Does this board really need a 100 different forums?

I had 2 myself....................LOLOLOL.................I just expect my threads to end up in a different place. In fact I expect it...lolol
Here's a tip that worked for me, EVERY TIME. Work into the post how this was all Trump's fault, or white America. The more ridiculous, the better. They'll leave it alone :auiqs.jpg:
Here's a tip that worked for me, EVERY TIME. Work into the post how this was all Trump's fault, or white America. The more ridiculous, the better. They'll leave it alone :auiqs.jpg:
Their staff of moderator wannabes do their best to slither around pretending they are valiant hall monitors
I've spent a lot of time thinking why the mods don't mess with you here.....In fact I wonder at night often to tell you the truth. It is now becoming an obsession in my life
hehheh I am sure many do....not like I am bragging or anything....they simply recognize my superiority and bend over backwards to accomodate me.
What occupation do you use your superior intellectual skills at
hehheh Thanks for responding so quickly....I give you a gold star for that.

I do not give out personal info.

Anyhow....just between you and is not that I am so smart but that all the dummies on here make me look incredibly brilliant.

I am a very humble person....I try very hard not to intimidate anyone with my superior skills.
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I agree that there are too many forums. Can't see the forest for the trees, but...there is a remedy for that. Just hit What's New and Active Topics. I know I miss a lot of other threads I would probably enjoy but as you mentioned with a SUGGESTION, not a demand...there are just too many forums for any one person to keep up on them all unless they are here 24/7/365 like some are.

And, in reference to you being mr smarty pants and staff does not mess with They are too busy laughing at you in the Staff Only forum. :auiqs.jpg: :spinner::tongue-44:
I agree that there are too many forums. Can't see the forest for the trees, but...there is a remedy for that. Just hit What's New and Active Topics. I know I miss a lot of other threads I would probably enjoy but as you mentioned with a SUGGESTION, not a demand...there are just too many forums for any one person to keep up on them all unless they are here 24/7/365 like some are.

And, in reference to you being mr smarty pants and staff does not mess with They are too busy laughing at you in the Staff Only forum. :auiqs.jpg: :spinner::tongue-44:
You just exposed my big secret: I keep them laughing whilst i fuk wid dem.

Any of the commoners that would dare say the stuff I do would have been banned like yesterday.
I fully agree
They just need :
Current events
Breaking news
Movies and TV
Race relations

And it needs a few more.

The dumbass forum for most lefties

The super bullshit forum for a few select lefties

What makes this site so popular is the lefties sticking it up to you lying hypocrite republicans.

Wouldn't it be you fascist utopia if we weren't here. Slapping yourselves on the back with self praise. Inject a bit of God into it and whoopee. Praise the Lord.
I just look at the list of threads on the right side of the main forum list, then scan the recent topics listed. Sometimes I click on a forum to look at the newest threads, but mostly not. Most times I don't even look to see what forum the thread is in. Plenty of troll threads without having to go looking for them.

If you want to know ahead of time what the bulk of the day's posts are going to be just go to DU or Huffington Post for left wing rubbish and troll farm orders, and for right wing troll farm rubbish it's FreeRepublic, Town Hall, Gateway Pundit. There are lesser sites, mostly linked to on the main ones listed.
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