Donald Trump has finally earned a superlative and there's no question that he truly has


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Far more often than not, Donald Trump claims to be superlative in one regard or another.
The list above does not include all of his claims about his superlativeness and deeds to that effect, and not one of them is true.

Well, finally, Trump has accomplished something that nobody before him ever has. He has, during the first quarter of his presidency, garnered for himself an average approval rating of 41%. No other president since WWII has done so.

Editorial note:
  • This thread was inspired by Tax Man's now closed thread XXXX -
    Mod Edit -- Removed comment about specific moderation action..​
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Here's the problem with piling up a list of "evidence" that comes from media sources that have totally abandoned journalistic standards. This is NOT undebatable evidence in any way. Some of it is petty. And I'm certainly not defending Trump -- but the "piling on" totally offends my sense of justice and fairness. The larger crap piles aren't neccessarily more valuable. For instance, in the discussion about "foreign policy gaffs" from your Politico link.

8. About the Bergdahl swap

During his campaign announcement, Trump declared that the five Guantanamo Bay prisoners exchanged with the Taliban for Army Pvt. Bowe Bergdahl "are now back on the battlefield trying to kill us."

"We get Bergdahl. We get a traitor. We get a no-good traitor, and they get the five people that they wanted for years, and those people are now back on the battlefield trying to kill us. That's the negotiator we have," Trump remarked.

In fact, U.S. officials had announced two weeks prior that Qatar, the country to which the Taliban leaders were sent, had agreed to maintain a year-long travel ban while officials in both countries continued to negotiate the details.

As far as the traitor remark, Bergdahl's attorney warned Trump in August to cease spreading his "outrageous comments." Bergdahl is accused of desertion, not of being a "traitor."

This is OLD.. From 2015.. And SINCE we've learned that one or more of the released HAVE been back on the battlefield. And that Bergdahl pled guilty to desertion. Admitting he "had no idea that US troops would risk lives by coming to look for him".

The swap STINKS... That's a fact. Trying to put a relative value on Bergdahl is difficult, but at ANY PRICE the deal was trash.
Here's the problem with piling up a list of "evidence" that comes from media sources that have totally abandoned journalistic standards. This is NOT undebatable evidence in any way. Some of it is petty. And I'm certainly not defending Trump -- but the "piling on" totally offends my sense of justice and fairness. The larger crap piles aren't neccessarily more valuable. For instance, in the discussion about "foreign policy gaffs" from your Politico link.

8. About the Bergdahl swap

During his campaign announcement, Trump declared that the five Guantanamo Bay prisoners exchanged with the Taliban for Army Pvt. Bowe Bergdahl "are now back on the battlefield trying to kill us."

"We get Bergdahl. We get a traitor. We get a no-good traitor, and they get the five people that they wanted for years, and those people are now back on the battlefield trying to kill us. That's the negotiator we have," Trump remarked.

In fact, U.S. officials had announced two weeks prior that Qatar, the country to which the Taliban leaders were sent, had agreed to maintain a year-long travel ban while officials in both countries continued to negotiate the details.

As far as the traitor remark, Bergdahl's attorney warned Trump in August to cease spreading his "outrageous comments." Bergdahl is accused of desertion, not of being a "traitor."

This is OLD.. From 2015.. And SINCE we've learned that one or more of the released HAVE been back on the battlefield. And that Bergdahl pled guilty to desertion. Admitting he "had no idea that US troops would risk lives by coming to look for him".

The swap STINKS... That's a fact. Trying to put a relative value on Bergdahl is difficult, but at ANY PRICE the deal was trash.

I just shut out all the noise from the media and take my cue from Rex Tillerson: Trump is a "fucking moron".
He's actually at 36%

Far more often than not, Donald Trump claims to be superlative in one regard or another.
The list above does not include all of his claims about his superlativeness and deeds to that effect, and not one of them is true.

Well, finally, Trump has accomplished something that nobody before him ever has. He has, during the first quarter of his presidency, garnered for himself an average approval rating of 41%. No other president since WWII has done so.

