Don't Let the Devil Ride

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is an old blues gospel song called, Don't Let the Devil Ride. It has a serious message - which is if you let the devil ride in your car he will soon want to get behind the wheel and drive. He wants to take over. He wanted to take over heaven which is why God Almighty cast him out and since Jesus Christ defeated him at the cross, he's been stripped down - doesn't own a thing - he's got to hitch a ride to get inside. Don't let the devil ride!

This is how the Devil operates. First he gets his foot in the door, then he tries to take over your life and once he accomplishes that he accuses you of all he tempted you into and says look at what you have done!

Oh yeah! He's the accuser of the brethren and we need to identify how he operates so that we can detect him in all his subtility. We need to be vigilant to keep Satan out of our lives, our the lives of our children and our grandchildren's lives and out of our churches, out of our nation, out of our cities, out of our homes, out of everything we as believers have been given dominion over - we need to shut him down! In Jesus Name!
Amen? Amen!

[ame=]Neal Roberson - Don't Let The Devil Ride - YouTube[/ame]
It is written:

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night, for ever and ever.

- Revelation 20: 10

I find it interesting that this is verse 10 of Revelation 20 because 10 is the number of judgment. God's judgment on Satan is just. We can be sure of it.
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If you saw a man jump from a ship into the sea, at first you might think him insane, but later if you saw him standing on the shore and the ship swallowed up by the waves, you would know he took the wise course. - William Gurnall

The pleasure of sin is foreign to its nature and will corrupt the life it touches. None of the sweetness which now satisfied sinners will be tasted in hell, only bitterness will spice the sinners cup there.
- William Gurnall

Hell's climate is too hot for evil delights to survive. - William Gurnall
How do we gain wisdom on how to detect evil and avoid it? Studying the Book of Proverbs and teaching it to your children is a great place to begin! Proverbs is a book of Wisdom and there is much to be learned by studying the scriptures found in it!
It is written:

My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother: For they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head, and chains about thy neck.

My son if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause: let us swallow them up alive as in the grave, and whole, as those that go down to the pit: We shall find precious substance, we shall fill our houses with spoil: Cast in thy lot among us: let us all have one purse:

My son walk not thou in the way with them, refrain thy foot from their path. For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood. Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird. And they lay wait for their own blood: they like privily for their own lives. So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain: which taketh away the life of th owners thereof. - Proverbs 1: 8 - 19
The Book of Psalms is another book that teaches us to seek the LORD and depart from evil. Consider Psalm 1 : 1 - 3:

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season: his leaf shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

-Psalm 1: 1 - 3

Here is the thread for Book of Psalms. If you'd like to read more.....
Save it to your favorites. I have not done all 150 yet. It's alot of typing.
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to destroy the Devil once and for all? Why let him hang around causing so much trouble? God didn't hesitate in killing his "enemie's" innocent first-born or killing millions of innocents with the Flood and yet He seems to have given Satan free rein for thousands of years. If it's not weakness what is it? Some kind of game like the one he played with Satan over his most loyal subject Job?
Here is the Book of Proverbs although I didn't use that title on the thread. I'm up to the 29th Proverb so there is only two chapters left to complete the Book. I will try to do that tonight. God willing.

It is written:

Listen, my son, to your father's instruction
and do not forsake your mother's teaching.

They will be a garland to grace your head
and a chain to adorn your neck.

My son, if sinners entice you,
do not give into them.

If they say, "Come along with us, let's lie in wait for someone's blood, let's waylay some harmless soul, let's swallow them alive, like the grave, and whole like those who go down to the pit ( hell) , we will get all sorts of valuable things and fill our houses with plunder, throw in your lot with us, and we will share a common purse.

My son, do not go along with them,
do not set foot on their paths,

for their feet rush into sin,
they are swift to shed blood,

How useless to spread a net
in full view of all the birds!

Those men lie in wait for their own blood,
they waylay only themselves!

Such is the end of all who go after
ill - gotten gain,

it takes away the lives of all who get it.

Proverbs 1: 8 - 19

...... there are 33 verses to the Proverbs Chapter 1 - click the link to read more
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to destroy the Devil once and for all? Why let him hang around causing so much trouble? God didn't hesitate in killing his "enemie's" innocent first-born or killing millions of innocents with the Flood and yet He seems to have given Satan free rein for thousands of years. If it's not weakness what is it? Some kind of game like the one he played with Satan over his most loyal subject Job?

God gave Job double for his trouble. Double blessings, Smedly. I believe you have misunderstood God, Smedley. God gave mankind an opportunity to repent. The Ark was not built overnight. They all knew and they all ignored every warning. Much like people today do. God has always done that ( gave warning to repent ) and yet some do not listen and suffer the consequences.

Why blame God for the rebellion of men? As for Satan? He doesn't have free reign in my life, he doesn't have free reign in my house or anything else that belongs to me! Not at all. I bind him up and hold him under my feet where he belongs. That is the authority given me by Jesus Christ at the cross.

It is written: Luke 10:19.

If you are not born again and a child of God then yes, you are vulnerable to attacks from Satan but God has given you a way of escape! Your deliverance is at the cross. Isaiah 53 foretold it and Romans 10: 8,9, declares it! Why not take hold of the free gift of salvation, Smedly?

