Does the race of illegal immigrants matter to you?


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
I read a couple threads on here the other day by brain dead idiots named buddycolt and cuntamacious who want the US to have completely open borders so and were accusing everyone who voiced their opinion against it of being racist towards Hispanics and Brown people. Clearly they have sympathy for the illegals because they are Hispanic and can relate to them, if the majority of the illegal aliens were the same race or ethnicity as you would you view them differently? I am half black and half white and I don't care if the illegals were mostly Black Africans, I wouldn't want them here without papers, however alot of people feel differently. Thoughts?
No, the race of illegals doesn't matter to me. Now here this ALL illegals should go home. Including, but not limited to, Irish, German, Italian, Kenyan, Haitian, Mexican, Canadian, etc etc etc.
I read a couple threads on here the other day by brain dead idiots named buddycolt and cuntamacious who want the US to have completely open borders so and were accusing everyone who voiced their opinion against it of being racist towards Hispanics and Brown people. Clearly they have sympathy for the illegals because they are Hispanic and can relate to them, if the majority of the illegal aliens were the same race or ethnicity as you would you view them differently? I am half black and half white and I don't care if the illegals were mostly Black Africans, I wouldn't want them here without papers, however alot of people feel differently. Thoughts?
Bunches of them are Brits and Aussies....A lot of them living in the mountains.
No, the race of illegals doesn't matter to me. Now here this ALL illegals should go home. Including, but not limited to, Irish, German, Italian, Kenyan, Haitian, Mexican, Canadian, etc etc etc.

I agree 100%. Seems some people want the Hispanics to stay because they feel sympathy for them and can relate to them because of mutual backgrounds though.
I read a couple threads on here the other day by brain dead idiots named buddycolt and cuntamacious who want the US to have completely open borders so and were accusing everyone who voiced their opinion against it of being racist towards Hispanics and Brown people. Clearly they have sympathy for the illegals because they are Hispanic and can relate to them, if the majority of the illegal aliens were the same race or ethnicity as you would you view them differently? I am half black and half white and I don't care if the illegals were mostly Black Africans, I wouldn't want them here without papers, however alot of people feel differently. Thoughts?
Bunches of them are Brits and Aussies....A lot of them living in the mountains.

I read an article about some 50,000 Irish here undocumented, however thats not even close to the number of illegals coming here from Mexico and other Central American countries.
I read a couple threads on here the other day by brain dead idiots named buddycolt and cuntamacious who want the US to have completely open borders so and were accusing everyone who voiced their opinion against it of being racist towards Hispanics and Brown people. Clearly they have sympathy for the illegals because they are Hispanic and can relate to them, if the majority of the illegal aliens were the same race or ethnicity as you would you view them differently? I am half black and half white and I don't care if the illegals were mostly Black Africans, I wouldn't want them here without papers, however alot of people feel differently. Thoughts?
Bunches of them are Brits and Aussies....A lot of them living in the mountains.

I read an article about some 50,000 Irish here undocumented, however thats not even close to the number of illegals coming here from Mexico and other Central American countries.
On top of that, the Euro/Aussie illegals *mostly* aren't planting themselves here, having anchor children and generally taxing the social safety Barcalounger.
Bunches of them are Brits and Aussies....A lot of them living in the mountains.

I read an article about some 50,000 Irish here undocumented, however thats not even close to the number of illegals coming here from Mexico and other Central American countries.
On top of that, the Euro/Aussie illegals *mostly* aren't planting themselves here, having anchor children and generally taxing the social safety Barcalounger.

Yup and there are no English and Australian cartels running drugs and killing people in the streets.
I don't think I'd have a problem with illegals if they weren't on the gov't dole, driving drunk, voting in elections, refusing to learn English, flying their home country's flag, playing the race card all the time.

It's my opinion that the US Gov't allows overwhelming illegal immigration as a a way to "checkmate" or minimize Americans influence on gov't, society and culture.

