Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution. This statement by one of the hardline Hollywood progressives is nothing short of astounding. It literally left Tucker Carlson speechless...
I have withdrawn from partisan politics. I am a constitutionalist who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights must be central and the parties must be peripheral. What’s most important for me is what you just mentioned haphazardly, we are over 30. Civics has not been taught in the American public school system since 1970. And that means everyone in Congress never studied the constitution and the bill of rights as you and I might have. - Richard Dreyfuss

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless
Tucker, knees news, the ultimate source.
Nothing like a piece of paper written by slave owners and slave rapists.
And you genuflect to this?
So next time the Russians give their money to shell American corporations who then place the ads then it's perfectly legal.

Is there a point somewhere in that statement?
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.
A tragedy that Hillary didn't get elected, let's say that her policies didn't get elected. 25 years of phony scandals, Russians hacking, and always silly American corporate Media. And mainly Big Mouth Republican James Comey.

Policies don't get elected.

no but successful ones get people reelected, bad omen for dems this fall and in 2020.

Hold that thought and we'll talk in November. But, you're not gonna like what we talk about. My guess is 32-37 seats in the Blue column. And the Senate is not completely out of the question either.
And while you are talking trash and pointing fingers, you're supporting the single most corrupt administration
Uh...we’re not supporting the Obama Administration. :uhh:
  • Benghazi
  • Fast ‘n Furious
  • Lois Lerner/IRS
  • Iran hostage payoff
  • Sharyl Attkison/Media spying
There are about a dozen more but this is just getting boring now.

How many indictments?
A testament to just how corrupt the Obama Administration was. Notice MaObama’s AG didn’t recuse himself from any of the investigations into the Administration like Jeff Sessions did?

It’s hard to be “indicted” when you’re controlling the entire justice department and have stacked it with corrupt animals like yourself.
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Uh...I proved otherwise when you claimed I “never” said per year. You’re not even capable of reading what it is written and having a conversation about it. You’re in such a whipped up left-wing tizzy that you see only what you want to see and hear only what you want to hear.
Again with the per year shit. If that's all you've got for your personal tizzy, you've gotta get some new material.
In all seriousness, I do see why you vote Dumbocrat. Your posts are astoundingly low IQ. You’re incapable of reading what is written, you give juvenile responses, you literally copy what others say back to them (see “tizzy” above), and you’re limited in your “arguments” (if one can call them that) to the really old and tired talking points that have been previously layed out for you by the left.

You’re just a traditional low income, low IQ, left-wing voter. I get it. I would probably do the same thing if I were in your shoes. I’m just thankful I’m not.
President Trump is doing something that not only has no other politician ever been able to achieve - but nobody even thought it was possible. He is getting the idealistic, immature, left-wing hatriots to respect and embrace the U.S. Constitution.

See the astonishing reason actor Richard Dreyfuss left Tucker Carlson absolutely speechless
Nothing like a piece of paper written by slave owners and slave rapists.
It wasn’t wittten by “slave rapists”. That’s just what you were conditioned to believe (which illustrates how incredibly weak-minded you are). It was the greatest document ever written by the greatest men who ever lived. And therein lies your problem. Like all losers on the left, you have a deep envy and hatred for anyone who has achieved something in life.

Don’t hate others because of your failures. Own your own failures. And acknowledge the successes of men far greater than you. That’s what a mature adult does. I guess that explains why there are no mature adults on the left.
Uh...I proved otherwise when you claimed I “never” said per year. You’re not even capable of reading what it is written and having a conversation about it. You’re in such a whipped up left-wing tizzy that you see only what you want to see and hear only what you want to hear.
Again with the per year shit. If that's all you've got for your personal tizzy, you've gotta get some new material.
In all seriousness, I do see why you vote Dumbocrat. Your posts are astoundingly low IQ. You’re incapable of reading what is written, you give juvenile responses, you literally copy what others say back to them (see “tizzy” above), and you’re limited in your “arguments” (if one can call them that) to the really old and tired talking points that have been previously layed out for you by the left.

