Doctors on the frontline have thir pay cut by for profit health companies.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Private equity-backed medical staffing companies that have cut doctors’ pay are continuing to spend millions on political ads, according to Federal Communications Commission disclosures.

The ads amount to $2.2 million since Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency on Jan. 31. About $1.2 million has been spent since President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on March 13, the disclosures show.

The argument seems to be that Covid work is less profitable than normal healthcare. These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
At the same time their employers are spending millions on tv ads defending their right to rip off sick people.

I have no idea what an "out of network cost" actually is but I suspect that it is an instrument for making people pay more than they should for a service. The price of freedom eh ?

Private equity-backed medical staffing companies that have cut doctors’ pay are continuing to spend millions on political ads, according to Federal Communications Commission disclosures.

The ads amount to $2.2 million since Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency on Jan. 31. About $1.2 million has been spent since President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on March 13, the disclosures show.

The argument seems to be that Covid work is less profitable than normal healthcare. These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
At the same time their employers are spending millions on tv ads defending their right to rip off sick people.

I have no idea what an "out of network cost" actually is but I suspect that it is an instrument for making people pay more than they should for a service. The price of freedom eh ?

If you don't believe a service is worth the cost, don't buy it.
This thing is devastating our healthcare system. They will get a great big socialist bailout, hike insurance premiums sky high, fix nothing, drop coverage on thousands and still republicans will act like there is no problem.
These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
Police put their lives on the line every day.
Fire fighters put their lives on the line every day.
Steel workers making essential goods for industry put their lives on the line every day.
Deep sea oil drillers and fishermen put their lives on the line every day.

Nobody ever thanks any of them.

Doctors sign up for and commit themselves to saving lives. They are just doing their jobs. It is their chosen profession. Most any other time all they do is walk around with a white coat on and order the nurse to stick a thermometer up your butt. I've had many of them harm me by denying me the services I need violating their hypocratic oath because they answer to the insurance companies now.

Fuck 'em.

They can afford to do more for less for once, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER PERSON IS ASKED TO DO.
These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
Police put their lives on the line every day.
Fire fighters put their lives on the line every day.
Steel workers making essential goods for industry put their lives on the line every day.
Deep sea oil drillers and fishermen put their lives on the line every day.

Nobody ever thanks any of them.

Doctors sign up for and commit themselves to saving lives. They are just doing their jobs. It is their chosen profession. Most any other time all they do is walk around with a white coat on and order the nurse to stick a thermometer up your butt. I've had many of them harm me by denying me the services I need violating their hypocratic oath because they answer to the insurance companies now.

Fuck 'em.

They can afford to do more for less for once, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER PERSON IS ASKED TO DO.

I'm real tired of stupid Leftists like Tommy trotting out their "heroism" for his idiotic political ends
This thing is devastating our healthcare system. They will get a great big socialist bailout, hike insurance premiums sky high, fix nothing, drop coverage on thousands and still republicans will act like there is no problem.


In one of the Stim bills all costs associated with CV19 will be paid for by the government

The rest of your post is only hysteria.
The doctors getting pay cuts are not on the front line. They are doing nothing. Many have already lost their jobs.
Private equity-backed medical staffing companies that have cut doctors’ pay are continuing to spend millions on political ads
Thank God! What else can we cut from those brutal doctors? We have found that the less money in the hand that holds the scalpel, the less harm is caused thereby. Let the doctors suffer as they caused us to suffer. Those overeducated perverts deserve no aid or comfort from us.

Private equity-backed medical staffing companies that have cut doctors’ pay are continuing to spend millions on political ads, according to Federal Communications Commission disclosures.

The ads amount to $2.2 million since Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency on Jan. 31. About $1.2 million has been spent since President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on March 13, the disclosures show.

The argument seems to be that Covid work is less profitable than normal healthcare. These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
At the same time their employers are spending millions on tv ads defending their right to rip off sick people.

I have no idea what an "out of network cost" actually is but I suspect that it is an instrument for making people pay more than they should for a service. The price of freedom eh ?
/——-/ The hospitals were FORCED to stop elective surgery by the states. That is a major source of their income. So you hysterical snowflakes create the problem then blame the hospitals for not overcoming your stupidity.

Private equity-backed medical staffing companies that have cut doctors’ pay are continuing to spend millions on political ads, according to Federal Communications Commission disclosures.

The ads amount to $2.2 million since Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency on Jan. 31. About $1.2 million has been spent since President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on March 13, the disclosures show.

The argument seems to be that Covid work is less profitable than normal healthcare. These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
At the same time their employers are spending millions on tv ads defending their right to rip off sick people.

I have no idea what an "out of network cost" actually is but I suspect that it is an instrument for making people pay more than they should for a service. The price of freedom eh ?
/——-/ The hospitals were FORCED to stop elective surgery by the states. That is a major source of their income. So you hysterical snowflakes create the problem then blame the hospitals for not overcoming your stupidity.
Its another downside of a for profit healthcare system.

Private equity-backed medical staffing companies that have cut doctors’ pay are continuing to spend millions on political ads, according to Federal Communications Commission disclosures.

