist, muslim who isn't american resident, making him guilty by association with Wright an Ayers, which are all dishonest stretches of reality. Then all the "destroying america" crap when he tries help the american economy, that's horrible, he's destroying the country.

Billions on war=good
billions to help americans=horrible and destroying the country

yeah, those two are completely comparable

Saying this as you just did:

criticizing a war, that kills thousand of american troops, on proven faulty intelligence that killed thousands and thousands of people, destabilizing yet another region, spending billions of dollars for that when there already was a war going on that pretty much everybody supported.

is not the same as saying this:

"Bush started a fucking bogus war"

The second line is what you ORIGINALLY said and is exactly what you are copmplaining about.

You dont seem to get it......
You lefties do understand that Obama,if he does not correct his financial trajectory, will double the national Debt before he leaves office.

I just want to make sure that you lefties understand that before you criticize Rightwing paranoia.

Paranoia should have started 8 years ago. Why the delayed reaction?
You lefties do understand that Obama,if he does not correct his financial trajectory, will double the national Debt before he leaves office.

I just want to make sure that you lefties understand that before you criticize Rightwing paranoia.

Paranoia should have started 8 years ago. Why the delayed reaction?

Seems like it did start a while ago...maybe not 8 years ago...but we had bigger worries at that time...but certainly by 2004, the paranoia was setting in.

Why, after the 8 years of apparent "trickery" of the WH, are so many willing to simply believe what the WH says?

Will it be another "delayed reaction" as you say?
You lefties do understand that Obama,if he does not correct his financial trajectory, will double the national Debt before he leaves office.

I just want to make sure that you lefties understand that before you criticize Rightwing paranoia.

Paranoia should have started 8 years ago. Why the delayed reaction?

I've been bitching about spending since before Booooooosh....

Why is the left so silent about it now?
There are plenty things that people could find Obama not doing a good job in.So why do so many on this forum and other places have to lie, exaggerate, and make shit up about Obama? Why call him socialist, marxist, the "messiah", "owebama", claim he isn't a US citizen, claims he want to destroy america? or claim things done by other people is really Obama's doing, and anything that goes on in the gov't or military is under Obama's direction?

YOu totally discredit any point you may have when you resort to such Glenn Beck/Rush type absurd attacks and arguments. You just look like some stupid, childish, partisan hack nutjob when you do so.

Because he is a socialist/marxist who surounds himself with his fellow radicals in the highest levels of government. He thinks he is the messiah. And he is actively destroying America.

We have one of two things we must conclude from Obama's policies:

1) He is a complete moron who doesnt realize that it's unwise to spend more than we bring in, that giving money to special interests who got him elected is stimulus, that we should raise taxes and go into deeper debt to get out of the economy when anyone with half a brain realizes that will make things worse.


2) He is doing it on purpose knowing full well what his policies will do.

And while i certainly dont believe he is as smart as some people on this board, i dont think the man is an idiot.

unsubstantiated bullshit, just what I speak of.

Just to prove.....AGAIN......what a "shit-fer-brains" Obamarrhoid you are, I could direct your last statement AGAINST YOURSELF: YOURS is "unsubstantiated bullshit, just what I speak of."

Doncha see that your last post is a meaningless fart by a certified fartoon ?

That's a rhetortical question.
I see your keeping a list of all the conservatives who have kicked your ass in debate.

Man, you sure have gotten your ass kicked by a lot of people, lil' one!

Oh yeah. and just to remind you. Obama's an epic failure on ALL fronts.

Wouldn't want you to forget that!

Ya' can thank me later!

Sure, I've had my arse kicked by conservatives before. On this board, too. But no one on the above list....

Wow, glad i tuned into this thread, I actually made a list......:lol:

Double Wow. I'm an independent and I made a list too. Jeeze. How lucky can one get???
You lefties do understand that Obama,if he does not correct his financial trajectory, will double the national Debt before he leaves office.

I just want to make sure that you lefties understand that before you criticize Rightwing paranoia.

Paranoia should have started 8 years ago. Why the delayed reaction?

I've been bitching about spending since before Booooooosh....

Why is the left so silent about it now?

Are they?

I'm worried about and have been for some time. However - I'm no economist and when it comes to economies on this scale, I don't know what the answer is bolster up our economy. Most of the economist seem to feel stimulus spending is key and raising taxes.

I can only go by that.

The right should have been worried some time ago when Bush racked up record deficits but they weren't because they agreed with the spending. I heard very little complaining. Deficits DO matter. Hopefully, we will see Obama and Congress address them seriously once the economy is stable.
ah yes, the typical dishonest response, claim someone posting on a forum needs to calm down, amazing ability you have of determining emotions for posts.

Sounds like many of the hacks need to calm down, you should see the nasty comments they post to me and on the forum.

