Does anyone have a problem with the reading of the US Constitution on the record

Should the US constitution be read into the record at the beginning of a Cong. sess.

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Publicity stunt? Political theatre? Meaningless? Of course.

Problem with it? Nah, not really.

It really is a sad day in America when people actually think reading the countitution is meaningless and a Publicity stunt

No Bigreb. It's a sad day in America when people can think this was anything but a publicity stunt.
Hell....they believed that Lil' Dumbya was (actually) President....and, The DICK; Cheney was only Vice Prez!!
I believe there was an editorial in NY Times that claimed racism of some form because of the 3/5s compromise.
Most folks do not have a clue what the 3/5s compromise was and how it became what it was.
Here, ya' go............​

"The empty gestures are officially intended to set a new tone in Washington, to demonstrate -- presumably to the Republicans' Tea Party supporters -- that things are about to be done very differently. But it is far from clear what message is being sent by, for instance, reading aloud the nation's foundational document. Is this group of Republicans really trying to suggest that they care more deeply about the Constitution than anyone else and will follow it more closely?

In any case, it is a presumptuous and self-righteous act, suggesting that they alone understand the true meaning of a text that the founders wisely left open to generations of reinterpretation. Certainly the Republican leadership is not trying to suggest that African-Americans still be counted as three-fifths of a person." - [The New York Times, 1/4/11]


"The right-wing media seized on the last sentence to wail, "They're playing the race card!" Big Journalism kicked off the whining this morning with a post claiming that the Times was "attempt[ing] to label the Constitution as irrelevant."
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its come to my attention that some on the left view congress reading the constitution into record as a solely a publicity stunt and should not be done

what say you?

yes it's a publicity stunt. and the implication is intended to be that they're "constitutionalists".

Why did Nancy Pelosi agree to go along with it then? Or did you miss the fact that both parties were doing it?
Of course it's a publicity stunt. Does that mean it's a problem? Not really. Most of what happens on the House and Senate floor is a publicity stunt for the cameras. What's one more?

Well of course it is..

They seem to completely miss all the stuff about levying taxes to pay down debts. Because one of the rule changes was to take tax cuts out of the mix when figuring out budgets.

Even the most "real" conservative business person doesn't do that..

I could just see it.

Gosh..lets cut the price on our product. Doesn't affect revenue in the slightest.

Kind of like you keep missing the part about actually paying down those debts, not running them up.
Yes, a publicity stunt.
They edited out the parts they thought would be embarrassing, like that certain people would be 3/5 of a person, and the 18th Amendment which brought us Prohibition.

Those parts were edited out through the amendment process. Nice of you to rewrite history and try to blame the Republicans for what most people think of as a positive thing.
Funny, there was hardly anyone left in the chamber by the end of the readings.
I'm thinkin' it was (mostly) an those Republicans who haven't done a damned-thing (over the last-two-years) get some face-time on C-SPAN.

(You know.....thrill the folks back-home. :rolleyes: )​
its come to my attention that some on the left view congress reading the constitution into record as a solely a publicity stunt and should not be done

what say you?

I resent The Constitution of the United States of America being used as a dog and pony show prop.

If these pols don't know the it by now, they won't know it come nap time.
It really is a sad day in America when people actually think reading the countitution is meaningless and a Publicity stunt

No Bigreb. It's a sad day in America when people can think this was anything but a publicity stunt.
Hell....they believed that Lil' Dumbya was (actually) President....and, The DICK; Cheney was only Vice Prez!!
sure they also believe that president obama is a true american citizen and vice press biden is a actual person .
No Bigreb. It's a sad day in America when people can think this was anything but a publicity stunt.
Hell....they believed that Lil' Dumbya was (actually) President....and, The DICK; Cheney was only Vice Prez!!
sure they also believe that president obama is a true american citizen and vice press biden is a actual person .

I thought Biden was the Frankenstein Monster after a little plastic surgery? :poke:
its come to my attention that some on the left view congress reading the constitution into record as a solely a publicity stunt and should not be done

what say you?

Political theater, nothing more. As they say, talk is cheap.

I'm not upset or anything just really unimpressed.
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Republicans use the the Constitution to oppose anything the Left does to counter the concentrated power of corporations over government and social life.

However, if you look at how they conduct the War on Terror, you realize that they have zero respect for the Constitution.

If they get the White House in 2012, they will only need one more attack to shut down the free press and enact Martial Law.

People don't get it. The standard political tool for concentrating power and destroying freedom is the threat of an enemy. An enemy allows the state to move more of its behavior out of the light, away from the press, and under the safe umbrella of "National Security". Read Orwell. This is how right wing political organizations seize power. By inflating a real or fake enemy, they distract the serfs with fear. Behind the scenes their donors loot the treasury and create their own laws.

The goal of the Bush War on Terror is to erode the line between enemy combatant and political opponent. Welcome to the old Soviet Union. Wait until 2012. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Look into the Homeland Security Department created by the Bush Administration. It is the largest, most expensive, most secretive bureaucracy ever created. For all their mistrust of government, you never hear Republican voters criticize this piece of BIG GOVERNMENT. You never hear Republicans criticize the Patriot Act or the Pentagon budget. Why? Because they trust and love government. They believe everything the government says, save stuff that has to do with social programs or taxes. Their faux-hatred of Government is talk radio astroturf, i.e., manufactured populist-rage designed by corporations to hinder the government's ability to tax, regulate, or break their monopolies.

The Republican voter is placed in a hermetically sealed bubble of Death Panels & WMDs. The bubble is filled daily with hyper-masculine John Wayne rugged individualism. Don't look now, there's the gipper, riding into town on his white horse, wrapped in the flag. He's come to vanquish the liberal muslim socialist marxist gay islamo-fascist bureaucrats who stole your country, as you clutch your steering wheel ever tighter, enraged.

[psst: attention morons. Reagan's Iran-Contra and Bush's War on Terror have been two of the greatest threats to the Constitution in history]–Contra_affair
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its come to my attention that some on the left view congress reading the constitution into record as a solely a publicity stunt and should not be done

what say you?

yes it's a publicity stunt. and the implication is intended to be that they're "constitutionalists".

Why did Nancy Pelosi agree to go along with it then? Or did you miss the fact that both parties were doing it?

Just grandstanding and the dems did not want to appear to be against the constitution.
I think it should be read 2 or 3 times a year, in both houses, to remind all of the members what they swore to "support and defend" when they took the job.
Both sides pick their own interpretations. I could talk all day about the current administration's crazy flirtations with constitutional destruction. You look at Janet and her stasi fatherland security TSA overrsteps, or the OA and it's unbelievable lack of openness. We could do this all day with both sides but the fact is the OA is now and the BA is in the past. Need to concentrate on the present.
politicians already wasting time

say it aintso

its amazing that on the first few days the GOP foists a ridiculous ineffective effort thats doomed to failure as a fufilling of their "promise" and then sets up a day of "reading" the Constitution ;

hey about doing some actual WORK your first few days instead of starting off by doing the same bullshitting that will be occuring at the end of the year
Publicity stunt? Political theatre? Meaningless? Of course.

Problem with it? Nah, not really.

It really is a sad day in America when people actually think reading the countitution is meaningless and a Publicity stunt
....And, a GREAT way o' dodging any actual WORK!!!!!!!!!!!


No stupid thats just my opinion. You do know what an opinion is? I hope you do since thats what everybody gives from time to time on here. Even you.

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