Does this board really need a 100 different forums?

No, the main function is to allow threads on a variety of topics that do not get buried in the rapid flow of the political forums.

The forums on Sports, Food, Pets, and other topics have a different pace. And they are enjoyed by many different people.

Just because you do not go to those forums does not mean they should be removed.
I don't think anything should be "removed", except for now defunct forums NOBODY uses. Like...wikileaks and that dumb Mafia Zone and even the podcast forum. And a bunch of others could be combined into ONE forum. Click a certain forum...and all these subforums are in there to pick and choose to enter. CLeans up the front page.

But, I'm stupid. I have no clue what I am talking about. I never ran a board before or had a couple of businesses or managed property and made the owner A LOT of money, etc etc etc. So...never mind. I'm too stupid to take what I say and mull over it because it MAKES SENSE. Nah. Stupid ol Gracie. Just ignore her.:mad::tongue-44:
I agree that there are too many forums. Can't see the forest for the trees, but...there is a remedy for that. Just hit What's New and Active Topics. I know I miss a lot of other threads I would probably enjoy but as you mentioned with a SUGGESTION, not a demand...there are just too many forums for any one person to keep up on them all unless they are here 24/7/365 like some are.

And, in reference to you being mr smarty pants and staff does not mess with They are too busy laughing at you in the Staff Only forum. :auiqs.jpg: :spinner::tongue-44:

I missed this comment yesterday. Here, let me tell you what I believe is the difference between a demand and a suggestion. A suggestion to me would be,.. hey, we have a lot of forums on here, it would be awfully nice if we could break it down a little bit so it's not so complicated to use.

Now, I don't personally agree with that as I agree with WinterBorn and I just stick to the forums I want to go on, but if they would have said that instead of that's something we have to have and people bend over backwards to try and please me and having that attitude,.. then I never would have poked fun of them in the first place. Obviously this is the kind of person who was spoiled as a child and never heard the word no before though. At least, that's the way they act.

Yep. We need 101 Forums!

Ooh! Ooh! Do we get Dalmatians to go along with them? :D
I missed this comment yesterday. Here, let me tell you what I believe is the difference between a demand and a suggestion. A suggestion to me would be,.. hey, we have a lot of forums on here, it would be awfully nice if we could break it down a little bit so it's not so complicated to use.

Now, I don't personally agree with that as I agree with WinterBorn and I just stick to the forums I want to go on, but if they would have said that instead of that's something we have to have and people bend over backwards to try and please me and having that attitude,.. then I never would have poked fun of them in the first place. Obviously this is the kind of person who was spoiled as a child and never heard the word no before though. At least, that's the way they act.

Ooh! Ooh! Do we get Dalmatians to go along with them? :D
Imagine the Left's hysteria if all the "Trump is the devil" threads got sent to the basement. :auiqs.jpg:
I missed this comment yesterday. Here, let me tell you what I believe is the difference between a demand and a suggestion. A suggestion to me would be,.. hey, we have a lot of forums on here, it would be awfully nice if we could break it down a little bit so it's not so complicated to use.

Now, I don't personally agree with that as I agree with WinterBorn and I just stick to the forums I want to go on, but if they would have said that instead of that's something we have to have and people bend over backwards to try and please me and having that attitude,.. then I never would have poked fun of them in the first place. Obviously this is the kind of person who was spoiled as a child and never heard the word no before though. At least, that's the way they act.

Ooh! Ooh! Do we get Dalmatians to go along with them? :D
Tomatos tomahtos. I didn't see it as a demand. You saw differently.:dunno:
We just need better moderation to put threads where they belong and penalties for those who can't seem to figure it out after 10 years or whatever.
Uh….no. If you had numerous different posters complaining about harsh
moderation, your opinion would have validity. Now, there is the possibility that USMB posters don’t feel free to give their opinions about that issue, so they’re really thinking one thing (man, this place has posts flying off the board via moderation) but not saying anything? Surely you’re not under that impression about this board! Lol There has been negative commentary about moderation and these posts remain on the board for readers to see. Crossing that line is another thing which from your post you must be familiar.

I certainly don’t claim to know the history between all moderators and all posters, but my statements stand as a general observation.
Who is bending over backward to accommodate his will? I am not challenging you, just asking.

Who is bending over backward to accommodate his will? I am not challenging you, just asking.
I am not the type that 'kisses and tells' but she is referring to a summers night; we were strolling on the beach as the palm trees gently swayed in the pleasant breeze under the moonlight we paused for a moment and as a torrent of desire overwhelmed us.........oh my bad.

I promised not to tell. bwaaaaaaaaaaaa
I am not the type that 'kisses and tells' but she is referring to a summers night; we were strolling on the beach as the palm trees gently swayed in the pleasant breeze under the moonlight we paused for a moment and as a torrent of desire overwhelmed us.........oh my bad.

I promised not to tell. bwaaaaaaaaaaaa

That is a vivid imagination you have there.
Who has or takes the time to check out all these sub forumus?

There needs to be a drastic reduction in the number of forums.
Do the Administrators/Moderators allow rightwing trolls to spam multiple sub-forums with repetitive copy-pasting?
Uh….no. If you had numerous different posters complaining about harsh
moderation, your opinion would have validity. Now, there is the possibility that USMB posters don’t feel free to give their opinions about that issue, so they’re really thinking one thing (man, this place has posts flying off the board via moderation) but not saying anything? Surely you’re not under that impression about this board! Lol There has been negative commentary about moderation and these posts remain on the board for readers to see. Crossing that line is another thing which from your post you must be familiar.

I certainly don’t claim to know the history between all moderators and all posters, but my statements stand as a general observation.

You're entitled to your opinion.

Here is the proof as to what I'm saying....

Is this politics? Of course it isn't...


Its in the political forum. Why? Because this particular poster knows the politics forum is the most popular one. He's been a member here since 2013. The first time should be a warning..."This is not political; put it in the proper forum next time."


So when he comes back and posts this.... when the moderator has to move it again to the appropriate tell him that the next time, he'll be banned for a week.

After a few of them; they either get with the program or stop making everything political just for the sake of trying to draw attention.
They can caïll it "The Borg" forum.

It would exist as just one big hive mind in action withot anything at all to distinguish one automaton from another.
Hilarious coming from brainwashed functional morons who cannot change the channel from the GOP propaganda machine. Meanwhile every respected media and courtroom in the entire world thinks you are nuts.....

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