Donald Trump and the GOP...

Stephanie, I'm asking you nicely...please stop posting off topic in my thread. Start your own, please.

What exactly is the topic? Stupid analogies?

You're closer than the inbred twins, well done.

You don't think Trump is harming the GOP and the establishment can't do much about it? Why not? You think he's good for the party? How so?
Wow...should have had an idiot rube disclaimer. There is no "violence" in this thread. I didn't realize I had to post a detailed explaination for the toothless crowd.

Donald trump is the bear. He is systematically ripping apart the GOP while the establishment stands by and says "stop it bear".

Honestly... :rolleyes:
Actually Obama has destroyed your party while you sat there and supported him. Obama created Trump and Hillary is keeping him alive. America is sick of lying piece of shit politicians. Get used to saying president Trump.

The polls don't bear out your contention. (ha, bear)
Stephanie, I'm asking you nicely...please stop posting off topic in my thread. Start your own, please.
She is on topic. This is a message board. What is your problem?

This is a messag board, but this thread is not about violent rhetoric. If she would like to discuss that, she should start a thread where the two of you can discuss that. This thread is about what Trump is doing to the GOP.
Did you look at your OP TITLE? Donald Trump and the GOP and then you have a video of a bear destroying a Kayak making an obvious connection to something, Seawycth.

As the title is Donald Trump and the GOP? Here is what the GOP thinks about Donald Trump - definitely not about a bear and a kayak -
more about a great big BEAR HUG!!!

That's Donald Trump's Support base in just one city. Where is Hillary's? 14 people in a book store? Or this campaign event in photograph below that is probably made up of mostly gov. employees that were forced to attend? Sad. Really Sad. No wonder Seawytch is twitching. The truth is not something she wants to face. We'll have to help her with that!


When a picture is worth a thousand words..........................and then some!
Last edited:
Stephanie, I'm asking you nicely...please stop posting off topic in my thread. Start your own, please.
She is on topic. This is a message board. What is your problem?

This is a messag board, but this thread is not about violent rhetoric. If she would like to discuss that, she should start a thread where the two of you can discuss that. This thread is about what Trump is doing to the GOP.
Did you look at your OP TITLE? Donald Trump and the GOP and then you have a video of a bear destroying a Kayak making an obvious connection to something, Seawycth.

As the title is Donald Trump and the GOP? Here is what the GOP thinks about Donald Trump - definitely not about a bear and a kayak -
more about a great big BEAR HUG!!!

That's Donald Trump's Support base in just one city. Where is Hillary's? 14 people in a book store?

It was explained, it's not my problem that you don't have enough teeth to understand it.

Crowd size is also not the topic of this thread. The topic is how Trump is destroying the GOP and the establishment just stands by ineffectually shouting "stop it bear".
Stephanie, I'm asking you nicely...please stop posting off topic in my thread. Start your own, please.
She is on topic. This is a message board. What is your problem?

This is a messag board, but this thread is not about violent rhetoric. If she would like to discuss that, she should start a thread where the two of you can discuss that. This thread is about what Trump is doing to the GOP.
Did you look at your OP TITLE? Donald Trump and the GOP and then you have a video of a bear destroying a Kayak making an obvious connection to something, Seawycth.

As the title is Donald Trump and the GOP? Here is what the GOP thinks about Donald Trump - definitely not about a bear and a kayak -
more about a great big BEAR HUG!!!

That's Donald Trump's Support base in just one city. Where is Hillary's? 14 people in a book store?

It was explained, it's not my problem that you don't have enough teeth to understand it.

Crowd size is also not the topic of this thread. The topic is how Trump is destroying the GOP and the establishment just stands by ineffectually shouting "stop it bear".
You posted "the bear" in Politics and title reads Donald Trump and the GOP - it's open season, doll.
Stephanie, I'm asking you nicely...please stop posting off topic in my thread. Start your own, please.
She is on topic. This is a message board. What is your problem?

