Does a political candidate's religion matter to you?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
I'm wondering..............does the religious views of a particular candidate have any influence on whether or not you will vote for them?

Choices are:

1) A great deal
2) A moderate amount
3) Very little
4) Not at all.

And, if a candidates religion matters to you, why?
I like that a candidate would have some belief or faith in something more than themselves... not that they have to be Christian or Jewish or Mormon or Hindu or whatever in particular
I like that a candidate would have some belief or faith in something more than themselves... not that they have to be Christian or Jewish or Mormon or Hindu or whatever in particular

So, for you it's not so much the belief system itself, but rather that they have one in the first place?

Would you be comfortable electing a Hindu or a Muslim if you're a Christian?
I like that a candidate would have some belief or faith in something more than themselves... not that they have to be Christian or Jewish or Mormon or Hindu or whatever in particular

So, for you it's not so much the belief system itself, but rather that they have one in the first place?

Would you be comfortable electing a Hindu or a Muslim if you're a Christian?

I have faith in something more than just the physical we see.. call it God or whatever you like... and I think people that believe in something more, or an afterlife or being held accountable to a greater being or consciousness tend to be better when considering the tough decisions

So while you may consider me having Judeo-Christian beliefs.. I have no problem if the candidate I am considering is Hindu, Mormon, Shinto, Buddhist, Jewish or whatever...

Now.. that does not mean I would go with a hate sect or whatever when choosing to vote for someone... No radical Muslim, no Rev Wright types, etc... but I think you get what I mean
What do you know/care about religion inbred?

The resident bigot speaks up and fails YET AGAIN to answer a question, opting instead for insults.

BTW Warrior, I did 2 back to back independent duty tours, one on an MSC vessel, one as the LPO of a MEPS, both billets I relieved an E-7 as well as was REPLACED by an E-7.

How many did you do? Oh yeah.............forgot...........bigots generally can't pass screenings for independent duty.
Outside of human or animal sacrifice, I don't care. Atheism is okay with me, some think that Thomas Jefferson was an atheist. Wrote his own version of the bible, took out the parts about miralces and such. Seems to me that honor and integrity do not require religious beliefs.
Outside of human or animal sacrifice, I don't care. Atheism is okay with me, some think that Thomas Jefferson was an atheist. Wrote his own version of the bible, took out the parts about miralces and such. Seems to me that honor and integrity do not require religious beliefs.

Agreed. However, my question is, why is the GOP so hell bent on making their religion a major issue? Santorum really does this a lot.
I'm wondering..............does the religious views of a particular candidate have any influence on whether or not you will vote for them?

Choices are:

1) A great deal
2) A moderate amount
3) Very little
4) Not at all.

And, if a candidates religion matters to you, why?

I can care less if a Presidential Candidate is religious (generally), but I will hold a lower opinion of the person if he/she is overly outspoken about her faith in public appearances (like Rick Santorum), as I consider that unprofessional on the political stage, and somewhat infringing on a principle I hold dear - "Separation of Church and State".

However, I do admit, it is a bit harder (in my opinion) to trust a leader who blindly follows and believes in some of the more supernatural aspects of certain religions simply “because the bible says so”.
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I'm wondering..............does the religious views of a particular candidate have any influence on whether or not you will vote for them?

Choices are:

1) A great deal
2) A moderate amount
3) Very little
4) Not at all.

And, if a candidates religion matters to you, why?

I can care less if a Presidential Candidate is religious (generally), but I will hold a lower opinion of the person if he/she is overly outspoken about her faith in public appearances (like Rick Santorum), as I consider that unprofessional on the political stage, and somewhat infringing on a principle I hold dear - "Separation of Church and State".

Exactly, but on a poll that hit the news yesterday, it seems that only 18 percent of the American voters think that a candidates religion should not matter at all.

The other 82 percent? It matters a little bit to a great deal, with the majority of the poll numbers being 1 or 2.
I'm wondering..............does the religious views of a particular candidate have any influence on whether or not you will vote for them?

Choices are:

1) A great deal
2) A moderate amount
3) Very little
4) Not at all.

And, if a candidates religion matters to you, why?

forget how to add a poll?

The other 82 percent? It matters a little bit to a great deal, with the majority of the poll numbers being 1 or 2.

Was the poll regarding “does it matter to you”, or “do you think it matters”?

Because I think religion is a huge influencing factor when it comes to the popularity of political candidates, despite the fact that I certainly don’t like religion in politics personally.
I'm Christian...but i'd have no problem voting for a non-believer if that person had integrity and was someone that cared about people and our country. Just because someone doesn't believe it doesn't mean he (or she) would be bad for the country. I have many friends that are not believers. But i will admit, if the person running has been known to be involved in any radical beliefs, associated with people that are anti-american, i would not vote for them. Kinda sounds like the person we have in office right now huh?
Outside of human or animal sacrifice, I don't care. Atheism is okay with me, some think that Thomas Jefferson was an atheist. Wrote his own version of the bible, took out the parts about miralces and such. Seems to me that honor and integrity do not require religious beliefs.

Agreed. However, my question is, why is the GOP so hell bent on making their religion a major issue? Santorum really does this a lot.

Gotta get out the vote from the religious right. Scares the hell out of everyone else though, which is why some of 'em aren't making it that big of an issue.
Outside of human or animal sacrifice, I don't care. Atheism is okay with me, some think that Thomas Jefferson was an atheist. Wrote his own version of the bible, took out the parts about miralces and such. Seems to me that honor and integrity do not require religious beliefs.

Agreed. However, my question is, why is the GOP so hell bent on making their religion a major issue? Santorum really does this a lot.

Santorum is the only candidate doing it. The fact my state was even close between Romney and Santorum is pathetic and embarrassing.
The other 82 percent? It matters a little bit to a great deal, with the majority of the poll numbers being 1 or 2.

Was the poll regarding “does it matter to you”, or “do you think it matters”?

Because I think religion is a huge influencing factor when it comes to the popularity of political candidates, despite the fact that I certainly don’t like religion in politics personally.

I think the poll was actually "how much does a politicians religion matter to you"?

Personally, like I've said before, it shouldn't matter at all.
It matters only if they're going to use their religion's agenda as a tool for Presidential decision-making, like Rick Santorum for instance.
And, if a candidates religion matters to you, why?

A person's religion does not matter much to me unless...they make wild claims without evidence to support them.

"Apollo drives the sun across the sky every day in a chariot."

Then that goes toward their ability to think critically.

I do not want a credulous official with the power to make laws in our goverment. We have enough of those in the "base".

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