Does Ann Romney's type of "American Woman" exist anymore?

and you have no right to tell a woman wether to bring a life into this world or not
yeah, because aborting your children is what is going to keep this country great..
and Ann was LUCKY to not have to work?, what the hell would you know about who is lucky and isn't lucky..

Unlucky people dont even have power over what happens inside their own bodies and have to do whatever their government tells them to do with their bodies.

You want to strip the choice from people to control their own bodies.

You want to give that control to the government.

All because you have a certain religion.

So you want people to lose control of their own bodies because of YOUR religion.

You just cant get any more UnAmerican than that.

You don't even have a proper perspective of the reality for people who are pro life. There are TWO lives involved. Not one.

the day you can remove this fetus and make it into a viable human being without the woman whos body it is in then you will have a point.

Until that day its NOT your right to force people to do something with their body they are not willing to do.
Compared to Mitt Romney, Ann Romney is a GENIUS! I think she identifies a lot more with women from every walk of life than Mitt ever could. She worked with Boston's inner city girls and has donated in the past to Planned Parenthood and a lot more.

Sure she's had it fairly easy in life and her dealing with her health issues isn't the same as the average woman but I think she does understand the difference.

The tissue inside a womans body is not your tissue.

Its hers to do with as she pleases
womens rights are about choice.

When you people begin to accept its for the woman to make the choice that is best for her and her family then you will get a clue.

Mrs Romney was lucky enough to have the choice NOT to work.

Her family benifited from her choice.

This country can not remain great unless women have real choices.

why are you on the right so anti choice for women

yeah, because aborting your children is what is going to keep this country great..
and Ann was LUCKY to not have to work?, what the hell would you know about who is lucky and isn't lucky..

Unlucky people dont even have power over what happens inside their own bodies and have to do whatever their government tells them to do with their bodies.

You want to strip the choice from people to control their own bodies.

You want to give that control to the government.

All because you have a certain religion.

So you want people to lose control of their own bodies because of YOUR religion.

You just cant get any more UnAmerican than that.

You mean like banning large sodas, making fois gras illegal, putting in seatbelt laws, helmet laws, taxes to discourage tanning beds, or trying to make the brazillian wax illegal? How about forcing women to breastfeed? It's they bodies, right?

Yes it's true, you can't get more unamerican than that.
My mom never worked a job as long as I can remember, but her job was 100 times harder than my Dad's - taking care of us kids and the home.

We had an economy that allowed women to be stay at home moms during the liberal era, from the New Deal through the Great Society. Then the conservative era began with Nixon and Reagan...

So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative. I want MY America back. It worked extremely well for ALL Americans, not just the Romneys and the rest of the elite.

What is conservatism? In my opinion, it is respect for the past and the wisdom of our ancestors. Their lives were built on their ancestors and so it goes, from one generation to the next. You ultimately respect their lives and toil not by paying lip service to it or using empty rhetoric like 'family values'. You do it by embracing those values. You do it by making their hard earned lessons your easy learned lessons. You do it by respecting and fighting for the policies and programs they crafted that increased the benefits and lessened the losses to our communities and our society.

How did our ancestors craft these policies and programs, were they based on some ideology? I believe they were based on common decency, respect for your neighbors, common sense, experience, trial and error and a strong sense of community.

I was raised in the 1950's. My dad was the sole provider, and my mom was a housewife and mother. We didn't call it 'family values', we called it family. When I came home from school, no matter what kind of day I had, it became brighter as soon as I walked in the door to a 'hi honey' from my mom. It not only brightened my day, it built self worth and a positive self image. All my friends and school mates had a similar story...a father that worked and a mother that stayed home to raise and nurture their children. None of us kids ever knew or even cared what anyone else's father did for a living. None of us had to go without; food, clothing, pets, bikes, baseball gloves, doctor care (our doctor used to come to the house), a quality public education with all the extras; sports, arts, school run ice rink, summer swimming and sports programs etc. But none of us were pampered or spoiled either.

THAT is exactly what I want for my kids and for my grand-kids.

So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative.

So, what is conservatism? I don't hear people that call themselves conservatives talk that way or think that way. I don't hear talk of building, I hear talk of tearing down. I don't hear talk of a helping hand, I hear talk of letting them fail. I don't hear talk of the public good, I hear talk about me and mine. I don't hear compassion for fellow citizens, I hear disdain. I never hear them talk about human capital, just mammon. These so called conservatives are ideologues that want to dismantle any shred of community and replace it with SELF interest.

That is not 'conservatism', that is called narcissism.