This is a messag board, but this thread is not about violent rhetoric. If she would like to discuss that, she should start a thread where the two of you can discuss that. This thread is about what Trump is doing to the GOP.
Did you look at your OP TITLE? Donald Trump and the GOP and then you have a video of a bear destroying a Kayak making an obvious connection to something, Seawycth.

As the title is Donald Trump and the GOP? Here is what the GOP thinks about Donald Trump - definitely not about a bear and a kayak -
more about a great big BEAR HUG!!!

That's Donald Trump's Support base in just one city. Where is Hillary's? 14 people in a book store?

It was explained, it's not my problem that you don't have enough teeth to understand it.

Crowd size is also not the topic of this thread. The topic is how Trump is destroying the GOP and the establishment just stands by ineffectually shouting "stop it bear".
You posted "the bear" in Politics and title reads Donald Trump and the GOP - it's open season, doll.

No, it's not "open season", it's a thread with a specific premise that was explained in the OP. If you don't wish to discuss what Trump is doing to the GOP, find a thread that you do wish to discuss or start your own about penis crowd size.
Stephanie, I'm asking you nicely...please stop posting off topic in my thread. Start your own, please.

What exactly is the topic? Stupid analogies?

You're closer than the inbred twins, well done.

You don't think Trump is harming the GOP and the establishment can't do much about it? Why not? You think he's good for the party? How so?

Say what?

No, I'm serious.

So your topic is Trump and the GOP eh?

I'm beginning to think that Trump is a puppet of the Clinton campaign. That is just what I am starting to think.

This was my reading this morning. . . .

Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate?
A warmongering racist lunatic lets loose – and he’s crazy like a fox
Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate? - Original

Finally, one has to wonder about the provenance of the Trump phenomenon. Seemingly coming out of nowhere, it’s been attributed to a populist upsurge against the regnant elites, who are so out of touch with the people that they never saw what was coming. The media, we are told, are biased against Trump – this is one of The Donald’s chief complaints – and now The People are rising up against the Washington-New York know-it-alls with their “big words” and pretentious airs.

Yet this analysis is lacking in one key ingredient: the facts. For the reality is that the media, far from ignoring Trump, have lavished so much attention on him that he’s eating up coverage that would otherwise go to the rest of the crowded Republican field. And that may be a clue as to what’s really going on here….

The usual “mainstream” media tactics regarding a political outsider they hate is to ignore him or her: the example of Ron Paul should suffice to make this point. Indeed, Jon Stewart pointed this out in a memorable “Daily Show” segment, and it took Paul three runs for the White House to get their attention. Trump has suffered no such fate: quite the opposite, in fact. The Donald’s every demagogic pronouncement is faithfully recorded and broadcast far and wide. Over a hundred reporters crowded into his latest appearances in Las Vegas and Phoenix. Jeb Bush, for all the many millions stuffed into his campaign coffers, couldn’t buy that kind of exposure.

This gift to the Trump campaign is being celebrated by Democratic politicos and consultants as if it were manna from heaven. The Republican “brand,” they aver, is being sullied beyond redemption, and they’re watching this unanticipated and providential miracle from the peanut gallery with unalloyed glee.

And yet … just how unanticipated is it?

Jeb Bush Floats Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory
Jeb Bush Floats Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush responded to a poll promoted by Donald Trump -- which showed the billionaire holding on to 68 percent of his supporters if he ran as an independent -- by floating the theory that the GOP frontrunner's candidacy might be a false flag operation planted by Hillary Clinton.

Is Donald Trump Running a False Flag Campaign to Help Hillary Clinton?
It would, of course, be incredible—and virtually unprecedented in modern American politics—if a major party’s top candidate were to run a campaign for the purpose of electing that party’s most imposing political opponent. So what exactly supports the theory that Trump is such a candidate? Though he has recently rebranded himself as the only Republican brave enough to speak the truth about undocumented immigrants, his past associations and political positions suggest the theory is, if not entirely believable, not exactly implausible, either.

