Domestic Destablization-psyops and infiltration of US GOV.


Evidence & Reason Rule
Aug 23, 2009
Santa Barbara CA
BTW, to start. I like this board. I feel the admin are real and that it's purposes are genuine. I've been on many, many boards arguing for 9-11 truth and have learned a great deal. I hope to share that meaningfully.

Time to get sophisticated. Stop being herded as sheep with deceptions and manipulations. Do you know that the black budget includes spending for domestic uses that are not Constitutionally allowed have been happening for years and questioned by sincere legislators with occasional exposure?

We've heard of "destabilization campaigns", consider, "Would infiltrators, if they existed, implement one in this nation in order to make insurrection easier?
This manipulation goes back so far that we actually do not know what a free and un fettered society is, as far as I can tell. Our futures are at stake. So read carefully.

Use critical thinking to understand that reality is comprised of evidence and reason. We can draw the line in this electronic environment and refuse to be manipulated, and IF we seek to preserve and protect our Constitution and there are many signs something is very wrong.

We must each use or try to detect these manipulations just to see if such a notion bears merit, and the fact that such techniques are embraced by science and law for many centuries.

This is about how to determine when you or your discussion are targeted. If you are able to see this is reasonable and seek to protect the Constitution, it will become implemented by a group of Americans very easily just by following simple rules that science and law have used for a long time with success.

Nothing trumps independently verified evidence particularly when it lends itself logically to explanation. I would say that it is common knowledge, but it is not. Errors can be commonly held, and are.
Cognitive distortions are not allowed to justify something which can be shown to perhaps compromise the rule of law. They are allowed, minimally, after the basic point is well established with evidence and reason, to facilitate more efficient understanding of truths that protect life, the Constitution, rule of law, etc.
Once a poster is labeled as one who refused to use evidence and support the rule of law with reason they are reported to admin and then banned by admin for 2 weeks. If they wish to return they do so but are on semi permanent probation unless they are able to reasonably substantiate their position at some time with independently verified evidence.

A sincere American will always take the reasonable path with evidence and reason because the Constitution delineates that courts of law are what uphold rights. Therefore the citizens of a nation such as ours have a duty to employ what is needed to monitor courts, or be a jury, or a reasonable and law abiding citizen. The agents cannot do this.

Here is a summary and example of the kind of manipulative techniques the psyops employs.

The psyops uses technology of psychology and collusion to


You laugh at the demise of the US Constitution. Thanks for showing your sentiments.

No, I love the constitution. I laugh at you believing in your tin hat, black helicopter, conspiracy theories.

The above language is very typical for the post 9-11 psyops agent. I know for certain that they exist because I've been stalked for 5 years by them. I've proven that they will falsify evidence. As you've seen in this thread, there is no evidence which can be independently verified for the steel core columns that FEMA says occupied the core area. The same photos that show concrete prove no core columns.

Accordingly the agents of the infiltrators, insurrectionist perpetrators of mass murder on American soil MUST fabricate something, anything, to materially oppose the truth.

The language:

What is utilized is part of a technique developed in the 1970's and is a part of the "delphi" technique which was developed to control the thinking and beliefs of scientists if possible, or that was it's most important application.

It involves taking a group of scientists and placing them together. A few are actually posing as scientists with false credentials. They are very knowledgeable and versed in particular science so can immediately handle any question any true scientist could, and do within the manipulation of the group of scientists.

The rand corp did these think tank studies starting in the 1960's. The basic idea is that a diversion from rationally established science is created by the planted agents by exploiting the unwitting scientists by exploitation of animal social instincts of the unconscious minds. Through brain studies over a number of decades it can be inferred that speech and listening always involved the left brain whereas writing and reading did not necessarily do so. The development of this technique included the first email type communications between these scientists, long before the internet.

Aspects of established psychology identify a specific method that a human mind can use to justify certain behaviors or thought patterns within one persons mind. Those methods are generally called "Cognitive distortions". Here is a list which has been very slightly modified to include use by one person, upon another, to suggest or lead them into making distortions. The idea is that attitudes control perceptions, so the creation of an attitude is primary.