"You shall rise in the presence of grey hairs, give honor to the aged, and fear God, I am the Lord"
Leviticus 19:32
and you have no right to tell a woman whether to bring a life into this world or not

It's barbaric to think that women have the right to kill an innocent little baby, who has no voice in the matter, just because she wants to have fun and sex and not take responsibility.
If you cant afford to have a kid or don't want to get pregnant, there are many choices in ways to have sex.
It's called taking responsibility on yourself.
The very act of sex is about giving life.
and you have no right to tell a woman whether to bring a life into this world or not

It's barbaric to think that women have the right to kill an innocent little baby, who has no voice in the matter, just because she wants to have fun and sex and not take responsibility.
If you cant afford to have a kid or don't want to get pregnant, there are many choices in ways to have sex.
It's called taking responsibility on yourself.
The very act of sex is about giving life.

The right always base their argument on a false statement.

Here is your word for the day: viable
The left must stamp out and destroy mothers. Not women, just mothers. In order to do this, mothers must be demeaned at every turn. There are no good mothers, only varying degrees of bad mothers. Mothers to who stay home are bad. Mothers who work and take care of their children are bad. The only good women, are not mothers but have aborted their children.

It's not a war on women. It's a war on motherhood.
When Ann Romney talks about women, she talks about the "home maker" and how taking care of children, cooking and doing laundry is very hard. She never talked about "women bankers" or "women engineers" or any woman "professionals". In fact, I'm not sure I heard her even say the phrase "working women".

She seems to give the impression that only women who are married, being taken care of by a man and with many children are "truly fulfilled". Not that she's "anti working women", just that a working woman comes in "second" in the fulfillment department.

In fact, it seems you almost have to be "rich" for her type of women to exist anymore in America. A kind of "retro 50's" leave it to Beaver type of mom.

So the question becomes, "Did Ann Romney really connect with that many women?"

Especially considering her "life of privileged".

My wife is a stay at home mom.

You need to attack Ann now.

I new you lacked class.....but you have reached new lows lately.
My mom never worked a job as long as I can remember, but her job was 100 times harder than my Dad's - taking care of us kids and the home.

We had an economy that allowed women to be stay at home moms during the liberal era, from the New Deal through the Great Society. Then the conservative era began with Nixon and Reagan...

So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative. I want MY America back. It worked extremely well for ALL Americans, not just the Romneys and the rest of the elite.

What is conservatism? In my opinion, it is respect for the past and the wisdom of our ancestors. Their lives were built on their ancestors and so it goes, from one generation to the next. You ultimately respect their lives and toil not by paying lip service to it or using empty rhetoric like 'family values'. You do it by embracing those values. You do it by making their hard earned lessons your easy learned lessons. You do it by respecting and fighting for the policies and programs they crafted that increased the benefits and lessened the losses to our communities and our society.

How did our ancestors craft these policies and programs, were they based on some ideology? I believe they were based on common decency, respect for your neighbors, common sense, experience, trial and error and a strong sense of community.

I was raised in the 1950's. My dad was the sole provider, and my mom was a housewife and mother. We didn't call it 'family values', we called it family. When I came home from school, no matter what kind of day I had, it became brighter as soon as I walked in the door to a 'hi honey' from my mom. It not only brightened my day, it built self worth and a positive self image. All my friends and school mates had a similar story...a father that worked and a mother that stayed home to raise and nurture their children. None of us kids ever knew or even cared what anyone else's father did for a living. None of us had to go without; food, clothing, pets, bikes, baseball gloves, doctor care (our doctor used to come to the house), a quality public education with all the extras; sports, arts, school run ice rink, summer swimming and sports programs etc. But none of us were pampered or spoiled either.

THAT is exactly what I want for my kids and for my grand-kids.

So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative.

So, what is conservatism? I don't hear people that call themselves conservatives talk that way or think that way. I don't hear talk of building, I hear talk of tearing down. I don't hear talk of a helping hand, I hear talk of letting them fail. I don't hear talk of the public good, I hear talk about me and mine. I don't hear compassion for fellow citizens, I hear disdain. I never hear them talk about human capital, just mammon. These so called conservatives are ideologues that want to dismantle any shred of community and replace it with SELF interest.

That is not 'conservatism', that is called narcissism.

"You shall rise in the presence of grey hairs, give honor to the aged, and fear God, I am the Lord"
Leviticus 19:32

And they accused Romney of nostalgia ?
Ann Romney - bad.
Sandra Flucke - good.

Boy, isn't that the truth !

Sandra is really going to show up those governors and senators.

I've seen her speak.

It's about as exciting as watching grass grow.

She's the best of the best for the DNC.

Of course, we will hear from Debbie (it's fine to lie if it suites my purposes) W ASS erman Shultz. Maybe she will cut off that mop she calls hair.

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