There are three main lines of argument supporting the assertion that Donald Trump is running a false flag campaign:

    • [1]Trump cannot possibly be considered either a Republican or a conservative, once you account for his apparent political beliefs (many of which are remarkably liberal) and concrete policy proposals (or lack thereof).
    • [2]Trump has close ties to both Hillary and Bill Clinton, and has in fact donated to her and other Democrats’ campaigns in the past.
    • [3]Trump’s apparent intent to run on an independent ticket—should he lose the Republican nomination—indicates he cares more about splitting the Republican vote (essentially ensuring the election of a Democratic president) than he does about actually electing Republicans. He also lacks the wherewithal and/or long-term funding to mount a legitimate presidential campaign were he to become the actual Republican nominee.
Let’s discuss each of these in detail:
Stephanie, I'm asking you nicely...please stop posting off topic in my thread. Start your own, please.

What exactly is the topic? Stupid analogies?

You're closer than the inbred twins, well done.

You don't think Trump is harming the GOP and the establishment can't do much about it? Why not? You think he's good for the party? How so?

Say what?

No, I'm serious.

So your topic is Trump and the GOP eh?

I'm beginning to think that Trump is a puppet of the Clinton campaign. That is just what I am starting to think.

This was my reading this morning. . . .

Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate?
A warmongering racist lunatic lets loose – and he’s crazy like a fox
Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate? - Original

Finally, one has to wonder about the provenance of the Trump phenomenon. Seemingly coming out of nowhere, it’s been attributed to a populist upsurge against the regnant elites, who are so out of touch with the people that they never saw what was coming. The media, we are told, are biased against Trump – this is one of The Donald’s chief complaints – and now The People are rising up against the Washington-New York know-it-alls with their “big words” and pretentious airs.

Yet this analysis is lacking in one key ingredient: the facts. For the reality is that the media, far from ignoring Trump, have lavished so much attention on him that he’s eating up coverage that would otherwise go to the rest of the crowded Republican field. And that may be a clue as to what’s really going on here….

The usual “mainstream” media tactics regarding a political outsider they hate is to ignore him or her: the example of Ron Paul should suffice to make this point. Indeed, Jon Stewart pointed this out in a memorable “Daily Show” segment, and it took Paul three runs for the White House to get their attention. Trump has suffered no such fate: quite the opposite, in fact. The Donald’s every demagogic pronouncement is faithfully recorded and broadcast far and wide. Over a hundred reporters crowded into his latest appearances in Las Vegas and Phoenix. Jeb Bush, for all the many millions stuffed into his campaign coffers, couldn’t buy that kind of exposure.

This gift to the Trump campaign is being celebrated by Democratic politicos and consultants as if it were manna from heaven. The Republican “brand,” they aver, is being sullied beyond redemption, and they’re watching this unanticipated and providential miracle from the peanut gallery with unalloyed glee.

And yet … just how unanticipated is it?

Jeb Bush Floats Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory
Jeb Bush Floats Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush responded to a poll promoted by Donald Trump -- which showed the billionaire holding on to 68 percent of his supporters if he ran as an independent -- by floating the theory that the GOP frontrunner's candidacy might be a false flag operation planted by Hillary Clinton.

Is Donald Trump Running a False Flag Campaign to Help Hillary Clinton?
It would, of course, be incredible—and virtually unprecedented in modern American politics—if a major party’s top candidate were to run a campaign for the purpose of electing that party’s most imposing political opponent. So what exactly supports the theory that Trump is such a candidate? Though he has recently rebranded himself as the only Republican brave enough to speak the truth about undocumented immigrants, his past associations and political positions suggest the theory is, if not entirely believable, not exactly implausible, either.

