Donald Trump Plans To Continue GOP Legacy Of Leading On Women’s, Civil Rights

Trump has vowed to bring jobs back to the USA, that should make mom's happy their kids might have a future vs living at home on welfare handouts.

As a sign of good faith he should bring the jobs he sent overseas to manufacture his clothing line here to America.
Agreed. Which is what I said fist page on this thread.

Also a sign of good faith would be to not have his wife appear like a whipped plastic barbie doll, completely silent and looking almost afraid when she glances at Donald. She almost has the body language of an abused geisha.
Exclusive — Donald Trump Plans To Continue GOP Legacy Of Leading On Women’s, Civil Rights Against Racist, Sexist Democrats - Breitbart

This article sets the record straight that it was the Republican party that fought to end slavery, fought for women's suffrage, and fought for civil rights, against the strong and sometimes violent opposition of Democrats.
Exclusive — Donald Trump Plans To Continue GOP Legacy Of Leading On Women’s, Civil Rights Against Racist, Sexist Democrats - Breitbart

This article sets the record straight that it was the Republican party that fought to end slavery, fought for women's suffrage, and fought for civil rights, against the strong and sometimes violent opposition of Democrats.

Up until 1964.

In 1963 President John F. Kennedy called for broad civil rights protections
in which he asked for legislation "giving all Americans the right to be served in facilities which are open to the public—hotels, restaurants, theaters, retail stores, and similar establishments", as well as "greater protection for the right to vote".

in 1964, after Kennedy was assassinated, Johnson called upon Congress to pass the legislation to honor Kennedy. With Johnson's strong support, the Democrats- with the assistance of the Republicans passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which was signed into law by President Johnson.

Who is the opposition to public accommodation laws now?


Blackrook- do you agree with Kennedy that all Americans have the right to be served by a retail store- like for instance a gay couple by a baker?

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