1. All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories.
2. Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous.
3. Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.
4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.
5. Mind reading: One absolutely concludes that others are reacting positively or negatively without investigating reality.
6. Fortune Telling: Based on previous 5 distortions, anticipation of negative or positive outcome of situations is established fact.
7. Catastrophizing: Exaggerated importance of self's failures and others successes.
8. Emotional reasoning: One feels as though emotional state IS reality of situation.
9. "Should" statements: Self imposed rules about behavior creating guilt at self inability to adhere and anger at others in their inability to conform to self's rules.
10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.
11. Personalization: Thinking that the actions or statements of others are a reaction to you.
12. Entitlement: Believing that you deserve things you have not earned.

In analysis of kwc57's language, which is almost so typical that some refer to as a "bot" answer.

No, I love the constitution.

The above has the below cognitive distortions as implied complex elements of kwc57's statement;1, 4, 7, 8 & 12.
1. wishes to set the readers perception of their patriotic position in maximum.
4. The actual maximization working to minimize my position having tangibly and cognitively definable evidence.
7. There is an implied disaster if others don't accept that kwc57 is correct because what I suggest is so scary.
8. Love for the Constitution is a very emotional thing for soldiers and others who have made or seen sacrifices for rights and freedom guranteed by our Constitution.
12. Because kwc57 is professing it's love for the Constitution by rejecting my scary information, there is the expectation that others will too.

I laugh at you believing in your tin hat, black helicopter, conspiracy theories.

The above has the below cognitive distortions as implied complex elements of kwc57's statement;1, 11, 10, 4.
1. The suggestion is that I only "believe" when the fact is that I can show with evidence.
11. This is an inversion where kwc57 is trying to lead others into thinking their post is a legitimate and reasonable reaction to me and my information.
10. "tin hat, black helicopter, conspiracy theories" is a common label used to minimize people by creating "cognitive dissonance".
4. The assertion of "laughter" or ridicule is the flag of manipulation through social fears. kwc57 is trying to unconscious induce other to "not want to be laughed at."

These people are trained at this and they have technology that is surprising. Get on a new chat board that has a bot keeping things busy. You'll be surprised at the degree of artificial intelligence that is there. Not that I believe kwc57 is a bot because bots are only used when there is very high traffic for the most part. Their mechanistic posts are too obvious to let them repeat. It is possible bots are used as peanut galleries or sidekicks by agents.
Did anyone notice that after this thread and the post in the oathkeeper thread, all posting opposing me stopped in the FEMA thread? That is normal after I start talking about my organized opposition. Please, entertain a little information about other scenes on the internet besides the one you inhabit regularly

The internet is heavily populated with people/entities that have an agenda and who work together and share strategy. They are not ordinary citizens. They are also very predictable because they have an agenda.

In other words an agent working for the infiltration must not assist the citizens in anyway to understand critical aspects of anything that is an interest of the infiltration. That is counter productive. Accordingly, when you make perfect sense and ask them to recognize it, they will not.

Agents working for the infiltration take full advantage of sensational gossip or misinformation and toss it around to keep a forum looking busy with crap pinned to the top of the thread cue. They develop a little society and give each other praise or have little battles that appear petty, stupid and based on nothing or amounting to nothing no matter who wins. Ordinary adopt their style and join in every now and then, seeking interaction rather pitifully.

In the truth movement there is a term, "false opposition". In other words, your ally, if you are in the movement is actually of the opposing force and falsely using misinformation as if it was real and meaningful in order to make the appearance of many citizens fighting for truth. "False opposition" often have arguments about whose information is better or more real when neither is real or even useful in anyway.

A good example of this that those here who are not 9-11 truth seekers can relate to is the "no plane theory" (NPT), where agents or perhaps others controlled in ways we can only speculate upon, believe, or say they believe, that there were no planes and that all evidence of them is video fakery.

