Does Biden want WWIII?

Of course Biden doesn't want WW3. He only wants to maintain America's world supremacy uncontested. He wants China and Russia to agree.

The title of this thread is inept and the discussion was already stared by Political Chicy in Zone 1.
He is the one that said if we send weapons to Ukraine it would be WW3.

Reminds me of the time he said he would never mandate the COVID vaccines. Then a year later he did exactly that (which was unconstitutional).

It’s almost as if he is lying about major policy decisions.
Of course Biden doesn't want WW3. He only wants to maintain America's world supremacy uncontested. He wants China and Russia to agree.

The title of this thread is inept and the discussion was already stared by Political Chicy in Zone 1.
I'm always amused by the tactic of posting a Rhetorical Question in the title. What kind of idiot thinks to himself, "This'll vex them!!!". Its the easiest thing in the world to blow out of the water. As I just did.
Biden said last year that sending in offensive weapons like tanks and aircraft would lead to WW3:

Looks like we are headed there.

Lefties are losing their minds on Twitter because President Trump points this out:


Or perhaps the people pulling his string want ww3. What better way to force a digital dollar, suck all of the money away from the poor and middle class, to take away people's land and homes, to require digital id's, to restrict what average people can have, to enact mandates, and to topple governments that don't play ball and put us into a world controlling power instead of seperated countries?

Yeah, a world wide emergency certainly allows for all of that to happen by people like the world economic forum. I mean they will be safe probably sitting in chateau in the swiss alps.

Why else would you bankrupt your country and so irrationally defend and support a country that's spent decades being known around the world as one of the most corrupt countries on the planet?
Notice none of the Biden shills can defend his comments.
The best defense of Biden is in bluffing Russia and China that they need to capitulate to America's demands or face nuclear annihilation.
The only other option now is for America/Biden to back off and accept China, Russia, the Brics/ 3/4'ers of the world as equal partners going forward.

At least Trump would quickly accept Russia as a partner and therefore could break the unity of the approaching Brics becoming the great alliance of the 21st. century.

Too bad the thread was started under the crazy idea of Biden wanting WW3! Of course he doesn't and nobody does!
Then why provoke it by sending arms to Ukraine?
Biden and the US military see it as Russia's challenge to end America's uncontested world supremacy by Russia, in alliance with China.

He could be wrong? Russia and China could in fact have no such intentions.

What do you and America's conservatives think? I think that Russia/China are going for all the marbles, but by peaceful means.

Do you support Bidean and your military?

Are you going to get to the point or continue to bark at the moon?
Then why provoke it by sending arms to Ukraine?

Next year it will be “we have to send troops in” in order to “save democracy” and “whatever it takes” to “stop Russia”.
You are only inciting hoping that the US will stop sending arms to Ukraine.

It will help the Republican's favorite, Russia, a lot, won't it? Trump will love it, too.

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