Editorial note:
  • This thread was inspired by Tax Man's now closed thread XXXX -
    Mod Edit -- Removed comment about specific moderation action..​
Thank you to all who fixed my screwed up attempt to start a thread.I do not care if someone makes a new thread using my premise as I am not trump!!
Here's the problem with piling up a list of "evidence" that comes from media sources that have totally abandoned journalistic standards. This is NOT undebatable evidence in any way. Some of it is petty. And I'm certainly not defending Trump -- but the "piling on" totally offends my sense of justice and fairness. The larger crap piles aren't neccessarily more valuable. For instance, in the discussion about "foreign policy gaffs" from your Politico link.

8. About the Bergdahl swap

During his campaign announcement, Trump declared that the five Guantanamo Bay prisoners exchanged with the Taliban for Army Pvt. Bowe Bergdahl "are now back on the battlefield trying to kill us."

"We get Bergdahl. We get a traitor. We get a no-good traitor, and they get the five people that they wanted for years, and those people are now back on the battlefield trying to kill us. That's the negotiator we have," Trump remarked.

In fact, U.S. officials had announced two weeks prior that Qatar, the country to which the Taliban leaders were sent, had agreed to maintain a year-long travel ban while officials in both countries continued to negotiate the details.

As far as the traitor remark, Bergdahl's attorney warned Trump in August to cease spreading his "outrageous comments." Bergdahl is accused of desertion, not of being a "traitor."

This is OLD.. From 2015.. And SINCE we've learned that one or more of the released HAVE been back on the battlefield. And that Bergdahl pled guilty to desertion. Admitting he "had no idea that US troops would risk lives by coming to look for him".

The swap STINKS... That's a fact. Trying to put a relative value on Bergdahl is difficult, but at ANY PRICE the deal was trash.
Some of it is petty.

Which, in and of itself, minimally raises the following questions:
  • Why, to begin with, misrepresent the truth on a petty matter?
  • Why, insofar as the claim was petty to begin with, "double down" on the untruthful claim when it's shown the claim is not true?
There really are only two root reasons people do that:
  • They are emotionally insecure/immature.
  • They lack integrity at the most basic of levels.
One whose word cannot be trusted on small matters cannot thus be trusted on big ones. Trump is the penultimate figure of our day when it comes to being untrustworthy.
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In fairness to Trump, before he even took office, his approval rating was in the 30s, so I think it's safe to say that nobody gave Trump a chance.

Excuse me? He has been given the chance to be POTUS and has has held that job since late January 2017. How much more of a chance is there to give someone?

Though a president is not omnipotent, a president is most certainly powerful enough to conduct himself and the affairs of the presidency so as to earn at least a majority of Americans' approbation. It's not as though the U.S. Presidency is a job lacking in opportunities whereby one may demonstrate one's competence, aplomb, integrity, and perspicacity in general as well as specifically with regard to being president and performing the duties thereof.
Which, in and of itself, minimally raises the following questions:
  • Why, to begin with, misrepresent the truth on a petty matter?
  • Why, insofar as the claim was petty to begin with, "double down" on the untruthful claim when it's shown the claim is not true?

THAT is the real question. Trump seems to gravitate to argument about things he SHOULDN'T waste his time on. COMPLETELY bad time management and you would THINK -- he'd know that. But I can answer the question.

You have to have experience with entrepreneurial types. They are the largest egos in the world. NO ONE understands the current topic better than they do. Entrepreneurs TALK their way to success by selling their CONFIDENCE and VISION. Not necessarily firmly tethered to reality. 20+ years in Silicon Valley, I've out-survived a LOT of meglo-primadonnas who can't back it up.. I KNOW this type very well.

When they fly on hyperbole and play loose and fast with reality ---- SOUNDS like bragging (or lying) --- what it IS --- is selling. Mostly themselves. Because all entrepreneurs have to sell are THEMSELVES and their ideas. Most of trump's fibs ARE more exaggeration than lies. Exaggerating things is the entrepreneurial go-to tactic.

There really are only two root reasons people do that:
  • They are emotionally insecure/immature.
  • They lack integrity at the most basic of levels.