Their opposition in the fake argument, theatre, believes there were planes but they were remote controlled. These two apparent wack jobs go back and forth endlessly.

Believe it or not, but I feel that I actually defeated that weird and crazy scam/theatre, and I did it with simple logic. It goes like this.

If there were no planes, then the towers were blown up and the perpetrators made people think that WTC 1 was first hit by a plane. Then they blew up WTC 2 first. Why did they not use their remote control over explosives to make a logical impact/fall sequence?

Now, since the argument shows that the NPT depends on remotes for something, and remotes exist for the purpose of making last minute changes that give an operation such as this more credibility, compensating for earlier errors, WHY did the perps create a backwards impact/fall sequence??????? this also applies to planes that are remote controlled if explosives are too.

I did this on the david icke board, you know, "the reptile" believer. I would hijack any and every thread about remotes or NPT and ask that question incessantly. I told them to invent a logical reason, anything, just provide a reason. I was banned eventually, temporarily, but their BS was exposed and the nonsense died off. Not just there but at pilots for 9-11 truth as well. No logical reason was ever provided,

Unfortunately replaced by something slightly less wacky but still nonsense. Flight 93 info for example. Sickening.

The fact is that no agent will discuss information that is useful for gaining more truth. They will ridicule and post text denying the evidence which is useful and try to distract and pretend they are confused when any 5th grader could see and understand what is shared. The idea is to keep the last page of the thread dominated with nonsense, ridicule and a social scene that appears as rejection. the casual citizen investigator, thinking they are viewing a message board that is a real environment of real people having a real discussion, is turned off by the entire thing and gives up eventually.

Sound familiar?

BTW, I am a real American and actually have exclusive information which I am absolutely sure of about the Twin towers. You will see it work given some time. I care very much about the rest of America and have huge respect for them. I understand how difficult it is to break away from the group-think aspect that is human nature. Only freedom of speech can save us. Please, allow me to share with you it's greater meaning. this is old, this is real, and it is America to its roots and you will know it, ........ if you are a real American whose reality is based in the sacred principles of our Constitution.

The Greater Meaning of Free Speech:
Is from the understanding that can be found in the sharing. From the understanding can come; foregiveness, tolerance, acceptance, respect, trust, friendship and love, protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Freedom of speech is seriously compromised by the .com. In 1994 the usenet was the only internet. It was only a message board. There were no personal or commercial web sites, or they were not the first thing you found. The first thing was a message board environment that was your city, then your region, then your state, then your nation, then your world. You could click on a nation and see all the cities or regions in that nation. You could click on that and find any city big enough to have a university with a server connected to the internet.

That's all gone since 1995. The usenet is still there, but I run a macintosh, and to get to the usenet requires special software and setup, and in the last 14 years I have not been back. There is no free speech on .com. It is all private property. Usenet was on university servers and was bound to free speech.

Accordingly the infiltration of government extends to very powerful technological interests that control our society of information in many ways and they now control the easiest way for us to communicate and have minions, (we might be paying for) interfering with our efforts to share facts needed to make decisions and steer our nation democratically, if, ........... the republic is defunct. All the more reason to heed these words.

Minds are like parachutes, they only work when they are open.
Hey Christophera

Terral - USMB's foremost conspiracy theorist - has produced evidence that planes never hit the towers or the Pentagon. Is he part of the government's psyops too?
Niether of you have any evidence of anything and Terral cannot come up with a logical answer to a very reasonable question and cannot claim I should be looking at what he calls evidence UNTIL he comes up with a reasonable answer.


Why did the perpetrators create a backwards impact/ fall sequence

The firefighter radio call issue is garbage. The backwards sequence is a major inconsistency and no perpetrtor of mass murder would consider that on purpose without VERY good reason. If you have a problem with that, the discussion is over.

State the reason for the backwards sequence. And while you are at it, tell us exactly how the information can be used, with what agency and what regulation compels there action.

