Don't Laugh too hard



Ok guys try not to laugh too hard, I am not an artistic person, rather a very technical one. I wanted to try my hand at a simple poem so I started with something I feel very strongly about.

A mother and her baby

The Mom:

Sitting alone out in the cold
staring at the full moon
She thought about the news
why did it happen so soon?

Though she knows she is not alone
this “thing” with her small and mild
She knows that “it” shouldn’t be
she's just not ready for a child.

She's sure she needs to get rid of it
that’s where she's going tomorrow
To free herself from this nightmare
so she'll no long have this sorrow

There’s nothing any one can tell her
to make her change her mind
They try and convince her to keep it
but tomorrow she will leave it behind

Then she can carry on with her life
still living life young and free
Although she’ll think to herself
there’ll be no child with me…

The Baby:

Thank you so much for giving me
this chance of a life of my own
Even in these last few days
so much bigger I have grown

I’m getting used to living with you
I know I’ll be happy on this earth
I’m so lucky to have a mom like you
I can’t wait to see you at my birth

But mom there’s one thing I’ve noticed
over these last couple of days
Tell me if there’s something wrong
you’ve been acting in different ways

You haven’t been very careful with me
I’m really sorry to complain
But when you hit your tummy like that
it causes me a lot of pain

I hope you’ll be better when I arrive
and I know we’ll have so much fun
Please stop worrying it will be all right
I just want you to be happy, mom!
That was touching, and sad. Good piece of writing. Puts a nice touch on the baby that is never talked to before a woman decides to end his/her life. :(

Very good, Eric!
Thanks Jim, I hope you are just not being kind.:)
Originally posted by eric
Thanks Jim, I hope you are just not being kind.:)

Not at all. Having a child of your own and watching them grow certainly changes your views. You brought things out from a different angle, and angle I haven't thought of before. It would seem that the baby always gets lost in the abortion arguments.
I don't have any children yet, and I think about this everyday, and it hurts me to know how people who are blessed with children could care less.
Very beautiful Eric....:clap:

Children are so special..and make me feel something special see them play & laugh...They truely are a blessing..and miracle....Life is wonderful....nice to see you have a heart buddy...:)...Good wriiting,and very much enjoyed.....(pat on the back)!!
Eric - a copy of this should be posted in every abortion clinic in the world. Great writing!
Sincerely, thank you all. I almost deleted it after I posted. LIke I said I have never been artistic in any way and really was afraid to try.

And George, thank you for a prayer, I am tired of living for myself, I want to have a more important purpose in this life and I can not think of one more rewarding than shaping the mind and soul of a child, or children for that matter, and then watching them grow. I would not even hesitate to adopt, to me it really would not make a big difference, I don't have that macho feeling that the child has to be from my blood.

Thanks again guys
...I'm just like you Eric...I can hold any child,and love it as my's the love,and the care one gives..that makes it grow...:)....Before I always wondered would I want a boy..or matter,because they are both more precious than gold...:)

That's almost a poem too...(smile) rubed off on me!!

Alota kids need a good dad & mum.....It's love that makes this world go round....(happy feeling inside)!!!....Thanks...for the thanks....(handshake)!!
Great poem, Eric! There's nothing wrong with being technical rather than artistic, most of my early stuff wasn't really artistic at all, and people seemed to enjoy it. You really should keep writing, you're really good!
A very painful poem to read, but I have to say, that was FANTASTIC!!!!!!

If only some of those could have read this before doing such a horrible deed, it might have changed their minds. I think I just might print this out, and give it to the women who stand outside the abortion clinic in Iselin....I am sure they would love it!

I meant to cause no one any pain. It just seems we get so hung up in the debate about a women's rights, that we forget about the life that is at stake. I often think about this and just wanted to give the child a voice. Believe me I also feel for the woman, especially young women who don't have the support and guidance of loving parents, but I just don't think this takes precedence over a human life.
You are so right! too many young girls get confused, scared and run out to do what they think is right. They don't consider the outcome or the hurt that not only they do to this child, but to themselves in years to come.

This is one poem that I think should be ALL OVER for women to read!!! I think this was a really really great poem eric. I am printing this out.....good job!!!!!! :clap:
Eric ... Hope you don't mind. You gave the child a very strong voice ... Mom heard and became a Mommy :)

Come Tomorrow - Mommy

Tomorrow has come, a warm bright day
why do I still feel cold ?
By end of day, I'll be alone
just this memory as I grow old.

I'm young and just not ready
but when does "ready" come ?
When you have some love to give
and share it with someone ?

My mind has long been made up
over before the start.
The future now looms empty
to match my empty heart.

A child is joy, I feel it
waiting patiently
to share a life and love and dreams.
The future lives in me.

This child in me has changed my life
I hear it talk to me.
There's two of us to think of now --
this trusting babe and me.

"Cancel my appointment".
"Yes Ma'am, I've changed my mind."
"And baby, Mommy loves you. We'll be ready in good time"

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