Given my comments above, COULD be choice A, but not likely B. These folks can't afford to tarnish their "brand". Because if THIS deal falls thru -- they want to be Golden for the next. In the world of these folks, failure is NOT necessarily bad. Because like skiing, if you're not crashing, you're not TRYING hard enough. However, I share the general pain of you and your "resistance", that when you're Leader of the Free World -- chronic crashing is NOT an option. :ack-1:

SO --- it's a RISK to have this type of person as President. Depends on how soon they "modify" their modus. Folks will be entertained and amazed just like the snake oil wagon shows of the 19th century. To me -- that can be rejuvenating --- IF --- the guy actually HAS the juice to carry out the project. With entrepreneurs -- you never know. Because they are the biggest risk-takers in ANY society.

The nation chose to TAKE that risk to elect him. Makes them kind of "venture capital" investors in high risk venture. :badgrin: But they are playing for survival of this country.

Dems are completely risk-adverse. They WANT power to purge the word risk from society. But in the real world, there are only acceptable levels of risk, never no risk. And that's up to the people to decide what they're comfortable with.

Given the 2 choices that people would VOTE for -- I can understand WHY they took the risk. But I don't support it. I voted LP. Much less riskier proposition than those choices. But America only wanted WINNERS.. Well -- enjoy your "winning". Both Trump and Hillary. "Winning" is killing my country.. It's highly over-rated and deadly...
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Which, in and of itself, minimally raises the following questions:
  • Why, to begin with, misrepresent the truth on a petty matter?
  • Why, insofar as the claim was petty to begin with, "double down" on the untruthful claim when it's shown the claim is not true?

THAT is the real question. Trump seems to gravitate to argument about things he SHOULDN'T waste his time on. COMPLETELY bad time management and you would THINK -- he'd know that. But I can answer the question.

You have to have experience with entrepreneurial types. They are the largest egos in the world. NO ONE understands the current topic better than they do. Entrepreneurs TALK their way to success by selling their CONFIDENCE and VISION. Not necessarily firmly tethered to reality. 20+ years in Silicon Valley, I've out-survived a LOT of meglo-primadonnas who can't back it up.. I KNOW this type very well.

When they fly on hyperbole and play loose and fast with reality ---- SOUNDS like bragging (or lying) --- what it IS --- is selling. Mostly themselves. Because all entrepreneurs have to sell are THEMSELVES and their ideas. Most of trump's fibs ARE more exaggeration than lies. Exaggerating things is the entrepreneurial go-to tactic.

There really are only two root reasons people do that:
  • They are emotionally insecure/immature.
  • They lack integrity at the most basic of levels.

Given my comments above, COULD be choice A, but not likely B. These folks can't afford to tarnish their "brand". Because if THIS deal falls thru -- they want to be Golden for the next. In the world of these folks, failure is NOT necessarily bad. Because like skiing, if you're not crashing, you're not TRYING hard enough. However, I share the general pain of you and your "resistance", that when you're Leader of the Free World -- chronic crashing is NOT an option. :ack-1:

SO --- it's a RISK to have this type of person as President. Depends on how soon they "modify" their modus. Folks will be entertained and amazed just like the snake oil wagon shows of the 19th century. To me -- that can be rejuvenating --- IF --- the guy actually HAS the juice to carry out the project. With entrepreneurs -- you never know. Because they are the biggest risk-takers in ANY society.

The nation chose to TAKE that risk to elect him. Makes them kind of "venture capital" investors in high risk venture. :badgrin: But they are playing for survival of this country.

Dems are completely risk-adverse. They WANT power to purge the word risk from society. But in the real world, there are only acceptable levels of risk, never no risk. And that's up to the people to decide what they're comfortable with.

Given the 2 choices that people would VOTE for -- I can understand WHY they took the risk. But I don't support it. I voted LP. Much less riskier proposition than those choices. But America only wanted WINNERS.. Well -- enjoy your "winning". Both Trump and Hillary. "Winning" is killing my country.. It's highly over-rated and deadly...
Entrepreneurs TALK their way to success by selling their CONFIDENCE and VISION.....Given my comments above, COULD be choice A, but not likely B. These folks can't afford to tarnish their "brand".