The canadian has no evidence, standing or reason for being here and supports secrete murder with BS manipulation. This is about protecting the Constitution by reason with evidence for justice and all treasons will be identified.
Hi Chris:
Did anyone notice that after this thread and the post in the oathkeeper thread, all posting opposing me stopped in the FEMA thread?
Your mouth is moving :)lol:), but Chris :)cuckoo:) is not saying anything . . .
GL, Terral
What's the matter Terral? Jealous that fellow nut job Christophera may be getting more attention than you?
This is like watching two crack whores arguing over a space on a street corner.
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Niether of you have any evidence of anything and Terral cannot come up with a logical answer to a very reasonable question and cannot claim I should be looking at what he calls evidence UNTIL he comes up with a reasonable answer.

Actually, I have easily countered one of your claims.

Hey Terral

Show him your evidence that the planes didn't hit the towers nor the Pentagon.

Your post makes as much sense as robot output.

Terral is supposed to provide a good reason for the perps to jeopardize their scam by creating a backwards impact/sequence.

Your obfsucation is working towards keeping the means of mass murder secret.
Yeah, youbetcha pal.

Tell me, how can someone make $6 billion when his payout is $4.55 billion, let alone accounting for the cost of actually buying the buildings in the first place?

I mean, you don't have to be a math whiz to question that accusation.
Yeah, youbetcha pal.

Tell me, how can someone make $6 billion when his payout is $4.55 billion, let alone accounting for the cost of actually buying the buildings in the first place?

I mean, you don't have to be a math whiz to question that accusation.

You are wrong. Here is substance proving it. He made a profit and provides the truth movement with the ONLY plans they have.

Silverstein Makes a Huge Profit off of the 9/11 Attacks

Even better, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in Silverstein's view, separate attacks. The total potential payout is $7.1 billion, more than enough to build a fabulous new complex and leave a hefty profit for the Silverstein Group, including Larry Silverstein himself.

canandian, you are being shown to support that the means of mass murder remain secret and that all Americans REMAIN deprived of due process.
You are wrong. Here is substance proving it. He made a profit and provides the truth movement with the ONLY plans they have.

Silverstein Makes a Huge Profit off of the 9/11 Attacks

Even better, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in Silverstein's view, separate attacks. The total potential payout is $7.1 billion, more than enough to build a fabulous new complex and leave a hefty profit for the Silverstein Group, including Larry Silverstein himself.

canandian, you are being shown to support that the means of mass murder remain secret and that all Americans REMAIN deprived of due process.

No, the potential is not $7.1 billion. The case has been settled. The two occurrences has resulted in a payout of $4.55 billion.

May 23 (Bloomberg) -- Developer Larry Silverstein and seven insurance companies agreed to a $2 billion settlement to end an almost six-year dispute over the value of the insurance policies covering the World Trade Center.

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and Insurance Superintendent Eric Dinallo announced the settlement at a news conference in lower Manhattan. The agreement will bring to about $4.55 billion the total insurance proceeds Silverstein and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey will receive.

Silverstein, the leaseholder on the World Trade Center, had battled with insurance companies in federal court since a month after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks over how much the policies were worth. The settlement gives the developer and the Port Authority, the site's owner, the cash to help rebuild the 16- acre property. The insurers have already paid about $2.55 billion.

``This is a monumentally important step forward,'' Spitzer said at the press conference. ``The essential fact is that there is now $2 billion net present value available for construction.''

Silverstein, Insurers Reach $2 Billion WTC Settlement (Update5) -

Developer Larry Silverstein is probably sleeping better: Yesterday, seven insurance companies agreed to pay $2 billion in payments, which brings the total insurance payout to $4.55 billion and allows all the constructions projects to move forward with what Governor Eliot Spitzer called "certainty." He also said, "It permits access to the capital markets, it resolves and eliminates one of the outstanding hurdles that had remained and it brings to closure years of litigation."

Apparently the "largest single insurance settlement ever undertaken by the industry," the payout was $130 million less than a court ruled Silverstein was entitled too. Still, the Sun says the payout gives Silverstein both "options" and "security": He can work with fewer investors or banks, and he'll have an easier time as a leader in the rebuild.