You’re just a traditional low income, low IQ, left-wing voter. I get it. I would probably do the same thing if I were in your shoes. I’m just thankful I’m not.

Your Orange boy will be shown to be tied intricately to the Russian mob and all around him are those with ties to money laundering for that mob and you defend him and call others "Low IQ." Why? Not because you believe that but because you are afraid that we are right, which BTW we are. Mark my words. We'll talk again when the whole truth is told. You're not gonna like what we'll have to say. I guarantee you. Meanwhile, keep talking through your ass because we who are not deaf and blind love the circus.
Uh...I proved otherwise when you claimed I “never” said per year. You’re not even capable of reading what it is written and having a conversation about it. You’re in such a whipped up left-wing tizzy that you see only what you want to see and hear only what you want to hear.
Again with the per year shit. If that's all you've got for your personal tizzy, you've gotta get some new material.
In all seriousness, I do see why you vote Dumbocrat. Your posts are astoundingly low IQ. You’re incapable of reading what is written, you give juvenile responses, you literally copy what others say back to them (see “tizzy” above), and you’re limited in your “arguments” (if one can call them that) to the really old and tired talking points that have been previously layed out for you by the left.

You’re just a traditional low income, low IQ, left-wing voter. I get it. I would probably do the same thing if I were in your shoes. I’m just thankful I’m not.

Layed out? And you call me low IQ? LOL
Your Orange boy will be shown to be tied intricately to the Russian mob and all around him are those with ties to money laundering for that mob
Wow...a new outrageous accusation by you now. First it was Trump “colluded” with Russia to steal the election. Now he’s “tied” to the “Russian mob” and he laundered money with them?!?

Do you have National Security clearance? Where do you get such incredible inside information? come you never cite that information? No links (ever). :dunno:
Your Orange boy will be shown to be tied intricately to the Russian mob and all around him are those with ties to money laundering for that mob
Wow...a new outrageous accusation by you now. First it was Trump “colluded” with Russia to steal the election. Now he’s “tied” to the “Russian mob” and he laundered money with them?!?

Do you have National Security clearance? Where do you get such incredible inside information? come you never cite that information? No links (ever). :dunno:

I will be proven right. The reason I know these things is that unlike you I can see very clearly what Trump is all about and his history shows his involvement with Russian Mobsters. Like I've told you before, I'm a lot smarter than you will ever be. That's just a fact. Just watch and learn. If I thought I could trust you to pay up, I'd bet the farm. It will be proven that Manafort, Stone, Trump, Junior, Wilbur Ross at Commerce, Cohen etc have ties to the Russian mob. A while back when Trump almost filed bankruptcy and was desperate because no US bank would lend to him, he cut deals with Putin and his boys to launder money skimmed off the top by Oligarchs and agreed to sell them hundreds of apts/condos in trump properties for more than their value to move money to the US. Wilbur Ross was involved in that scheme to launder dough through real estate as evidenced by a property here in Florida that he brokered to sell to yet another Russian mobster for far more than it's worth so to move cash out of Russia and Ukraine to the US. The property was bought for 40 mil and sold for 95 mil despite the fact that it was torn down a short time later because it was so mold ridden. No inspection was performed because it wasn't really about a real estate deal at all. It was money laundering plain and simple. If Mueller is allowed to complete his probe it will all come to light. The dominoes will start to fall after Manafort's second trial on Sept 24th. Prosecutors will introduce 1,500 exhibits and among them will be lots of evidence of Russian mob ties. He wasn't Trumps unpaid Campaign Mgr because he's a philanthropist.
Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."
It really burns up your wicker man hysteria that INTELLIGENT people, not stupid people or Russians voted in this president- legally.

The only hysterical folks I see on here are you cult members who can't debate the issues without a bunch o' baby shit. . BTW, nobody ever said that Russians voted in our elections. They worked in concert with folks in the Trump camp to influence gullible people to vote for a madman. And you fell for it apparently. But there's really no excuse to continue to ignore the obvious corruption and subservience to Putin.

Helsinki should have been the wake-up call of all wake-up calls but even that wasn't enough of a clue for all of you high IQ folks.
So next time the Russians give their money to shell American corporations who then place the ads then it's perfectly legal.