In terms of projecting confidence, you are correct; however, corporate executives of integrity (and having Ivy League educations and thereby "have the best words") also, for example but not limited to:
  • eschew, as one might the plague, misrepresenting objective points of fact, and Trump does not do that;
  • accept the blame for their, their organization's and subordinate's missteps, and Trump does not do that;
  • refrain from talking about things of which they are not fully informed, and Trump does not do that;
  • refrain, because they know what they are talking about, from over-promising and under-delivering, and Trump routinely does that.
Principals with near unfailing reliability exhibit those behaviors because, in part, along with being unwilling to tarnish the brand of the organization, people, and products/services of which they are the foremost representative, above all else, their personal "brand" as a trustworthy individual is the one thing they must work tirelessly to develop, and losing that, their ability to lead is forever compromised, for people, stakeholders of all stripes, will -- once a leader is shown to be a profligate liar, palterer, prevaricator, or even just one who consistently speaks with good intentions but without portfolio -- henceforth view one through the lens of one's past behavior. That lens becomes a magnifying one if and when it becomes clear that the individual has behaved to primarily advance nothing other than their own image.

Why? Because marketing bluster, which is effectively what you're talking about, will be borne out by the merit of the goods/services about which one exaggerated. As for an executive's personal stature and its merits, strengths and weaknesses, well, those qualities of character will be regularly and duly observed and credited without one's having to to explicitly tout them.

To wit, one example of that has to do with one's intellect. One who is indeed very knowledgeable a given topic need never descend to the point of averring directly that they know more about "X" than does someone else. The comprehensiveness, coherence, and clarity with which one discusses "X," and the extent to which one's remarks are borne out by "background" facts and the extant body of understandings, will make very clear to all whether one knows more about "X" than does someone else. Principals, leaders, executives, whatever you want to call them, don't do that. They may say "I understand 'X,'" but they don't utter conclusions and attestations derived from their own tu quoque lines of thought. The don't because (1) they do understand the matter and because there's no need to compare themselves with another. The audience will do that -- soundly or not -- its own, and, frankly, it is the led's place to do so, not the leader's.
In terms of projecting confidence, you are correct; however, corporate executives of integrity (and having Ivy League educations and thereby "have the best words") also, for example but not limited to:

Not talking about CEOs with developed business lines and products. You need to think entrepreneurs who are constantly proposing things that don't yet exist. It's very important to make that distinction. Most of today's stellar entrepreneurs never HAD the "Ivy League experience". Or if they did -- they chucked it.

Think Elon Musk. Selling CONCEPTS. He has very few developed products and services that are MATURE COMMODITY items. (except for his solar panel business). He is the LARGEST tech exaggerator that I know. Or at least the most visible.

Is he LYING about his "coast to coast" chain of "Solar Powered" Tesla charging stations? Dunno. The stations don't have the solar capacity to charge 2 cars on a good day from solar. It's exaggeration. Just like Trump. Doesn't MEAN the vision is flawed. That's HOW you get attention and SELL IT..
Far more often than not, Donald Trump claims to be superlative in one regard or another.
The list above does not include all of his claims about his superlativeness and deeds to that effect, and not one of them is true.

Well, finally, Trump has accomplished something that nobody before him ever has. He has, during the first quarter of his presidency, garnered for himself an average approval rating of 41%. No other president since WWII has done so.

Editorial note:
  • This thread was inspired by Tax Man's now closed thread XXXX -
    Mod Edit -- Removed comment about specific moderation action..​
That abyssal rating is now down to 34%.
Still worst in history.
To wit, one example of that has to do with one's intellect. One who is indeed very knowledgeable a given topic need never descend to the point of averring directly that they know more about "X" than does someone else.

Again -- when you're selling stuff that DOESN'T yet exist, there are just OPTIMISTS and SKEPTICS. Not a huge field of "very knowledgeable" folks. You kinda got wayleighed with the distinction between the vast field of "industry execs" and the special class to which Trump is an icon -- of entrepreneurs..

