Don't be surprised if Michelle Obama jumps into the race.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
It wouldn't surprise me at all .
In fact , Trump would almost be forced to choose a black running mate like Byron Donalds or Candice Owens to help counter the Democrats racial narrative tones.

I hope she does. No rational adult wants her as POTUS.
Some others will remember this part of a speech of hers:

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama,
May 14, 2008
It wouldn't surprise me at all .
In fact , Trump would almost be forced to choose a black running mate like Byron Donalds or Candice Owens to help counter the Democrats racial narrative tones.

Where would Trump find a black transexual who would be willing to run with him?

Then again, only morons vote for someone who says they will find a black token as a running mate.

Those people hopefully won't be voting for you anyway or maybe you are the problem.
It wouldn't surprise me at all .
In fact , Trump would almost be forced to choose a black running mate like Byron Donalds or Candice Owens to help counter the Democrats racial narrative tones.

A black Republican wouldn't steal any votes away from Michelle. Republicans tried this with Hershel Walker and failed.

You just reminded me of when Obama ran the first time. Dude did everything it took to win. Remember he paid for a one hour show on all the major networks? He wasn't even president yet but here he was addressing the nation like "I'm the dude who's going to clean up Bush's Mess"

McCain looked so out of touch. He didn't even know how to use the internet at the time. Obama whipped him through social media.
A black Republican wouldn't steal any votes away from Michelle. Republicans tried this with Hershel Walker and failed.

You just reminded me of when Obama ran the first time. Dude did everything it took to win. Remember he paid for a one hour show on all the major networks? He wasn't even president yet but here he was addressing the nation like "I'm the dude who's going to clean up Bush's Mess"

McCain looked so out of touch. He didn't even know how to use the internet at the time. Obama whipped him through social media.
Conservative blacks are treated worse the white KKK members by democrats. For them it is infringing on their turf because the DNC owns the black race. They always have, and I reckon they always will.

As a result, Trump should steer away from it altogether.
A black Republican wouldn't steal any votes away from Michelle. Republicans tried this with Hershel Walker and failed.

You just reminded me of when Obama ran the first time. Dude did everything it took to win. Remember he paid for a one hour show on all the major networks? He wasn't even president yet but here he was addressing the nation like "I'm the dude who's going to clean up Bush's Mess"

McCain looked so out of touch. He didn't even know how to use the internet at the time. Obama whipped him through social media.
A highly educated honest one would rip her up on her husband's and party recent history alone.
Or do I need to remind you of the witch hunt shenanigans against DJT ?.
It wouldn't surprise me at all .
In fact , Trump would almost be forced to choose a black running mate like Byron Donalds or Candice Owens to help counter the Democrats racial narrative tones.

too funny

She's through with that shit.
It wouldn't surprise me at all .
In fact , Trump would almost be forced to choose a black running mate like Byron Donalds or Candice Owens to help counter the Democrats racial narrative tones.

with the tools trump has given her! the retribution would be incredibly fun.
with the tools trump has given her! the retribution would be incredibly fun.

Retribution for what? For fucking America over for years and years and folks getting angry about it?

So in other words, you relish the opportunity to do EXACTLY what it is you buttholes keep railing and warning us that Trump supporters want to do!
Conservative blacks are treated worse the white KKK members by democrats. For them it is infringing on their turf because the DNC owns the black race. They always have, and I reckon they always will.

As a result, Trump should steer away from it altogether.
I know what you just said is bullshit right wing spin. But I'm not going to explain to you again why blacks who vote Republicans are uncle toms who are traitors to their race.

I'll also point out that most black Republicans are rich. Herman Cain types. At least they are voting for the party that benefits them the most. Rich people. I get it. Doesn't mean they haven't forgotten where they came from.

If the GOP meant me making $100K more a year, you better bet I'll vote GOP. Even if they are racist towards Greeks. I too would forget where I came from.

It's like saying a rich white who used to middle class should continue voting Democratic or else they have forgotten where they came from. So you are right that's not fair for me to call out rich people for voting GOP. They should.

Same reason Bruce Jenner is still a Republican. He may be a tranny and the GOP may hate Trannies but god damn it, he's a rich tranny.
Retribution for what? For fucking America over for years and years and folks getting angry about it?

So in other words, you relish the opportunity to do EXACTLY what it is you buttholes keep railing and warning us that Trump supporters want to do!
The Obama's didn't fuck over America. Obama was pretty much just like Bill Clinton. He did a great job. If you weren't a partisan hack this is how you would honestly feel about Obama and Biden

Trump in the interview praised the way the country was run during Bill Clinton’s tenure as president.

“You know you look at the country then … The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean, we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy,” he said.

“A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell. You know people get jealous and they hate you.”
The Obama's didn't fuck over America.

Right. That is why his mission was to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA like going from AC to DC. We see the fundamental change. Basically it was to take us from a free, opportunistic society and change us to government-driven socialism with a piquant of perversion. And he is STILL fucking the country over, but now in the background by telling Joe what to do. Obumma owes Biden big for replacing him as America's worst president.
It wouldn't surprise me at all .
In fact , Trump would almost be forced to choose a black running mate like Byron Donalds or Candice Owens to help counter the Democrats racial narrative tones.

A transgender candidate.
It wouldn't surprise me at all .
In fact , Trump would almost be forced to choose a black running mate like Byron Donalds or Candice Owens to help counter the Democrats racial narrative tones.

Two (02) words. "Won't Happen".

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