Is there a point somewhere in that statement?
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.
A tragedy that Hillary didn't get elected, let's say that her policies didn't get elected. 25 years of phony scandals, Russians hacking, and always silly American corporate Media. And mainly Big Mouth Republican James Comey.
Proof Chinese hacked Hillary email server.
SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server
It really burns up your wicker man hysteria that INTELLIGENT people, not stupid people or Russians voted in this president- legally.

The only hysterical folks I see on here are you cult members who can't debate the issues without a bunch o' baby shit. . BTW, nobody ever said that Russians voted in our elections. They worked in concert with folks in the Trump camp to influence gullible people to vote for a madman. And you fell for it apparently. But there's really no excuse to continue to ignore the obvious corruption and subservience to Putin.

Helsinki should have been the wake-up call of all wake-up calls but even that wasn't enough of a clue for all of you high IQ folks.
So next time the Russians give their money to shell American corporations who then place the ads then it's perfectly legal.

Is there a point somewhere in that statement?
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.

So, when it's proved that the Trump camp and the candidate himself were acting in concert with Putin's govt and Russian military intelligence to fix our elections to install Trump as an agent of Putin, that'll just be fine with you?
It's already proven that Hillary colluded with Russia to gather dirt on the Trump campaign. Arrest her ass.
The only hysterical folks I see on here are you cult members who can't debate the issues without a bunch o' baby shit. . BTW, nobody ever said that Russians voted in our elections. They worked in concert with folks in the Trump camp to influence gullible people to vote for a madman. And you fell for it apparently. But there's really no excuse to continue to ignore the obvious corruption and subservience to Putin.

Helsinki should have been the wake-up call of all wake-up calls but even that wasn't enough of a clue for all of you high IQ folks.
So next time the Russians give their money to shell American corporations who then place the ads then it's perfectly legal.

Is there a point somewhere in that statement?
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.
A tragedy that Hillary didn't get elected, let's say that her policies didn't get elected. 25 years of phony scandals, Russians hacking, and always silly American corporate Media. And mainly Big Mouth Republican James Comey.
Proof Chinese hacked Hillary email server.
SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server
Garbage propaganda and who the hell cares?
So next time the Russians give their money to shell American corporations who then place the ads then it's perfectly legal.

Is there a point somewhere in that statement?
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.
A tragedy that Hillary didn't get elected, let's say that her policies didn't get elected. 25 years of phony scandals, Russians hacking, and always silly American corporate Media. And mainly Big Mouth Republican James Comey.
Proof Chinese hacked Hillary email server.
SOURCES: China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server
Garbage propaganda and who the hell cares?
Who the hell cares who hacked the email server of the Secretary of State? Damn dude, everyone better fucking care.
Is there a point somewhere in that statement?
Dude we get involve in other countries elections all the damn time, it was only a matter of time before someone did it to us.
A tragedy that Hillary didn't get elected, let's say that her policies didn't get elected. 25 years of phony scandals, Russians hacking, and always silly American corporate Media. And mainly Big Mouth Republican James Comey.

Policies don't get elected.

no but successful ones get people reelected, bad omen for dems this fall and in 2020.

Hold that thought and we'll talk in November. But, you're not gonna like what we talk about. My guess is 32-37 seats in the Blue column. And the Senate is not completely out of the question either.

LOL, don't believe the pollsters, they told you Hillary could not lose, remember?
Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."

none of that is illegal. most of Hawaii is owned by Japanese and Chinese today.
Oh! BTW that Florida deal was for a Trump owned property. And I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy, when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters, Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia." It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, something both Cohen and Trump have denied. Trump said, "I have no business in Russia."

Hey Blithering,

I almost forgot that during the time after Trump's near bankruptcy,

when he was selling those properties to Russian mobsters,

Junior confirmed to the press that, "The bulk of our money coming in is from Russia."

It will also be proven that at the time of the run-up to the election, Cohen went to Prague to set up the deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow,


Or is this just more "ass talk" from you?


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