Don't forget Obama's Terrorist Fist Jab"


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
On the June 6 edition of Fox News' America's Pulse, host E.D. Hill teased an upcoming discussion on a gesture Sen. Barack Obama shared with his wife, Michelle, saying, "A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? The gesture everyone seems to interpret differently."

Terrorist Fist Jab

[ame=]YouTube - Terrorist Fist Jab[/ame]

Fox is what upholds the integrity of American broadcast journalism
The right's desepration is so profound I'm actually embarrassed for them.

Wtching them clutching at straws like this in almost painful.

It's like watching a comic bomb on stage.
The right's desepration is so profound I'm actually embarrassed for them.

Wtching them clutching at straws like this in almost painful.

It's like watching a comic bomb on stage.

Why is it that all you lefties can say when some crackpot like eots posts some crap like this is "the right's desperation yada, yada, yada ....."? I see this lame response all over the board.

But y'know, I was thinking the same when Obama went -- you know, the actual Democratic candidate -- went grasping for the "Bush straw." Not surprised though. I expected it sooner.

Eots is about as rightwing as you are.
The anti-Obmamians spend most of their ASCII spewing meaningless crap like what kind of salute Obama might have used.

If that doesn't read as deperation to you, what can I say?

It tells me that they are deperate NOT to discuss real issues.
The anti-Obmamians spend most of their ASCII spewing meaningless crap like what kind of salute Obama might have used.

If that doesn't read as deperation to you, what can I say?

It tells me that they are deperate NOT to discuss real issues.

Need out point out the PAGES of meaningless crap about Palin?

Or perhaps you'd like to go back a few pages and find an Obama thread where someone tried to discuss real issues and it was deflected to McCain just about as fast as the usual, and I guess desperate, suspects could get there?

So, what you are saying is it is perfectly legitimate for me to use, "Wow, look at them desperate Dems ..." as a response to anything I consider un-newsworthy?

I'll keep that in mind.:lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you lost your entire argument with that statement my friend.

He has no integrity and his comment is facetious. You have to know him. He is the resident conspiracy theorist. EVERYBODY's lying but him.

However, no one loses credibility by using Fox as a news source. It's as legitimate as any other.
Need out point out the PAGES of meaningless crap about Palin?

Or perhaps you'd like to go back a few pages and find an Obama thread where someone tried to discuss real issues and it was deflected to McCain just about as fast as the usual, and I guess desperate, suspects could get there?

You'd be hard pressed to find me joining in on that blather, Gunny, so taking me to task for what others do isn't going to get your argument many points with me.

So, what you are saying is it is perfectly legitimate for me to use, "Wow, look at them desperate Dems ..." as a response to anything I consider un-newsworthy?


It is the duty of those of us with minds capable of seperating the political wheat from the mindless chafe to do so.

I'll keep that in mind.:lol:

Please do.

I'm as tired to reading character assassinating crap aimed at Palin and McCain as I am reading it about Obama.

And if you go back though those many posts, I think you'll find plenty of examples of me pointing out what sheer crap much of that is in BOTH cases.
You'd be hard pressed to find me joining in on that blather, Gunny, so taking me to task for what others do isn't going to get your argument many points with me.


It is the duty of those of us with minds capable of seperating the political wheat from the mindless chafe to do so.

Please do.

I'm as tired to reading character assassinating crap aimed at Palin and McCain as I am reading it about Obama.

And if you go back though those many posts, I think you'll find plenty of examples of me pointing out what sheer crap much of that is in BOTH cases.

No problem. So, why is then that you choose to take "the right" to task for individual editorializing?

I have no problem not taking you to task for the behavior of others. I expect the same courtesy in return.
He has no integrity and his comment is facetious. You have to know him. He is the resident conspiracy theorist. EVERYBODY's lying but him.

However, no one loses credibility by using Fox as a news source. It's as legitimate as any other.

I didn't say he lost his argument by using Fox as a source but saying Fox upholds the intergiry of American journalism? :lol:

that's just :cuckoo: that would be like saying Huffington post hold up the integrity of American journalism or that Keith Olberman is an unbised reporter on par with Walter Cronkite :eek:
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Funny how E.D. Hill's show was cancelled for that little segment. Not even FOX News is immune to political correctness. And Rupert Murdoch says Obama will win. Now there's a shocker!
Why else would he have asked? :eusa_whistle:

For real ...

Wouldn't the appropriate time make a gay joke be when I actually had the avi up?

It's curious that this poster would decide that now is the time to do it.

And I only took the avi off a couple of hours ago ...
No problem. So, why is then that you choose to take "the right" to task for individual editorializing?

Because advocates of the "right" are the people doing it, of course.

If that shoe doesn't fit quit bitching that it pinches your feet.

I have no problem not taking you to task for the behavior of others. I expect the same courtesy in return.

You cannot take me to task for that which I take no part.

If you want to hammer those on the "left" for being mindless idiots, I won't object.

I do it myself enough on this very board, that's for damned sure.
For real ...

Wouldn't the appropriate time make a gay joke be when I actually had the avi up?

It's curious that this poster would decide that now is the time to do it.

And I only took the avi off a couple of hours ago ...

Well, you did look good in that pic, your abs are well toned. ;)

I'll miss it, but hey, I'm a girl.....

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