There are three main lines of argument supporting the assertion that Donald Trump is running a false flag campaign:

    • [1]Trump cannot possibly be considered either a Republican or a conservative, once you account for his apparent political beliefs (many of which are remarkably liberal) and concrete policy proposals (or lack thereof).
    • [2]Trump has close ties to both Hillary and Bill Clinton, and has in fact donated to her and other Democrats’ campaigns in the past.
    • [3]Trump’s apparent intent to run on an independent ticket—should he lose the Republican nomination—indicates he cares more about splitting the Republican vote (essentially ensuring the election of a Democratic president) than he does about actually electing Republicans. He also lacks the wherewithal and/or long-term funding to mount a legitimate presidential campaign were he to become the actual Republican nominee.
Let’s discuss each of these in detail:

Nah...he's all the GOP's creation. They've been feeding him since his birther shit a few years ago and now he's broken his bonds and is ransacking the village...and the GOP can just watch.
Wow...should have had an idiot rube disclaimer. There is no "violence" in this thread. I didn't realize I had to post a detailed explaination for the toothless crowd.

Donald trump is the bear. He is systematically ripping apart the GOP while the establishment stands by and says "stop it bear".

Honestly... :rolleyes:
Obama is systematically ripping apart America.

You must be so proud of what he's accomplished so far.
Stephanie, I'm asking you nicely...please stop posting off topic in my thread. Start your own, please.

What exactly is the topic? Stupid analogies?

You're closer than the inbred twins, well done.

You don't think Trump is harming the GOP and the establishment can't do much about it? Why not? You think he's good for the party? How so?

Say what?

No, I'm serious.

So your topic is Trump and the GOP eh?

I'm beginning to think that Trump is a puppet of the Clinton campaign. That is just what I am starting to think.

This was my reading this morning. . . .

Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate?
A warmongering racist lunatic lets loose – and he’s crazy like a fox
Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate? - Original

Finally, one has to wonder about the provenance of the Trump phenomenon. Seemingly coming out of nowhere, it’s been attributed to a populist upsurge against the regnant elites, who are so out of touch with the people that they never saw what was coming. The media, we are told, are biased against Trump – this is one of The Donald’s chief complaints – and now The People are rising up against the Washington-New York know-it-alls with their “big words” and pretentious airs.

Yet this analysis is lacking in one key ingredient: the facts. For the reality is that the media, far from ignoring Trump, have lavished so much attention on him that he’s eating up coverage that would otherwise go to the rest of the crowded Republican field. And that may be a clue as to what’s really going on here….

The usual “mainstream” media tactics regarding a political outsider they hate is to ignore him or her: the example of Ron Paul should suffice to make this point. Indeed, Jon Stewart pointed this out in a memorable “Daily Show” segment, and it took Paul three runs for the White House to get their attention. Trump has suffered no such fate: quite the opposite, in fact. The Donald’s every demagogic pronouncement is faithfully recorded and broadcast far and wide. Over a hundred reporters crowded into his latest appearances in Las Vegas and Phoenix. Jeb Bush, for all the many millions stuffed into his campaign coffers, couldn’t buy that kind of exposure.

This gift to the Trump campaign is being celebrated by Democratic politicos and consultants as if it were manna from heaven. The Republican “brand,” they aver, is being sullied beyond redemption, and they’re watching this unanticipated and providential miracle from the peanut gallery with unalloyed glee.

And yet … just how unanticipated is it?

Jeb Bush Floats Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory
Jeb Bush Floats Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush responded to a poll promoted by Donald Trump -- which showed the billionaire holding on to 68 percent of his supporters if he ran as an independent -- by floating the theory that the GOP frontrunner's candidacy might be a false flag operation planted by Hillary Clinton.

Is Donald Trump Running a False Flag Campaign to Help Hillary Clinton?
It would, of course, be incredible—and virtually unprecedented in modern American politics—if a major party’s top candidate were to run a campaign for the purpose of electing that party’s most imposing political opponent. So what exactly supports the theory that Trump is such a candidate? Though he has recently rebranded himself as the only Republican brave enough to speak the truth about undocumented immigrants, his past associations and political positions suggest the theory is, if not entirely believable, not exactly implausible, either.