WTC Insurance Payout Totals $4.55 Billion - Gothamist: New York City News, Food, Arts & Events

They have settled. It is over.

Note that he paid $3.2 billion for the property.

In January 2001, Silverstein, via Silverstein Properties and Westfield America, made a $3.2 billion bid for the lease to the World Trade Center. Silverstein was outbid by $50 million by Vornado Realty, with Boston Properties and Brookfield Properties also competing for the lease. However, Vornado withdrew and Silverstein's bid for the lease to the World Trade Center was accepted on July 24, 2001.

Wapedia - Wiki: Larry Silverstein

So, even if you assume nothing else, some simple math

$4.55 billion - $3.2 billion = $1.35 billion.

$1.35 billion does not equal $6 billion.

Of course, that $1.35 billion covers the first building he bought in 1980.

So no, I'm sorry, he did not make $6 billion.

Of course, it is not particularly difficult to corroborate this, something the so-called "Truthers" don't seem to do. If Silverstein really did make $6 billion, he would be one of the richest people in the world. $6 billion would mean that Silverstein would be one of the 75 richest people on the planet. Yet, when we get a list of the richest people, there is nary a trace of Mr. Silverstein on the list of billionaires, let alone on the list of the 75 richest billionaires! Here's the list!

The World's Billionaires 2009 -

He's not there! I checked. Twice.

I mean, this is not difficult to deduce. It's pretty easy stuff.
You are wrong. Here is substance proving it. He made a profit and provides the truth movement with the ONLY plans they have.

Silverstein Makes a Huge Profit off of the 9/11 Attacks

Even better, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in Silverstein's view, separate attacks. The total potential payout is $7.1 billion, more than enough to build a fabulous new complex and leave a hefty profit for the Silverstein Group, including Larry Silverstein himself.

canandian, you are being shown to support that the means of mass murder remain secret and that all Americans REMAIN deprived of due process.

No, the potential is not $7.1 billion. The case has been settled. The two occurrences has resulted in a payout of $4.55 billion.

May 23 (Bloomberg) -- Developer Larry Silverstein and seven insurance companies agreed to a $2 billion settlement to end an almost six-year dispute over the value of the insurance policies covering the World Trade Center.

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and Insurance Superintendent Eric Dinallo announced the settlement at a news conference in lower Manhattan. The agreement will bring to about $4.55 billion the total insurance proceeds Silverstein and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey will receive.

Silverstein, the leaseholder on the World Trade Center, had battled with insurance companies in federal court since a month after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks over how much the policies were worth. The settlement gives the developer and the Port Authority, the site's owner, the cash to help rebuild the 16- acre property. The insurers have already paid about $2.55 billion.

``This is a monumentally important step forward,'' Spitzer said at the press conference. ``The essential fact is that there is now $2 billion net present value available for construction.''

Silverstein, Insurers Reach $2 Billion WTC Settlement (Update5) -

Developer Larry Silverstein is probably sleeping better: Yesterday, seven insurance companies agreed to pay $2 billion in payments, which brings the total insurance payout to $4.55 billion and allows all the constructions projects to move forward with what Governor Eliot Spitzer called "certainty." He also said, "It permits access to the capital markets, it resolves and eliminates one of the outstanding hurdles that had remained and it brings to closure years of litigation."

Apparently the "largest single insurance settlement ever undertaken by the industry," the payout was $130 million less than a court ruled Silverstein was entitled too. Still, the Sun says the payout gives Silverstein both "options" and "security": He can work with fewer investors or banks, and he'll have an easier time as a leader in the rebuild.

WTC Insurance Payout Totals $4.55 Billion - Gothamist: New York City News, Food, Arts & Events

They have settled. It is over.

Note that he paid $3.2 billion for the property.