Listen You have a free will choice just as every man or woman ever born has been given - even as Adam and Eve were given. You see had God not permitted that tree to be in the garden they wouldn't have been given a choice - but from the very beginning - man has always been given a choice. It is up to the individual. Would you enjoy a relationship with robots that were "programmed to worship you"? Programmed to obey you? To bow down to you? Lucifer is so desperate he will surely resort to it but God doesn't need to resort to such desperate measures. You see, those who worship God worship Him in spirit and in truth and come freely to Him to worship Him because He alone is worthy of all worship and praise - He alone is God Almighty.

You are blaming God for something that has nothing to do with Him.

Why blame God for what man has chosen to do - which was disobedience to God? Why not blame the right one? The devil? Why not kick the devil out of your life by choosing Jesus Christ instead! Lucifer was defeated at the cross and when the whole earth hears the Gospel Message the end shall come. Not until then Smedley. Not until then.

God knows what He is doing. Never doubt it.
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That is my testimony of how I came to Christ and put the devil out of my life, Smedly. It is post # 1006 and the best decision I ever made, Hallelujah!

Someone once said Hell is truth seen too late. I thank God it wasn't too late for me and I thank God it isn't too late for you either! The people living during the time of Noah did evil continually and every thought in their heart was evil continually so what could God do? God is Holy! He couldn't be putting up with all that! You know? See my testimony and you'll get the idea about how merciful the LORD truly is!
Here is another place we need to keep the devil out! Out of our ears! Out of our minds! We should not be listening to the devil and his lies! Listen to this testimony by John Bunyan! John Bunyan listened to a man who was sent by Satan to destroy his faith! The man was a self avowed atheist and he made many arguments about God not being real, denying the existence of God and it caused such despair in John Bunyan he attempted to commit suicide! Then by the absolute grace of God - the Lord sent an angel preventing him and gave him visions of heaven and hell and explained many things about how Satan deceives people! Lesson no #1 Do not listen to the devil or his workers! If someone makes it their lifes ambition to convince others that God is not real you can be sure that one is up to no good! Stay away from them and do not listen to their lies! Listen to John Bunyan here! Bunyan became a most outstanding christian after this experience and went on to be the author of one of the greatest Christian Classics ever written, "Pilgrims Progress"... here then is John Bunyan's true story! You'll be utterly amazed! Listen to this!!

[ame=]Visions of Heaven and Hell by John Bunyan - YouTube[/ame]

May the LORD Mightily Bless All Who Listen to The Testimony of John Buynan! In Jesus Name I pray! Amen!
to destroy the Devil once and for all? Why let him hang around causing so much trouble? God didn't hesitate in killing his "enemie's" innocent first-born or killing millions of innocents with the Flood and yet He seems to have given Satan free rein for thousands of years. If it's not weakness what is it? Some kind of game like the one he played with Satan over his most loyal subject Job?

Something I missed earlier in your question, Smedly. Your question, why didn't God destroy the Devil once and for all? He defeated Satan at the cross 2000 yrs ago. But to be clear on this - let's see this situation at it truly is! You've got God Almighty who is not a created being being challenged by a created being - even created by God Almighty - Lucifer - who is a fallen angel.

With that said, Lucifer tricked Adam and Eve into sinning against God but it is man who is now putting Lucifer under their feet ( even little children! I have a video to prove it! ) through the power of the Cross which Jesus Christ accomplished as the "second Adam"... there is a reason for this - you see Lucifer's accusation against God is still the same old tired excuse - if you didn't have that hedge of protection around him, if I could cause him trouble - he wouldn't serve you, God, he'd curse you! But Job didn't curse God, he didn't turn away from God and in the end? Lucifer was proven a liar while Job was rewarded double for his trouble.

Imagine what torment it must be for Lucifer to stand by and watch helplessly as mankind worships Jesus Christ and receives the worship and adoration that he sought for himself?

It must be quite humiliating for Lucifer to watch generation after generation faithfully seek after the LORD and put him under in one defeat after another - Hitler and WWII was brought to its needs by an intercessor named Rees Howells who prayed it through - there is much in the unseen realm you have not yet realized Smedly but I tell you the truth, I am so glad that God decided to do it this way because it proves again and again the the children of God would rather die than bow down and worship Lucifer. Yes, we're not bowing down to Satan, not now, not ever, we are going have the praises of God on our lips to the very last breath and oh! How sweet it is! Satan is a defeated foe. I believe God's plan is perfect in every way. Perfect!

Speaking of Don't let the Devil Ride and don't let the devil drive - this kidnapper was confronted with the power of God in a small child and encountered the power of God! The devil is defeated in this story - once again - great story! There is a famous music video that was made from this story too! Here it is!

Satan and his workers cannot even defeat a tiny little child who has the high praises of God in his mouth! That is the Word of God, People! Glory!
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Here is another wonderful testimony about a man who had allowed Satan entry into his mind, then his life and finally the day before he planned to commit suicide and take his own life this happened! Oh! What a wonderful story this man has to tell! He will tell you himself of how Jesus saved his life and how today he lives unto the LORD! One more who is now living a holy committed life unto Jesus! Listen to this testimony! It is just incredible!
I never quite got the concept of Satan. Does he appear to people and offer them fiddles of gold for their sole, is he never seen but tempts people with gold for doing deeds they know are wrong, or does he trick them into doing things that are wrong but they don't realize it at the time? I've heard stories of all three examples but, while good morality plays, they never seemed to fit into a system where man has free will.

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