Long ago the people in charge decided they didn't want to listen to us anymore.
'Illegal' is obviously not a race. The radical left & open borders numbskulls try to inject race into the topic of illegal immigration to cloud the issue and cow opposition. It is ridiculous and offensive, but hyper-partisan hacks are not known for their honesty and integrity.
I read a couple threads on here the other day by brain dead idiots named buddycolt and cuntamacious who want the US to have completely open borders so and were accusing everyone who voiced their opinion against it of being racist towards Hispanics and Brown people. Clearly they have sympathy for the illegals because they are Hispanic and can relate to them, if the majority of the illegal aliens were the same race or ethnicity as you would you view them differently? I am half black and half white and I don't care if the illegals were mostly Black Africans, I wouldn't want them here without papers, however alot of people feel differently. Thoughts?

For someone that don't exercise good common sense High_Gravity you shouldn't pick fights you cannot win. People that refer to their neighbors as "illegal aliens" are not the brightest stars in the constellation... if you know what I mean.

So, now you're half black and half white... wonder which half is black? So, instead of discussing the issues, we're back to trading barbs? Okay, you accuse me of being brain dead because I couldn't tell whether you were a transexual or a woman when you propositioned me. At least I have a brain. You want everyone else to give you thoughts because you don't have any of your own. And you're just dumb enough to pick another fight with me.

Look, on another thread you obsessed over my dick, my ass and were so dumbstruck that you couldn't form a complete sentence. Guys, this chick may look good in her avatar, but if she had as many on her as she has had in her, she'd look like a penis porcupine. She has to come down on the Hispanics, pretending she knew better than to say the idiotic things she did in her opening post. Know this: she could sue her brains for non - support and win. She don't want to tell she's just a dumb blond that wants to be half black because that's her way of telling you she got injected.

Back to earth:

I don't like the term "illegal aliens" for four reasons:

1) NOBODY is an "illegal" any damn thing until they've been afforded Due Process
2) The majority, if not all, the people most of those using the "illegal alien" term find Hispanics to be ones they direct their anger toward
3) High_Gravity does not seem to understand that employers have an inherent Right to hire whomever they want. Laws that prohibit that would be patently unconstitutional. Regardless of what we think about Hispanics, those who invite them here have as much Right to do so as you do to hate them
4) The term "illegal alien" is more than a pejorative term; it is also a legal term. Once you insist on calling people "illegal aliens" then you could be called a terrorist, enemy combatant, etc. It's all about this little thing called the Constitution and a guarantee of equal protection of the law. If the law does not protect the immigrant from being presumed guilty, it cannot protect YOU when you need it. That flies right over High_Gravity's head.

Open borders have been here since before the colonists and they beat the hell out of a ONE WORLD POLICE FORCE with drones in the sky that can monitor you as well. It beats the hell out of a combination police / military force that presumes guilt and shoots then asks questions versus police that investigate, ask questions and only shoot afterward.

High_Gravity wants to blame people she calls "illegal aliens" for her drug problem. That's like blaming flies when you keep dumping garbage in your yard. Drugs are supply and demand. Quit smoking that pot and snorting that coke and the pushers will leave you alone.
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I don't think I'd have a problem with illegals if they weren't on the gov't dole, driving drunk, voting in elections, refusing to learn English, flying their home country's flag, playing the race card all the time.

It's my opinion that the US Gov't allows overwhelming illegal immigration as a a way to "checkmate" or minimize Americans influence on gov't, society and culture.

Long ago the people in charge decided they didn't want to listen to us anymore.

I lived in California for 3 years when I was in the Military, that state belongs to the illegals now, it is a sanctuary state. To be honest alot of the illegals I encountered didn't have any ambitions to become Americans, most of them were just working in the US and sending most of their earnings back to Mexico or wherever they were from to build a house and support their families, they don't have any desire to learn English, assimilate to our culture or become Americans, they are nothing like immigrants that came here in the 1920s through Ellis Island for example, these guys just want the cash.
I read a couple threads on here the other day by brain dead idiots named buddycolt and cuntamacious who want the US to have completely open borders so and were accusing everyone who voiced their opinion against it of being racist towards Hispanics and Brown people. Clearly they have sympathy for the illegals because they are Hispanic and can relate to them, if the majority of the illegal aliens were the same race or ethnicity as you would you view them differently? I am half black and half white and I don't care if the illegals were mostly Black Africans, I wouldn't want them here without papers, however alot of people feel differently. Thoughts?