And, not suprisingly, you completely ignore and therefore not respond to the crux of my post...which was to show how the premise of your original post is hypocritical.

criticizing a war, that kills thousand of american troops, on proven faulty intelligence (my guess is you refuse to admit the intellignece was sketchy) that killed thousands and thousands of people, destabilizing yet another region, spending billions of dollars for that when there already was a war going on that pretty much everybody supported.

Liberal democrat gets blasted when he didn't even do anything, called a terrorist sympathizer, marixist, socialist, muslim who isn't american resident, making him guilty by association with Wright an Ayers, which are all dishonest stretches of reality. Then all the "destroying america" crap when he tries help the american economy, that's horrible, he's destroying the country.

Billions on war=good
billions to help americans=horrible and destroying the country

yeah, those two are completely comparable

You show your ignorance the more you post... quit while you are behind

1) You and so many idiot leftists like you like to only focus on WoMD for the reasoning behind the CONTINUATION of the military mission in Iraq... I would suggest reading the entire motherfucking resolution and attempting to understand what a cease-fire is as well as what happens as a result of the violation of the terms of cease fire
2) When an extremist, inexperienced democrat, who favors socialized and socialist programs, deals with radicals in all aspects of his professional and personal life, and tries to enact change that will indeed hinder or 'destroy' what this country and government is supposed to be, DAMN SKIPPY he will be called on it
3) Billions on national defense and the military including military actions and wars - CONSTITUTIONAL
4) Billions in wealth redistribution for personal wants/needs/responsibilities at the expense of the freedoms of others who are forced to pony up the $$$ for those entitlement programs - Not just BAD but MOTHERFUCKING GOD AWFUL HIDEOUS BAD
Paranoia should have started 8 years ago. Why the delayed reaction?

I've been bitching about spending since before Booooooosh....

Why is the left so silent about it now?

Are they?

I'm worried about and have been for some time. However - I'm no economist and when it comes to economies on this scale, I don't know what the answer is bolster up our economy. Most of the economist seem to feel stimulus spending is key and raising taxes.

I can only go by that.

The right should have been worried some time ago when Bush racked up record deficits but they weren't because they agreed with the spending. I heard very little complaining. Deficits DO matter. Hopefully, we will see Obama and Congress address them seriously once the economy is stable.

Line in bold......even Obama made it clear....just not clear to those that did not read between the lines....
He actually said over and over again...

"most economists I consult with believe the stimulus spending is what we need...."

Now, that being said, who do you think he asks to advise him....those with a similar ideology or those with an opposing thought process?
Because he is a socialist/marxist who surounds himself with his fellow radicals in the highest levels of government. He thinks he is the messiah. And he is actively destroying America.

We have one of two things we must conclude from Obama's policies:

1) He is a complete moron who doesnt realize that it's unwise to spend more than we bring in, that giving money to special interests who got him elected is stimulus, that we should raise taxes and go into deeper debt to get out of the economy when anyone with half a brain realizes that will make things worse.


2) He is doing it on purpose knowing full well what his policies will do.

And while i certainly dont believe he is as smart as some people on this board, i dont think the man is an idiot.

Way to go, you have managed to cram every bit of SPAM that low-information dopes are spewing nationwide into a single post!


Since you're clearly brilliant, clearly the smartest person on this board and maybe in the country, why don't you enlighten us as to Mr. Obama's intended ends?

We already know that he hates America and hates freedom, shucks, that's a given. So in addition to his vast conspiracy to destroy Christmas, what else does he want to do, and who is really behind all of it? Does he want to turn us into a totalitarian communist state just for the power, or is it because he actually hates all of us?

Well while Obama will not let you live when he takes over the world for trying to "out" him (Because you're clearly onto him, I mean, c'mon who can deny the validity of that brilliant post), you can rest easy knowing that we all knew how smart and well-rounded you were before the Guillotine blade fell.
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You lefties do understand that Obama,if he does not correct his financial trajectory, will double the national Debt before he leaves office.

I just want to make sure that you lefties understand that before you criticize Rightwing paranoia.

Paranoia should have started 8 years ago. Why the delayed reaction?

Seems like it did start a while ago...maybe not 8 years ago...but we had bigger worries at that time...but certainly by 2004, the paranoia was setting in.

Why, after the 8 years of apparent "trickery" of the WH, are so many willing to simply believe what the WH says?

Will it be another "delayed reaction" as you say?

You think there is no reaction? We all know the Whitehouse (all of them) "cooks the books" to present the numbers in the most favorable way. Anyone who takes it as "fact" is a fool. They are politicians, not saints.
I've been bitching about spending since before Booooooosh....

Why is the left so silent about it now?

Are they?