MOST of his business is simply slapping his name on products, services and developments. The VALUE of that endorsement depends ENTIRELY on his image. So if he's a "narcissist" as many phony psychiatrists have attempted to assert -- He's GUILTY as charge because EVERY entrepreneur becomes a narcissist or leverages that natural characteristic. It's NOT a negative as YOU and your partisan tribe have attempted to portray it as a "sickness". Just as "over-activity" is not necessarily a handicap or a sickness.
Games are frequently won or lost in the 4th quarter not the first quarter so just relax snowflakes, we'll discuss again in 3 years.
Games are frequently won or lost in the 4th quarter not the first quarter so just relax snowflakes, we'll discuss again in 3 years.
Idiot thinks trump will change his ways and get smarter as he gets older.
Do you believe in unicorns too?
In terms of projecting confidence, you are correct; however, corporate executives of integrity (and having Ivy League educations and thereby "have the best words") also, for example but not limited to:

Not talking about CEOs with developed business lines and products. You need to think entrepreneurs who are constantly proposing things that don't yet exist. It's very important to make that distinction. Most of today's stellar entrepreneurs never HAD the "Ivy League experience". Or if they did -- they chucked it.

Think Elon Musk. Selling CONCEPTS. He has very few developed products and services that are MATURE COMMODITY items. (except for his solar panel business). He is the LARGEST tech exaggerator that I know. Or at least the most visible.

Is he LYING about his "coast to coast" chain of "Solar Powered" Tesla charging stations? Dunno. The stations don't have the solar capacity to charge 2 cars on a good day from solar. It's exaggeration. Just like Trump. Doesn't MEAN the vision is flawed. That's HOW you get attention and SELL IT..
You need to think entrepreneurs who are constantly proposing things that don't yet exist.

Oh, you mean folks like me when my first first began and over the years as it grew in success and that I eventually sold to a vastly larger competitor whereupon my firm became the foundation for an entire practice area within that organization? Yes, I thought about that too. No difference from what I've already described as the behavior of principals.
Games are frequently won or lost in the 4th quarter not the first quarter so just relax snowflakes, we'll discuss again in 3 years.
Idiot thinks trump will change his ways and get smarter as he gets older.
Do you believe in unicorns too?

:itsok: we are in charge, Democrats got the boot from voters, just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking while we clean up the Democrats huge mess okay.
Here's the problem with piling up a list of "evidence" that comes from media sources that have totally abandoned journalistic standards. This is NOT undebatable evidence in any way. Some of it is petty. And I'm certainly not defending Trump -- but the "piling on" totally offends my sense of justice and fairness. The larger crap piles aren't neccessarily more valuable. For instance, in the discussion about "foreign policy gaffs" from your Politico link.

8. About the Bergdahl swap

During his campaign announcement, Trump declared that the five Guantanamo Bay prisoners exchanged with the Taliban for Army Pvt. Bowe Bergdahl "are now back on the battlefield trying to kill us."

"We get Bergdahl. We get a traitor. We get a no-good traitor, and they get the five people that they wanted for years, and those people are now back on the battlefield trying to kill us. That's the negotiator we have," Trump remarked.

In fact, U.S. officials had announced two weeks prior that Qatar, the country to which the Taliban leaders were sent, had agreed to maintain a year-long travel ban while officials in both countries continued to negotiate the details.

As far as the traitor remark, Bergdahl's attorney warned Trump in August to cease spreading his "outrageous comments." Bergdahl is accused of desertion, not of being a "traitor."

This is OLD.. From 2015.. And SINCE we've learned that one or more of the released HAVE been back on the battlefield. And that Bergdahl pled guilty to desertion. Admitting he "had no idea that US troops would risk lives by coming to look for him".

The swap STINKS... That's a fact. Trying to put a relative value on Bergdahl is difficult, but at ANY PRICE the deal was trash.

I just shut out all the noise from the media and take my cue from Rex Tillerson: Trump is a "fucking moron".

He never said that.

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