In January 2001, Silverstein, via Silverstein Properties and Westfield America, made a $3.2 billion bid for the lease to the World Trade Center. Silverstein was outbid by $50 million by Vornado Realty, with Boston Properties and Brookfield Properties also competing for the lease. However, Vornado withdrew and Silverstein's bid for the lease to the World Trade Center was accepted on July 24, 2001.

Wapedia - Wiki: Larry Silverstein

So, even if you assume nothing else, some simple math

$4.55 billion - $3.2 billion = $1.35 billion.

$1.35 billion does not equal $6 billion.

Of course, that $1.35 billion covers the first building he bought in 1980.

So no, I'm sorry, he did not make $6 billion.

Of course, it is not particularly difficult to corroborate this, something the so-called "Truthers" don't seem to do. If Silverstein really did make $6 billion, he would be one of the richest people in the world. $6 billion would mean that Silverstein would be one of the 75 richest people on the planet. Yet, when we get a list of the richest people, there is nary a trace of Mr. Silverstein on the list of billionaires, let alone on the list of the 75 richest billionaires! Here's the list!

The World's Billionaires 2009 -

He's not there! I checked. Twice.

I mean, this is not difficult to deduce. It's pretty easy stuff.

Okay, my numbers aren't perfect and you approve of his profit and don't support the Consitution, have no evidence that FEMA did not deceive NIST, as I've proven in the other thread with independently verified evidence.

Arithmetic is the numbers. What's easy to deduce is that you support the demise of the US Constitution and the benefit the infiltrators find in keeping the means of mass murder secret.
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Hi Chris:

Niether of you have any evidence of anything and Terral cannot come up with a logical answer to a very reasonable question and cannot claim I should be looking at what he calls evidence UNTIL he comes up with a reasonable answer.


Why did the perpetrators create a backwards impact/ fall sequence

WTC 1, 2 and 7 were taken down by Controlled Demolition ( Anyone interested in looking through the WTC-7 CD evidence can begin on my Topic here. Simply bump the thread and 'quote >>' anything at all and ask your questions. Your statements about 'backwards impact / fall sequence' :)cuckoo:) have nothing to do with anything related to these inside-job cases . . .

The firefighter radio call issue is garbage. The backwards sequence is a major inconsistency and no perpetrtor of mass murder would consider that on purpose without VERY good reason. If you have a problem with that, the discussion is over.

Again, Chris' mouth is moving but he/she is not saying anything . . .

State the reason for the backwards sequence. And while you are at it, tell us exactly how the information can be used, with what agency and what regulation compels there action.

Parroting the same silly nonsense over and over again only proves that Chris is without one clue. There are only two possible answers for what took WTC-7 down into its own footprint in 6.6 seconds:

1. Controlled Demolition.
2. Fire and/or building debris.

The canadian has no evidence, standing or reason for being here and supports secrete murder with BS manipulation. This is about protecting the Constitution by reason with evidence for justice and all treasons will be identified.

My Topic on the Top Ten Reasons That America Is Worthy Of Destruction is here 'and' reason Number 7 (Flight 93 Topic), Number 8 (Pentagon Topic), and Number 9 (WTC-7 Topic) concern the stupidity surrounding the inside-job 911 attacks. Here is a prime example of why the USA is going to be destroyed:


Okay boys and girls and Chris: Go ahead and tell us what you see in the empty hole. Americans 'are' worthy to be destroyed for allowing the Bush Administration and your do-nothing Congress sell you the NONSENSE that this empty hole (click this link) equals a real crashed 100-Ton Jetliner.


Okay Chris: Where is the 100-Ton Jetliner that most every American wants to believe is hiding somewhere in this empty hole (video clip)? The evidence does NOT even begin to support the claims of our out-of-control Federal Government and Obama is part of the 911 Inside-Job Attacks!!!

[ame=""]Obama Is An Inside-Job Bad Guy Too!![/ame]


This is the very location (Wedge One E-Ring Wall @ Pentagon) where the Bush/Obama Administrations say a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour! Once again, the evidence simply DOES NOT even begin to match the evidence saying that NO 100-Ton Jetliner Crashed Here!

