Doesn’t it bother republicans that Trump’s policy ideas lack any nuance or complexity?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.
You’ll always have that huh? Ridiculing a campaign slogan that is no longer relevant to anything. Of course, there’s still Hillary. She’s your favorite “whataboutism” out of them all.
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce happening at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

This post is a nothing burger!
You’ll always have that huh? Ridiculing a campaign slogan that is no longer relevant to anything. Of course, there’s still Hillary. She’s your favorite “whataboutism” out of them all.
You project as bad as any of the liberoidals here.

Do yourself a big fat favor...Google "self awareness" and think about it real hard.
A moron oreo was elected twice on "hopey changey." Why does Trump need anything complex? Make America Great Again worked wonders.

Have we not learned from the Boeing debacle that "complex" doesn't always equal "better"?
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.
And you're a real intellectual. :laughing0301:
So you can't even come to the obvious conclusions of an eight year old?

The complexity and nuance are stupid things you make up to not actually fix the problem.

Let me give you an example:
Some guy is stalking your sister and being an asshole and she doesn't want him around.

The eighth grade solution is for you the brother to go beat his ass to the point he has no desire or balls to be anywhere near your sister.

Your solution of nuance would be to enroll this guy into a government program to have a long talk and hope maybe he leaves her alone but if he doesn't you need another shrink to find out how he has mommy issues.

Solution one is the most effective and has an immediate effect. Solution two is for morons who don't have the fucking balls to enact solution one.

Fuck off. The wall will work. Until the wall is built shut the border down.
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.
Richie!...shut up Helen! ...Crippled Ken is on the way..Oliver...
As always we have another liberal saying wall don't work yet offers no realistic alternative solution to the problem at the border in fact the lefts primary response is to claim there is no problem and it's a manufactured crisis despite the massive evidence otherwise. People might disagree with the wall think it's a bad idea but so far it's better than the lefts option which is to close there eyes stick there fingers in there ears and pretend the problem doesn't exist.
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.
Finally a President that you liberals understand. He President Trump is a genius because when someone like Booooosh, would talk, you libtards would have the "Deer in the Headlights" look, then call Boooosh a moron for how he talked. But this president has got your attention while speaking at your school grade level. Maybe you can now see that Making America Great Again, is much better than dying in 12 years because AOC wants to take your car, airplane, hamburger, gas grill, electricity and babies away from you...
8 year olds do better than this:

" An 8 year old who would do faux election to be president as a school project's best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall!"


Get a tutor.
So you can't even come to the obvious conclusions of an eight year old?

The complexity and nuance are stupid things you make up to not actually fix the problem.

Let me give you an example:
Some guy is stalking your sister and being an asshole and she doesn't want him around.

The eighth grade solution is for you the brother to go beat his ass to the point he has no desire or balls to be anywhere near your sister.

Your solution of nuance would be to enroll this guy into a government program to have a long talk and hope maybe he leaves her alone but if he doesn't you need another shrink to find out how he has mommy issues.

Solution one is the most effective and has an immediate effect. Solution two is for morons who don't have the fucking balls to enact solution one.

Fuck off. The wall will work. Until the wall is built shut the border down.
Lol I’m not sure what you are rambling about exactly but whatever. Tell me, because building the wall is such a simple concept to consider, why hasn’t any President before Trump proposed that is the end-all solution to illegal immigration?
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

You want nuance, aka political shenanigans.

I'll settle for straight talk be it politically correct or not.

I realize Trump says dumb shit on occasion. He tweets like we troll each other. He often talks without thinking it through. Etc....
In other words he is just like us. Unfiltered and not afraid to speak his mind. How can you not find that refreshing after a lifetime of political condescension?

He's not perfect but he is FAR MORE INTERESTED in the welfare of average Americans than any president in recent history. The only president in my lifetime that I felt had any REAL compassion for people like you and me was Bush but he was a product of entitlement imo.
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.
Finally a President that you liberals understand. He President Trump is a genius because when someone like Booooosh, would talk, you libtards would have the "Deer in the Headlights" look, then call Boooosh a moron for how he talked. But this president has got your attention while speaking at your school grade level. Maybe you can now see that Making America Great Again, is much better than dying in 12 years because AOC wants to take your car, airplane, hamburger, gas grill, electricity and babies away from you...
Lol got our attention? Trump’s stupidity got him elected. Obviously it is republican stupidity because we knew better than to vote for someone who talks like a 5th grader.
So you can't even come to the obvious conclusions of an eight year old?

The complexity and nuance are stupid things you make up to not actually fix the problem.

Let me give you an example:
Some guy is stalking your sister and being an asshole and she doesn't want him around.

The eighth grade solution is for you the brother to go beat his ass to the point he has no desire or balls to be anywhere near your sister.

Your solution of nuance would be to enroll this guy into a government program to have a long talk and hope maybe he leaves her alone but if he doesn't you need another shrink to find out how he has mommy issues.

Solution one is the most effective and has an immediate effect. Solution two is for morons who don't have the fucking balls to enact solution one.

Fuck off. The wall will work. Until the wall is built shut the border down.
Lol I’m not sure what you are rambling about exactly but whatever. Tell me, because building the wall is such a simple concept to consider, why hasn’t any President before Trump proposed that is the end-all solution to illegal immigration?
The Chinese figured it out in 375. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not know that in 2019?
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

You want nuance, aka political shenanigans.

I'll settle for straight talk be it politically correct or not.

I realize Trump says dumb shit on occasion. He tweets like we troll each other. He often talks without thinking it through. Etc....
In other words he is just like us. Unfiltered and not afraid to speak his mind. How can you not find that refreshing after a lifetime of political condescension?

He's not perfect but he is FAR MORE INTERESTED in the welfare of average Americans than any president in recent history. The only president in my lifetime that I felt had any REAL compassion for people like you and me was Bush but he was a product of entitlement imo.
Lol what it god’s name makes you think Trump gives a shit about the welfare of the average American? What the hell could you possibly be talking about in terms of policy?
So you can't even come to the obvious conclusions of an eight year old?

The complexity and nuance are stupid things you make up to not actually fix the problem.

Let me give you an example:
Some guy is stalking your sister and being an asshole and she doesn't want him around.

The eighth grade solution is for you the brother to go beat his ass to the point he has no desire or balls to be anywhere near your sister.

Your solution of nuance would be to enroll this guy into a government program to have a long talk and hope maybe he leaves her alone but if he doesn't you need another shrink to find out how he has mommy issues.

Solution one is the most effective and has an immediate effect. Solution two is for morons who don't have the fucking balls to enact solution one.

Fuck off. The wall will work. Until the wall is built shut the border down.
Lol I’m not sure what you are rambling about exactly but whatever. Tell me, because building the wall is such a simple concept to consider, why hasn’t any President before Trump proposed that is the end-all solution to illegal immigration?
The Chinese figured it out in 375. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not know that in 2019?
Oh you mean in ancient China on top of a mountain? Hmm wow. I guess they’ll get around to making a wall all around border at some point? Probably not lol.

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