The ads amount to $2.2 million since Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency on Jan. 31. About $1.2 million has been spent since President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on March 13, the disclosures show.

The argument seems to be that Covid work is less profitable than normal healthcare. These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
At the same time their employers are spending millions on tv ads defending their right to rip off sick people.

I have no idea what an "out of network cost" actually is but I suspect that it is an instrument for making people pay more than they should for a service. The price of freedom eh ?
These are doctors that are not on the "front line". Patients with Covid with most cases only Respiratory Therapist and Nurses go in the room unless they code.
Just sayin

Private equity-backed medical staffing companies that have cut doctors’ pay are continuing to spend millions on political ads, according to Federal Communications Commission disclosures.

The ads amount to $2.2 million since Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency on Jan. 31. About $1.2 million has been spent since President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on March 13, the disclosures show.

The argument seems to be that Covid work is less profitable than normal healthcare. These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
At the same time their employers are spending millions on tv ads defending their right to rip off sick people.

I have no idea what an "out of network cost" actually is but I suspect that it is an instrument for making people pay more than they should for a service. The price of freedom eh ?
These are doctors that are not on the "front line". Patients with Covid with most cases only Respiratory Therapist and Nurses go in the room unless they code.
Just sayin
Anybody in a hospital is on the front line. People can have the virus for 5 days without knowing it.

Private equity-backed medical staffing companies that have cut doctors’ pay are continuing to spend millions on political ads, according to Federal Communications Commission disclosures.

The ads amount to $2.2 million since Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency on Jan. 31. About $1.2 million has been spent since President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on March 13, the disclosures show.

The argument seems to be that Covid work is less profitable than normal healthcare. These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
At the same time their employers are spending millions on tv ads defending their right to rip off sick people.

I have no idea what an "out of network cost" actually is but I suspect that it is an instrument for making people pay more than they should for a service. The price of freedom eh ?
These are doctors that are not on the "front line". Patients with Covid with most cases only Respiratory Therapist and Nurses go in the room unless they code.
Just sayin
Anybody in a hospital is on the front line. People can have the virus for 5 days without knowing it.
Both of my kids are on the front line. Both are respiratory therapist.
Especially my daughter, who has been specifically caring for Covid patients from day one. She is right there in the rooms repeatedly 12-14 hours straight. Traching them, intubating, exubating cleaning up the fluids off their face etc.
H U G E difference between a Doctor who doesn't even go on the floor Covids are kept, and the REAL front line folks literally caring for them.
NO comparison.
This thing is devastating our healthcare system. They will get a great big socialist bailout, hike insurance premiums sky high, fix nothing, drop coverage on thousands and still republicans will act like there is no problem.


In one of the Stim bills all costs associated with CV19 will be paid for by the government

The rest of your post is only hysteria.

Seems that lobbying was a good business move.

Private equity-backed medical staffing companies that have cut doctors’ pay are continuing to spend millions on political ads, according to Federal Communications Commission disclosures.

The ads amount to $2.2 million since Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency on Jan. 31. About $1.2 million has been spent since President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on March 13, the disclosures show.

The argument seems to be that Covid work is less profitable than normal healthcare. These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
At the same time their employers are spending millions on tv ads defending their right to rip off sick people.

I have no idea what an "out of network cost" actually is but I suspect that it is an instrument for making people pay more than they should for a service. The price of freedom eh ?
These are doctors that are not on the "front line". Patients with Covid with most cases only Respiratory Therapist and Nurses go in the room unless they code.
Just sayin
Anybody in a hospital is on the front line. People can have the virus for 5 days without knowing it.
Both of my kids are on the front line. Both are respiratory therapist.
Especially my daughter, who has been specifically caring for Covid patients from day one. She is right there in the rooms repeatedly 12-14 hours straight. Traching them, intubating, exubating cleaning up the fluids off their face etc.
H U G E difference between a Doctor who doesn't even go on the floor Covids are kept, and the REAL front line folks literally caring for them.
NO comparison.
I would say that anyone working with the public is on the front line. Generally without the protection of PPE.

Private equity-backed medical staffing companies that have cut doctors’ pay are continuing to spend millions on political ads, according to Federal Communications Commission disclosures.

The ads amount to $2.2 million since Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar declared a public health emergency on Jan. 31. About $1.2 million has been spent since President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on March 13, the disclosures show.

The argument seems to be that Covid work is less profitable than normal healthcare. These people are heroes who are putting their lives on the line.
At the same time their employers are spending millions on tv ads defending their right to rip off sick people.

I have no idea what an "out of network cost" actually is but I suspect that it is an instrument for making people pay more than they should for a service. The price of freedom eh ?
"ProPublica is the left's biggest muckraker you never heard of"
"An obscure nonprofit investigative newsroom's editor in chief is paid $585,117 a year and the group gives away its online stories for publication by big-time "partners," including the New York Times, ABC World News, and Associated Press. The 32 highly paid reporters seem to investigate only things liberals don't like. The newsroom claims to work only "in the public interest" and to focus exclusively on stories with "moral force."

Get outta here with that bullshit Tommy.

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