If you cannot tell the difference between an empty hole and a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner, then God knows you have no business trying to debate anyone on the WTC Cases. That is why he/she is asking so many stupid qustions . . .


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Sad to see that you entertain such insubstantcial and useless information. The perpetrators of mass murder will love you for that.

Tyring to share such useless information solidly makes you a part of the post 9-11 psyops. Whether you know it or not.

If the information is not useless, then post exactly how it can be used.

I have done this with my information many times here and the uses I propose are absolutely valid.
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Hi Chris:

Sad to see that you entertain such insubstantcial and useless information. The perpetrators of mass murder will love you for that.

Tyring to share such useless information . . .

[ame=]. . . Chris = Disinfo Moron . . .[/ame]


Hi Chris:

Sad to see that you entertain such insubstantcial and useless information. The perpetrators of mass murder will love you for that.

Trying to share such useless information . . .

Chris = Disinfo Moron



The perps will approve of your attempt at ridicule too.

However, you utterly failed to provide any description of the off topic, useless information you earlier posted, so your obvious incompetency has only increased.
9/11 inside job has made such insightful comments in his post below, which came from the FEMA deception thread, that relate to this topic, tht I had to bring it over here and comment on it.

Why are you protecting OBL, KSM, and the others who actually committed this atrocity, as well as the Cole attack and two US embassy bombings? Apparently this isn't clear enough for you:
World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders

Another generalization while you ignore due process and have no evidence. It is as if the Constitution did not exist for you. It is as if lawful decent human performance was an alien concept.

All America need to do is recognize that there was a deception of the agency having the duty to determine the cause of death in a mass murder and demand due process.

FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is erroneous. Americans, ......... observe rebar 400 feet off the ground, observe that there are no steel core columns in the core.


The chief law enforcement of NY state needs to know that the cause of death of 3,000 on 9-11 has not yet been correctly determined.

thats why I was saying dont bother to engage in a converation with Divecon.No matter how many hard cold facts you present to him that the 9/11 version of the governments is a fairy tale,he ignores it cause he only sees what he WANTS to see.

I feel that ditzcon is fully aware that 9-11 was overseen, after the fact by infiltrators in US government, and conducted with them by what they created as a global terrorist society in efforts to justify humanities acceptence of the new world order.

People who react to fear tend to stop when they are presented with "hard cold facts". His behavior logicaly does not fit that. He is trying to inspire that in the reader to keep them from involving themselves in preserving their Consitution.

When the casual onlooker sees the exchange between us they realize this on some unconscious level. Then they feel fear of the conspiracy to manipulate Americans away from their Constitution and into a fearful state of slavery.

So, on that, I want to commend you for your courage and seeing that we have no future without the Constitution and posting despite the compromises to it. Thank you!

He is afraid of ANY government conspiracy.To give you an idea what an idiot he is,he STILL thinks Oswald killed kennedy.:lol::lol::cuckoo: If the guy still believes in THAT fairy tale,then he is a hopeless cause on 9/11.The guy could care less that our constitution has been trashed and doesnt exist anymore and that our country isnt a government by the people anymore.sadly many around here dont care.sad but true.

Again, in the fear state ditzcon seeks to inspire, he is hoping, or the perps that pay him hope, that others will find safety in thinking what he suggests. I wonder how people feel about these attempts at being coerced with subtle psychological imposition of social fears. It, ditzcon, actually, within my perceptions stated here, is working to destroy the Constittion. He cares about defeating it and I feel that with some perspective and understanding, that will be clear.
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Another level of the psyops is where the agents don't worry about exposing themselves by repeated, unreasonable denial.

They know that Americans have a strong suspicion that the posters are indeed agents of some kind.

What the agents do is continue posting past the point of reasonable denial in order to scare those Americans who have already realized that what the posters unreasonably opposing truth and evidence are doing. At that point the cowardly Americans are really afraid and would like to do something, but that doesn't matter because the agents know that the fearful Americans have no place to meaningfully share their perceptions or concerns, and so do the Americans.

