Does Obama have a "real" jobs plan or just more govt spending?

Is Obamas plan for jobs going to be.....

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.
Yep a question there. He may have a jobs plan that involves more spending. I however doubt it will fly thru congress.
And keep in mind that Obama is an extension of the Bush admin.
Excellent question, GM.

A stimulus response can work to revive this economy, but of course it actually needs to include real live new jobs and not just "shovel ready" projects that would have been done anyway.

Per usual I will note that tax cuts or tax increases won't do anything to change the employment picture.

Industries will hire more people when they see that the economy can absorb the new products, and not before.
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Govt jobs a lot of times are a complete waste of our tax dollars. Here where I live they are repaving all the streets in our neighborhood. Thing is, there was nothing wrong with them to begin with. Likewise, they are digging up perfectly good sidewalks just to widen them.

There is a tremendous amount of waste in so called govt jobs.
It is a good question and US is right. Another stimulus bill will not get through the House so it can't be that.

Will just have to wait till Sept. to find out.
Excellent question, GM.

A stimulus response can work to revive this economy, but of course it actually needs to include real live new jobs and not just "shovel ready" projects that would have been done anyway.

Per usual I will note that tax cuts or tax increases won't do anything to change the employment picture.

Industries will hire more people when they see that the economy can absorb the new products, and not before.

Chris Matthews had a great idea. Bundle up all the "real" public works projects into one big bill..and make it mandatory to spend all funding on those projects. These would be projects that for the most part have been requested by representatives for their districts.

The "problem" with the last stimulus package was that it was to small, wasn't specific about where the money went..and a good amount of it was in tax cuts.
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According to WaPo, the plan is expected to include tax *cuts*, not increases. I think from a policy perspective a short-term jobs plan / stimulus has merits, but politically it depends on being seen as the first and not the second. I think the ideal policy would have short-term spending/tax incentives coupled to long-term deficit reduction measures.

I assume the reason the plan isn't released is because it isn't finished yet. It's not clear to me that waiting would provide any political benefit. I think you're setting the bar too high when your poll asks for "new ideas" -- any economic plan is necessarily going to rely largely on a mix of policy levers that have been pulled in various combinations in the past. I don't think anyone thinks Obama has hit upon some brilliant idea that is going to immediately fix the economy.
Govt jobs a lot of times are a complete waste of our tax dollars. Here where I live they are repaving all the streets in our neighborhood. Thing is, there was nothing wrong with them to begin with. Likewise, they are digging up perfectly good sidewalks just to widen them.

There is a tremendous amount of waste in so called govt jobs.

That would be a real way to cut spending.

Get rid of waste and fraud. Incorporate proper audits.
It is a good question and US is right. Another stimulus bill will not get through the House so it can't be that.

Will just have to wait till Sept. to find out.

that's his plan Claudette, he's going to propose a massive amount of stimulus money "trillions" and say it's for infrastructure,, (haven't you noticed maddcow standing in front of hoover damn pushing projects?) then of course he knows the House of Rep will say no, unless their are cuts elsewhere so then he'll turn around and say "It's all the Republicans fault we can't get jobs." boooo fucking hooooo.. and he had his new shiney black bussess made in Canada.. I suppose that's the Republicans fault too.
Well a "new idea" could be

A permanent tax cut or tax break for corporations that close shops overseas and bring jobs here.

Close all loopholes for BIG business and use said money for tax breaks for new full time hires.

Freeze tax rates at current levels for the next 5 years.

Reconsider new EPA regulations.

Instead of giving out endless unemployment checks when you reach a certain point all future money is only good for retraining programs.

These are just a couple off the top of my head that would be considered "new ideas" that congress could debate. If I can come up with ideas on the spot why can't Obama?
None of that will go anywhere.

Any of project from the Fed will be funded with tax dollars. There are none.

Too bad Barry doesn't ask the Canadians how they solved their fiscal problems back int he 90's.

I'm sure they would be more than glad to give him a heads up.
None of that will go anywhere.

Any of project from the Fed will be funded with tax dollars. There are none.

Too bad Barry doesn't ask the Canadians how they solved their fiscal problems back int he 90's.

I'm sure they would be more than glad to give him a heads up.

None of my ideas will raise costs. They are all offset by revenue increases. Or are simply shifting the money were currently spending in a new direction.
You give a company a permanent tax break for coming back and they just create an offshore subsidiary to route their foreign materials thru and get the tax break.
Excellent question, GM.

A stimulus response can work to revive this economy, but of course it actually needs to include real live new jobs and not just "shovel ready" projects that would have been done anyway.

Per usual I will note that tax cuts or tax increases won't do anything to change the employment picture.

Industries will hire more people when they see that the economy can absorb the new products, and not before.

How much stimulus would youlike to see? 1 trillion? 2 trillion?

What if you gave every adult American 1 million dollars, that would be about what 300 million? Would that stimulate the economy?
You give a company a permanent tax break for coming back and they just create an offshore subsidiary to route their foreign materials thru and get the tax break.

So they hide a few bucks. That's nothing new, but at least it would result in new jobs. Companies aren't going to spend all the money to relocate here just to turn around and leave. Stop gaps could be put into the tax code to prevent fraud
Excellent question, GM.

A stimulus response can work to revive this economy, but of course it actually needs to include real live new jobs and not just "shovel ready" projects that would have been done anyway.

Per usual I will note that tax cuts or tax increases won't do anything to change the employment picture.

Industries will hire more people when they see that the economy can absorb the new products, and not before.

How much stimulus would youlike to see? 1 trillion? 2 trillion?

What if you gave every adult American 1 million dollars, that would be about what 300 million? Would that stimulate the economy?
Haha, where is the line for that check. Lol

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