Donald Trump is so rich that.......


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
In the vain of "Your mother is so fat...", I thought it would be fun to start a Thread about Donald. We have some very witty people posting here, so it should be fun! I will start.

Donald Trump is so rich......he has custom toilet paper printed with his ex-wives picture on each sheet.

Your turn!
Donald Trump is so rich he has no idea how people actually live from day to day and paycheck to paycheck and yet he is running as a populist, joke is on you teabaggers.
Donald Trump is so rich, he orders hundred dollar bills from the treasury with his picture on them.
I doubt he beats out Billy boy and Hillary Clinton in the Corruption category. but they have no problems voting for those "rich"

such hypocrites. and he doesn't make hurtful policy on us
Trump is so rich he doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks of him.

He's so rich that he doesn't owe any of the mouth breaths in DC anything.

He's so rich that he can't be bought.

Trump is so rich he can give an honest answer to a question and doesn't give shit one whether you like his answer or not.

Trump is so rich he's leading in the national polls.

Guess being rich means that those polled like what he has to say.

Trump is so rich, he can accept the GOP nomination, win the general, and then do a 180 turn, becoming another liberal President, while the RW loons sit in the corner pulling their hair out! FUNNY, HUH?
Trump is so rich, that when he passes gas, he has a servant bottle it for future generations....
Donald Trump is so rich he has no idea how people actually live from day to day and paycheck to paycheck and yet he is running as a populist, joke is on you teabaggers.
The Clinton's are very rich also, so she is running a joke on you loonies.
Not a Hillary fan by any stretch of the imagination. You don't see me running around here acting like she is the answer to any problem we have. I am done voting for rich assholes who only care about rich assholes.
Donald Trump is so rich he has no idea how people actually live from day to day and paycheck to paycheck and yet he is running as a populist, joke is on you teabaggers.
The Clinton's are very rich also, so she is running a joke on you loonies.
Not a Hillary fan by any stretch of the imagination. You don't see me running around here acting like she is the answer to any problem we have. I am done voting for rich assholes who only care about rich assholes.

I hate to tell you this....anyone running for President is going to be one.....
Donald Trump is so rich he has no idea how people actually live from day to day and paycheck to paycheck and yet he is running as a populist, joke is on you teabaggers.
The Clinton's are very rich also, so she is running a joke on you loonies.
Not a Hillary fan by any stretch of the imagination. You don't see me running around here acting like she is the answer to any problem we have. I am done voting for rich assholes who only care about rich assholes.

I hate to tell you this....anyone running for President is going to be one.....
Most won't run on a platform being against the rich.
Donald Trump is so rich he has no idea how people actually live from day to day and paycheck to paycheck and yet he is running as a populist, joke is on you teabaggers.
The Clinton's are very rich also, so she is running a joke on you loonies.
Not a Hillary fan by any stretch of the imagination. You don't see me running around here acting like she is the answer to any problem we have. I am done voting for rich assholes who only care about rich assholes.

I hate to tell you this....anyone running for President is going to be one.....
Bernie Sanders has a net worth of about $500,000, not exactly in Trump or even Clinton territory.

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