Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

I know right? Grown man obsessed with a dude in a gimp pathetic can you be?

Well, you could be obsessed with a dictator who was killed in 1945. Or with a reality TV show host. Or an illiterate former governor of Alaska. Or Mitt Romney.
Or you are just a retard.

He's just posting for effect now and his history suggests he won't stop. I'm leaving the child hanging in the wind.

Have a good one
Or you are just a retard.

A retarded person wouldn't be able to get under your skin like this. I think you are a fraud who just posts stuff you don't believe to get validation. It's almost textbook in its simplicity.

Well, let me be the first to tell you; you're not special. You're not successful. You're not remarkable. You're not even mediocre. You're just a nobody.
It was extremely telling how she thought that posted picture was somehow negative.....isn't it?

I KNOW, RIGHT!?!?!?!?!?!

Like, what better way to prove you're on the wrong side of an issue than by posting a picture of a very happy family as some sort of attack or insult?
Extreeeeeeeemely telling.
Is that supposed to mean something? Or are you just spewing more garbage thinking you matter? You don't ya know. Let me help you out lefty, I despise a leftist, I cannot stand your are simply sport to me...a diversion. But great fun to kick in the chops

Yes, it means that you're a nobody who is seeking attention on a message board to heal the wounds you got as children because Fozzy the Bear didn't hug you enough (or too much).

I don't like to talk online concerning specifics about my personal life but my childhood was fraught with traumatic and humiliating experiences which as an adult I logically, and rightfully attribute to the degradation of our culture at the hands of the left... Wanting to spare future generations of living under worse conditions is my primary motivation for trying to spread the word that it's time for a radical shift back towards traditional values.

Seems a bit hypocritical (and racist, and sexist) that when white men complain about the state of affairs in America lefties automatically assume they're whiny bitches who have lived a life of privilege but when a black man does it, you trip over yourselves to kiss his ass.
He's just posting for effect now and his history suggests he won't stop. I'm leaving the child hanging in the wind.Have a good one

Of course, you know that by posting this all I'm going to do now is go after your (lack of) character.

Sadly you think I care. Newsflash, retard, I don't. Now go put on your super hero costume and see if you can fly after jumping off a roof top...flap your little girly arms reaaaal hard and you might stay airborne for oh....about a second

^^^^^^^^^^^Derpity Derp Derp ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Extreeeeeeeemely telling.

You clicked the "funny" react again, even on my post about being abused as a kid. Classy.
She is OCD like that.

Seems as if she goes out of her way to laugh at my posts. Sometimes I log in and there's dozens of notifications from her. Not that reputation points matter much to me, but she's helping keep my ratio high.
She always laugh reacts to my posts too. Sometimes she will do like a whole page at once and blow up my Alert box. Lol
Not sure what it's all about...
More your speed, child

So funny thing about that; you vomit up a picture of three very happy people smiling and bonding as a family together. So thanks for the family values credit!

That's definitely a contrast from the (mostly all) white men wearing polos, carrying swastika flags, and screaming "Jews will not replace us" <--- not very happy people there. Quite miserable, actually.

I'd rather hang out with that smiling, happy family any time before hanging out with you attention-starved nobodies.[
don't mind sassy ,,,she's not all there,,,,mad trump never grabbed her

Oh look it's the faux stock tycoon Edward that doesn't know the difference between a swing trader and day trader....hence a colossal fraud

Sit down
Perhaps you're right sass BUT I do know the difference between someone with real American values and you and your ilk
btw only about 13K today How'd you do??
Look at the Left's orgasmic attitude to the "poor refugees" = let the Third World into the First World because it makes tragic losers like Leftists feel better about their sad existence, no thought about what that will result in or who is going to pay for it, just let the Third Worlders in because it makes you feel better about yourself.

That is called Pathological Altruism and it's a mental illness that only Leftist Maniacs have.

Savage nailed it, liberalism truly is some sort of mental disease. They're only good to poke fun at.
If it werent for liberals reforming your stupid, bronze-age religion, you would be somebody's property and personal maid.'re welcome.

I just said you're mental, only good to mock and ridicule. I take no left loon serious. Now go bother someone else little man
You believe you eat the flesh and blood of a zombie...but *i'm* the loon? Uh....
Are you poorly referring to the Eucharist?
No, I'm hilariously mocking it!
The sinister anti Gay agenda laid bare.

How have you let these people take power ?
Love=normal= The sinister pro gay agenda laid bare...
to use 'love is normal' as a basis for undoing the stigma
associated with homosexual behavior and lifestyles

By using 'loving someone is normal' as a basis
to push their propaganda, 'you don't choose who you love'
they have managed to redefine perversion as normalcy,
and moral and religious convictions as discriminatory.

The LGBT community wanted the acceptance of others
so they could accept themselves and their perverted behavior

That obviously wasn't enough, now they are hell bent
on legally forcing others to partake in their perversion
and instilling tolerance for perversion in classrooms

My, how we have allowed the LGBT community
to become so powerful and relevant!
I'm sorry to hear that some gay bully has forced you to partake in gay marriage.
I'm sorry to hear that some gay bully has forced you to partake in gay marriage
Oh please...knock it off

Give someone an inch, they take a mile

Suing someone because they don't want to
provide their services for events between homosexuals....
marriage, engagement, anniversary, adoption, HIV negative...
whatever, is absolutely unnecessary and out of spite!

They can take their business elsewhere

They are using discrimination laws
which are discriminatory towards those
who either have, moral or religious convictions
regarding homosexual behavior,
or just find it fucked up, plain and simple

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