There are three main lines of argument supporting the assertion that Donald Trump is running a false flag campaign:

    • [1]Trump cannot possibly be considered either a Republican or a conservative, once you account for his apparent political beliefs (many of which are remarkably liberal) and concrete policy proposals (or lack thereof).
    • [2]Trump has close ties to both Hillary and Bill Clinton, and has in fact donated to her and other Democrats’ campaigns in the past.
    • [3]Trump’s apparent intent to run on an independent ticket—should he lose the Republican nomination—indicates he cares more about splitting the Republican vote (essentially ensuring the election of a Democratic president) than he does about actually electing Republicans. He also lacks the wherewithal and/or long-term funding to mount a legitimate presidential campaign were he to become the actual Republican nominee.
Let’s discuss each of these in detail:

Nah...he's all the GOP's creation. They've been feeding him since his birther shit a few years ago and now he's broken his bonds and is ransacking the village...and the GOP can just watch.

We must remember that this "birther conspiracy crap" was born among the supporters of Hillary, and was a last ditch attempt in the Clinton campaign against Obama in the primaries last time around. Although no links can be tied directly to Hillary herself, that should be enough to give us some clue as to what is going on. . .

To ignore that the elites control both parties is to not understand how the Hegelian dialectic works. It really is.

When you let your partisan likes and dislikes cloud your judgement, you loose sight of more important facts. Trump will sell out to the highest bidder. Remember, he's a deal maker. Trump isn't about "Making America great again." Trump is all about "Making Trump great again." :lmao:
I think it's more about how the gop establishment allowed Trump to create his own persona, but not so much about how the Big Quack is really a mover inside the party. It's true that the party elders, like W, should have come down hard on the birthers. Why the hell was Rushbo and Dr. Beck allowed to not be shouted down by reasonable people?

We lost an election. We should have found a way to provide universal care without son on single payer. But, McConnel and his allies were so busy trying to make Obama a one termer, they allowed the tea party to be the party of a minority within a minority to control its agenda. Meanwhile, state gop's were gerrymandering districts to promote white maj districts while balkanizing, or creating ghettos, for minority voters. Low and behold (-: a savior is born to us whom 60% of the electorate disapprove.
In the end, it is about the votes in each of the states, and demography and geography will defeat The Big Quack.
Strangely to me, though most everything the Trumpeters like, seems strange to me, the more the Big Quack goes up in likely gop voter polls .... the better Hillary does against him.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

And, what makes that really telling is that he must absolutely be crushing her in very very red states. This does not bode well for the gop in battleground states.
Trump does extremely well in the Red Angst states. The far right reactionaries are beginning to realize they may be their very last rodeo where they think they can eight seconds. They can't, as they will find out. In the meantime, The Big Quack is terrifying the great majority in the light red, purple, and blue states.
Stephanie, I'm asking you nicely...please stop posting off topic in my thread. Start your own, please.

What exactly is the topic? Stupid analogies?

You're closer than the inbred twins, well done.

You don't think Trump is harming the GOP and the establishment can't do much about it? Why not? You think he's good for the party? How so?

Say what?

No, I'm serious.

So your topic is Trump and the GOP eh?

I'm beginning to think that Trump is a puppet of the Clinton campaign. That is just what I am starting to think.

This was my reading this morning. . . .

Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate?
A warmongering racist lunatic lets loose – and he’s crazy like a fox
Donald Trump: A False Flag Candidate? - Original

Finally, one has to wonder about the provenance of the Trump phenomenon. Seemingly coming out of nowhere, it’s been attributed to a populist upsurge against the regnant elites, who are so out of touch with the people that they never saw what was coming. The media, we are told, are biased against Trump – this is one of The Donald’s chief complaints – and now The People are rising up against the Washington-New York know-it-alls with their “big words” and pretentious airs.

Yet this analysis is lacking in one key ingredient: the facts. For the reality is that the media, far from ignoring Trump, have lavished so much attention on him that he’s eating up coverage that would otherwise go to the rest of the crowded Republican field. And that may be a clue as to what’s really going on here….

