Does anybody believe Soleimani was not a terrorist and a threat to kill Americans?


Pro-American Patriot
Jan 28, 2019
Realville, USA
Next thing you know Democrats will want to rename "Martin Luther King Day" to "Solemani Day".

I've never seen so many dishonest people find so many reasons to object to killing a terrorist mastermind. This one was plotting to kill more Americans, and has the blood of almost 700 Americans on his hands.

I realize Democrats are desperate, but for pity's sake, try and keep at least a shred of decency.
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
sure--Mr Trump AND all of his advisors made it all up....they killed a man for nothing

remember the Brits attacked their own ALLY in WW2 in self defense
..again, if the US had the intel to be able to assassinate him, they had intel on what he was up to....
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
sure--Mr Trump AND all of his advisors made it all up....they killed a man for nothing

remember the Brits attacked their own ALLY in WW2 in self defense

When the only thing you have is a hammer, every problem ends up looking like a nail.
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
sure--Mr Trump AND all of his advisors made it all up....they killed a man for nothing

remember the Brits attacked their own ALLY in WW2 in self defense

When the only thing you have is a hammer, every problem ends up looking like a nail.
....I agree--good call...the US and Israel usually show immense restraint with these terrorists groups..the US used surgical precision to take out Soleimani the Terrorist
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
sure--Mr Trump AND all of his advisors made it all up....they killed a man for nothing

remember the Brits attacked their own ALLY in WW2 in self defense

When the only thing you have is a hammer, every problem ends up looking like a nail.
....I agree--good call...the US and Israel usually show immense restraint with these terrorists groups..the US used surgical precision to take out Soleimani the Terrorist
. . . so therefor, the CIA is a terrorist group?
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
sure--Mr Trump AND all of his advisors made it all up....they killed a man for nothing

remember the Brits attacked their own ALLY in WW2 in self defense

When the only thing you have is a hammer, every problem ends up looking like a nail.
....I agree--good call...the US and Israel usually show immense restraint with these terrorists groups..the US used surgical precision to take out Soleimani the Terrorist
. . . so therefor, the CIA is a terrorist group?
have they murdered innocent civilians for political purposes? if so, yes
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
sure--Mr Trump AND all of his advisors made it all up....they killed a man for nothing

remember the Brits attacked their own ALLY in WW2 in self defense

If that’s what you got out of what I said, then I’m not even going to bother trying to have a discussion with you. I wasn’t talking about any specific event, I was speaking in a very general way. Everything is not always about Trump, this sort of thing has been going on for years now, before Trump, and it probably will continue, after him. But good job completely ignoring the point, only to focus on your idol! Go blue team!!! Lol
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
sure--Mr Trump AND all of his advisors made it all up....they killed a man for nothing

remember the Brits attacked their own ALLY in WW2 in self defense

If that’s what you got out of what I said, then I’m not even going to bother trying to have a discussion with you. I wasn’t talking about any specific event, I was speaking in a very general way. Everything is not always about Trump, this sort of thing has been going on for years now, before Trump, and it probably will continue, after him. But good job completely ignoring the point, only to focus on your idol! Go blue team!!! Lol
yes--I agree with you--your post is erratic/unorganized/confusing/etc
Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
a lot?? links/proof
I’m kind of amazed that still so many people don’t realize that terrorists can be used as pawns in an even bigger game that most here seem to be blind to. Former foreign policy advisor Brzezinski basically admitted that the ‘Muslim terrorist apparatus’ was created by US intelligence as a geopolitical tool. The question has never been “are Muslim terrorists evil?” (Duh, obviously they are) The question should be: what is the bigger evil? Using terrorists and creating a bigger “crisis” and perpetual Boogeyman for subversive political purposes, the lies, deception, fearmongering used as a pretext for perpetual wars that are all about control and ultimately the NWO to me is clearly the bigger evil.

I’m sure I will be attacked for saying that and called crazy or labeled a heretic, but eventually you’ll see the sordid truth. That has been the case for a long time now, but especially since 9/11. Turn off the idiot box, stop believing what you’re being spoonfed, and stop trusting those who are manipulating you. Look at the bigger picture.
sure--Mr Trump AND all of his advisors made it all up....they killed a man for nothing

remember the Brits attacked their own ALLY in WW2 in self defense

If that’s what you got out of what I said, then I’m not even going to bother trying to have a discussion with you. I wasn’t talking about any specific event, I was speaking in a very general way. Everything is not always about Trump, this sort of thing has been going on for years now, before Trump, and it probably will continue, after him. But good job completely ignoring the point, only to focus on your idol! Go blue team!!! Lol
yes--I agree with you--your post is erratic/unorganized/confusing/etc

That folks that are REALLY in charge own both the Dems and the Repubs. You have no idea what is going on.
Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
Very good
Of course the CIA has murdered lot of innocents for political purposes.

All of those colored revolutions all across the ME.

The point here is, designating the intelligence agency of another nation that is in opposition to you as a "terrorist" group so you can unleash the complete arsenal of what you have and get around international law is draconian, and we should oppose it.

We should not let our government just declare whomever it wishes as terrorists, and then let them do what ever they want in contravention of all humanitarian norms.

. . . if we do?

All too soon? They will declare martial law, and call our own citizens "terrorists" for the flimsiest of reasons.

I imagine a day when these folks like AOC take back the White House, push the New Green Agenda, and call anyone that denies AGW a carbon terrorist if they disagree. . .

How would that suit you? Being called a terrorist if you don't recycle or if you just don't agree with them, and not only not having the protections of the Constitution, but the basic norms of international law?

This is where we are at if you allow yourself to be so easily lulled into this type of semantic bullshit.

Just b/c the government SAYS SO, does not mean it IS SO.
to my knowledge, it's not US/CIA policy to murder innocent civilians
you have evidence of CIA policy to murder innocent civilians???
..just like it's Israel's policy not to directly target civilians

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