For someone that don't exercise good common sense High_Gravity you shouldn't pick fights you cannot win. People that refer to their neighbors as "illegal aliens" are not the brightest stars in the constellation... if you know what I mean.

So, now you're half black and half white... wonder which half is black? So, instead of discussing the issues, we're back to trading barbs? Okay, you accuse me of being brain dead because I couldn't tell whether you were a transexual or a woman when you propositioned me. At least I have a brain. You want everyone else to give you thoughts because you don't have any of your own. And you're just dumb enough to pick another fight with me.

Look, on another thread you obsessed over my dick, my ass and were so dumbstruck that you couldn't form a complete sentence. Guys, this chick may look good in her avatar, but if she had as many on her as she has had in her, she'd look like a penis porcupine. She has to come down on the Hispanics, pretending she knew better than to say the idiotic things she did in her opening post. Know this: she could sue her brains for non - support and win. She don't want to tell she's just a dumb blond that wants to be half black because that's her way of telling you she got injected.

Back to earth:

I don't like the term "illegal aliens" for four reasons:

1) NOBODY is an "illegal" any damn thing until they've been afforded Due Process
2) The majority, if not all, the people most of those using the "illegal alien" term find Hispanics to be ones they direct their anger toward
3) High_Gravity does not seem to understand that employers have an inherent Right to hire whomever they want. Laws that prohibit that would be patently unconstitutional. Regardless of what we think about Hispanics, those who invite them here have as much Right to do so as you do to hate them
4) The term "illegal alien" is more than a pejorative term; it is also a legal term. Once you insist on calling people "illegal aliens" then you could be called a terrorist, enemy combatant, etc. It's all about this little thing called the Constitution and a guarantee of equal protection of the law. If the law does not protect the immigrant from being presumed guilty, it cannot protect YOU when you need it. That flies right over High_Gravity's head.

Open borders have been here since before the colonists and they beat the hell out of a ONE WORLD POLICE FORCE with drones in the sky that can monitor you as well. It beats the hell out of a combination police / military force that presumes guilt and shoots then asks questions versus police that investigate, ask questions and only shoot afterward.

High_Gravity wants to blame people she calls "illegal aliens" for her drug problem. That's like blaming flies when you keep dumping garbage in your yard. Drugs are supply and demand. Quit smoking that pot and snorting that coke and the pushers will leave you alone.

I propositioned you faggot?really?:lol: post the PM's than.
If America ridded itself of all 'illegal' immigrants, who would work at Tyson Chicken?

There are far too many monied interests concerned with securing cheap, some might say 'slave', labor. And many of those interested in securing that particular labor pool are the same folks Conservatives want to shelter.

What a conundrum! Coddle the rich who are employing immigrant labor or drive out all those workers? What is a Conservative to do?
People that refer to their neighbors as "illegal aliens" are not the brightest stars in the constellation... .

If a neighbor is an illegal alien then that is what he should be called. If a neighbor is a good neighbor he wouldn't be an illegal alien.

You need to get the fuck over yourself and let your lefty dreams of open borders go; it ain't gonna happen. Read carefully: IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.
Long ago the people in charge decided they didn't want to listen to us anymore.

"People in charge" never have and never will "want" to listen to anyone, but we still have elections.

Yeah, big deal. We get to choose between Obama, who is a disgrace, and Mitt Romney, who is a disgrace...

You don't vote for your Senators and Congressmen? You don't vote in local elections? You aren't an informed and active citizen? If not, then STFU because you've got no right to bitch.

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