If administration will not step in and ban the posters exhibiting such behavior for their abuse and unreasonable denial, then the public gets pushed over the edge, eventually.


And the Constitution is gone. No more America.

I'll apologize without removing the "cowardly". Confusion creates fear that cannot find direction. A group looks cowardly because they cannot define a reasonably invested action. You're not cowards. But I'm getting sick of these agents treating you like sheep and your thinking getting closer to the cliff. Wake up!

This is the internet but it only exists because darpa, a CIA division developed it. They did so because studies that Americans hard earned tax dollars paid for, determined that using the internet medium and unconscious hard wired aspects of our brains make certain social structures easily established and manipulated.

Your challenge is to get unconfused. Understand the fear and the fear disapears, it is replaced by respect which can operate the same but leave you clear headed and thinking. You are one of 2.5 billion Americans and probably about 2 b Americans, if asked, would chose to preserve the Constitution because they share a respect for the basic principles that are unconsciously appreciated. If you don't post a simple statement with justification (help me to understand better why you are not involved) you will not be using an amazing medium right at your hand to support and defend your Constitution. What are you afraid of?

You are being asked to do so, ......... now. Please post your opinions of this exchange that is occurring with regard to the Twin towers structure, but keep it reasonable. Those trying to create confusion and destroy the Constitution already benefit from the direct confusion they parody.

This is the internet. You are many and you are one, reading, now. Get active.
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As this thread title has the words, psyops and infiltration, I should explain that the psyops is controlling the 9-11 truth movement also through an infiltration. Or perhaps creating its leadership and knowledge base.

One of the agents of the psyops who has been stalking me for 5 years has now showed up on this message board to work here for the destruction of the Constitution and support for the means of secret mass murder. This agent started at "Lets Roll 9-11" and has been joined by others as I've traveled through the internet forums sharing the independently verified evidence for the concrete core with Americans getting them the truth about the structure of the towers which was misrepresented by FEMA to NIST invalidating the cause of death.

They followed me from there to another board called that is a cointelpro site which attempted an elaborate debunking of my information. The attempt failed miserably when the administrator joined the fraud and posted photoshopped image in an effort to support gam, the agent who has arrived here, seriously screwed up by getting the foreshortening of lines backwards on photoshopped feature when trying to fake evidence and pass off WTC 2 interior photos as WTC 1.

It is all pretty well explained on the icke forum here.

David Icke's Official Forums - View Single Post - The Infiltration Of The Truth Movement

The thread

The Infiltration Of The Truth Movement - Page 34 - David Icke's Official Forums

Another post with the full set of photoshopped images.

David Icke's Official Forums - View Single Post - No Independently Verifiable Evidence of Steel Core

The thread.

No Independently Verifiable Evidence of Steel Core - Page 42 - David Icke's Official Forums
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Yeah, youbetcha pal.

Tell me, how can someone make $6 billion when his payout is $4.55 billion, let alone accounting for the cost of actually buying the buildings in the first place?

I mean, you don't have to be a math whiz to question that accusation.

You are wrong. Here is substance proving it. He made a profit and provides the truth movement with the ONLY plans they have.

Silverstein Makes a Huge Profit off of the 9/11 Attacks

Even better, Silverstein filed TWO insurance claims for the maximum amount of the policy, based on the two, in Silverstein's view, separate attacks. The total potential payout is $7.1 billion, more than enough to build a fabulous new complex and leave a hefty profit for the Silverstein Group, including Larry Silverstein himself.

canandian, you are being shown to support that the means of mass murder remain secret and that all Americans REMAIN deprived of due process.

Once again Toto has been taken to school and proven wrong again.Great post there about Ditzcon Chris.:lol: just wondering,whats the argument you and Terral have? I have gathered from MY conversations with you that you agree with me that the towers were brought down by controlled demolitions.the evidence is overwhelming in that matter.That being said,what is it exactly that you and Terral are arguing about and disagree on? I thought you agreed with me and Terral on the obvious that the towers were brought down by controlled demolition?

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