I'm worried about and have been for some time. However - I'm no economist and when it comes to economies on this scale, I don't know what the answer is bolster up our economy. Most of the economist seem to feel stimulus spending is key and raising taxes.

I can only go by that.

The right should have been worried some time ago when Bush racked up record deficits but they weren't because they agreed with the spending. I heard very little complaining. Deficits DO matter. Hopefully, we will see Obama and Congress address them seriously once the economy is stable.

Line in bold......even Obama made it clear....just not clear to those that did not read between the lines....
He actually said over and over again...

"most economists I consult with believe the stimulus spending is what we need...."

Now, that being said, who do you think he asks to advise him....those with a similar ideology or those with an opposing thought process?

I really haven't listened to Obama talking about it. I've listened to various economists on NPR, over a period of time discussing aspects of the economy. The drive home from work is a great time to gain knowledge ;)

Frankly, from what I've read of Obama, he listens to a variety of points of view before making his decisions. This was evident in his approach to Aghanistan. Why do you think it would be any different with the economy?
Paranoia should have started 8 years ago. Why the delayed reaction?

Seems like it did start a while ago...maybe not 8 years ago...but we had bigger worries at that time...but certainly by 2004, the paranoia was setting in.

Why, after the 8 years of apparent "trickery" of the WH, are so many willing to simply believe what the WH says?

Will it be another "delayed reaction" as you say?

You think there is no reaction? We all know the Whitehouse (all of them) "cooks the books" to present the numbers in the most favorable way. Anyone who takes it as "fact" is a fool. They are politicians, not saints.

Actually, I disagree. Many see Obama as one that would never lie....I mean, lets be real here. The man has broken every single campaign proimise....all in one year....yet he still has a 48% approval rating.

I mean...really.....not one single promise kept......even promises he made AFTER the lection he is going back on such as immediate withdrawal from Iraq and the closing of GITMO by 1/1/2010.....

Look around you. There are people that truly think he is doing exactly as he said he would.
Seems like it did start a while ago...maybe not 8 years ago...but we had bigger worries at that time...but certainly by 2004, the paranoia was setting in.

Why, after the 8 years of apparent "trickery" of the WH, are so many willing to simply believe what the WH says?

Will it be another "delayed reaction" as you say?

You think there is no reaction? We all know the Whitehouse (all of them) "cooks the books" to present the numbers in the most favorable way. Anyone who takes it as "fact" is a fool. They are politicians, not saints.

Actually, I disagree. Many see Obama as one that would never lie....I mean, lets be real here. The man has broken every single campaign proimise....all in one year....yet he still has a 48% approval rating.

I mean...really.....not one single promise kept......even promises he made AFTER the lection he is going back on such as immediate withdrawal from Iraq and the closing of GITMO by 1/1/2010.....

Wrong: PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept

Perhaps that is why he still has a good approval rating.
Are they?

I'm worried about and have been for some time. However - I'm no economist and when it comes to economies on this scale, I don't know what the answer is bolster up our economy. Most of the economist seem to feel stimulus spending is key and raising taxes.

I can only go by that.

The right should have been worried some time ago when Bush racked up record deficits but they weren't because they agreed with the spending. I heard very little complaining. Deficits DO matter. Hopefully, we will see Obama and Congress address them seriously once the economy is stable.

Line in bold......even Obama made it clear....just not clear to those that did not read between the lines....
He actually said over and over again...

"most economists I consult with believe the stimulus spending is what we need...."

Now, that being said, who do you think he asks to advise him....those with a similar ideology or those with an opposing thought process?

I really haven't listened to Obama talking about it. I've listened to various economists on NPR, over a period of time discussing aspects of the economy. The drive home from work is a great time to gain knowledge ;)

Frankly, from what I've read of Obama, he listens to a variety of points of view before making his decisions. This was evident in his approach to Aghanistan. Why do you think it would be any different with the economy?

He listens to other pooiunts of view before making decisions?

Sorry....I believe...and it is my opinion....that you, too, are a fooled debating you would be futile.

Sadly, you seem to believe that listening to your field general and not doing exactly as he said is listening to other points of view before deciding.

I see you have never been in the military.....but that is not the point.

You think there is no reaction? We all know the Whitehouse (all of them) "cooks the books" to present the numbers in the most favorable way. Anyone who takes it as "fact" is a fool. They are politicians, not saints.

Actually, I disagree. Many see Obama as one that would never lie....I mean, lets be real here. The man has broken every single campaign proimise....all in one year....yet he still has a 48% approval rating.

I mean...really.....not one single promise kept......even promises he made AFTER the lection he is going back on such as immediate withdrawal from Iraq and the closing of GITMO by 1/1/2010.....

Wrong: PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept

Perhaps that is why he still has a good approval rating.

LMAO....ok........good for you.

Jeez....the ignorance and gullibility is getting more and more disturbing every day.


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