The usual “mainstream” media tactics regarding a political outsider they hate is to ignore him or her: the example of Ron Paul should suffice to make this point. Indeed, Jon Stewart pointed this out in a memorable “Daily Show” segment, and it took Paul three runs for the White House to get their attention. Trump has suffered no such fate: quite the opposite, in fact. The Donald’s every demagogic pronouncement is faithfully recorded and broadcast far and wide. Over a hundred reporters crowded into his latest appearances in Las Vegas and Phoenix. Jeb Bush, for all the many millions stuffed into his campaign coffers, couldn’t buy that kind of exposure.

This gift to the Trump campaign is being celebrated by Democratic politicos and consultants as if it were manna from heaven. The Republican “brand,” they aver, is being sullied beyond redemption, and they’re watching this unanticipated and providential miracle from the peanut gallery with unalloyed glee.

And yet … just how unanticipated is it?

Jeb Bush Floats Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory
Jeb Bush Floats Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush responded to a poll promoted by Donald Trump -- which showed the billionaire holding on to 68 percent of his supporters if he ran as an independent -- by floating the theory that the GOP frontrunner's candidacy might be a false flag operation planted by Hillary Clinton.

Is Donald Trump Running a False Flag Campaign to Help Hillary Clinton?
It would, of course, be incredible—and virtually unprecedented in modern American politics—if a major party’s top candidate were to run a campaign for the purpose of electing that party’s most imposing political opponent. So what exactly supports the theory that Trump is such a candidate? Though he has recently rebranded himself as the only Republican brave enough to speak the truth about undocumented immigrants, his past associations and political positions suggest the theory is, if not entirely believable, not exactly implausible, either.

There are three main lines of argument supporting the assertion that Donald Trump is running a false flag campaign:

    • [1]Trump cannot possibly be considered either a Republican or a conservative, once you account for his apparent political beliefs (many of which are remarkably liberal) and concrete policy proposals (or lack thereof).
    • [2]Trump has close ties to both Hillary and Bill Clinton, and has in fact donated to her and other Democrats’ campaigns in the past.
    • [3]Trump’s apparent intent to run on an independent ticket—should he lose the Republican nomination—indicates he cares more about splitting the Republican vote (essentially ensuring the election of a Democratic president) than he does about actually electing Republicans. He also lacks the wherewithal and/or long-term funding to mount a legitimate presidential campaign were he to become the actual Republican nominee.
Let’s discuss each of these in detail:

Nah...he's all the GOP's creation. They've been feeding him since his birther shit a few years ago and now he's broken his bonds and is ransacking the village...and the GOP can just watch.

We must remember that this "birther conspiracy crap" was born among the supporters of Hillary, and was a last ditch attempt in the Clinton campaign against Obama in the primaries last time around. Although no links can be tied directly to Hillary herself, that should be enough to give us some clue as to what is going on. . .

To ignore that the elites control both parties is to not understand how the Hegelian dialectic works. It really is.
When you let your partisan likes and dislikes cloud your judgement, you loose sight of more important facts. Trump will sell out to the highest bidder. Remember, he's a deal maker. Trump isn't about "Making America great again." Trump is all about "Making Trump great again." :lmao:

Oh puhlseese, one crazy circulating an email is not to blame for Fox feeding the Trump troll for years. Fox and the likes of Limpalls put the Trump Monster together and the GOP establishment stood by and let them do it because he was going after the guy they wanted to be a "one term President". Now that the monster is rampaging out of control like a bull in a china shop, they want to wring their hands and say "what do we do?".

And you can float the bullshit about the Trump Reich being a Hillary plant all you want, but that doesn't explain how this "Hillary plant" is number one in the GOP.
In the end, it is about the votes in each of the states, and demography and geography will defeat The Big Quack.
Strangely to me, though most everything the Trumpeters like, seems strange to me, the more the Big Quack goes up in likely gop voter polls .... the better Hillary does against him.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

And, what makes that really telling is that he must absolutely be crushing her in very very red states. This does not bode well for the gop in battleground states.

Hey, I believe Goldwater needs to be let off the hook after all these years. (You know, the last time the GOP chose ideology over politics)

Ah the beleaguered William Miller who had to start his speeches with "What Barry meant to say was..."


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