Doctors are now warning: If you use aluminum foil, stop it or face deadly consequences

I know quite a bit about that since my mom died of Alz a couple of months ago.
Aluminum foil, which was first introduced in the early 1900s, is currently one of the most commonly used kitchen items. It is extremely versatile too, and is used for cooking, wrapping, and even for treating some common heath issues. However, the problem with this kitchen item is its neurotoxic nature, which negatively affects the brain function and it was even found to trigger the onset of Alzheimer`s disease. As explained by medical expert, exposure to this metal may lead to mental decline and loss of memory, balance, bodily control, and coordination.
Doctors Are Now Warning: If You Use Aluminum Foil, Stop It Or Face Deadly Consequences

or you can not believe it and think it's all a bunch of bs and keep right on using it so in ten years you can have your Doctor tell you , you are so ill because it's genetic.

Of course, I'll change immediately. Because a website like FAITH PANDA is a trusted source of cutting edge medical research and did NOT try to hack my computer while I went to view your link..
Then in 2 years they will tell us how good it is for us......just as they did with eggs, and many other things.

I had 2 grandmothers. One lived to age 93. The other lived to 101. They both used Aluminum foil.

I don't know. Sometimes I get tired of Doctors using the scare tactics, ya know?

Knowledge is scary, just stick your head in a plastic bag and seal it tight to protect against reality.
Knowledge is scary, just stick your head in a plastic bag and seal it tight to protect against reality.
Well, I see the penis enlargement pills you're taking are working...
you're a bigger dick today then you were yesterday!
Then in 2 years they will tell us how good it is for us......just as they did with eggs, and many other things.

I had 2 grandmothers. One lived to age 93. The other lived to 101. They both used Aluminum foil.

I don't know. Sometimes I get tired of Doctors using the scare tactics, ya know?

Knowledge is scary, just stick your head in a plastic bag and seal it tight to protect against reality.
Knowledge is scary, just stick your head in a plastic bag and seal it tight to protect against reality.
Well, I see the penis enlargement pills you're taking are working...
you're a bigger dick today then you were yesterday!

Okay that is funny! :lmao:
Then in 2 years they will tell us how good it is for us......just as they did with eggs, and many other things.

I had 2 grandmothers. One lived to age 93. The other lived to 101. They both used Aluminum foil.

I don't know. Sometimes I get tired of Doctors using the scare tactics, ya know?

Knowledge is scary, just stick your head in a plastic bag and seal it tight to protect against reality.
Knowledge is scary, just stick your head in a plastic bag and seal it tight to protect against reality.
Well, I see the penis enlargement pills you're taking are working...
you're a bigger dick today then you were yesterday!

I see the ignore button is working. I'm going to stick you on the ignore list. Bye.

Then in 2 years they will tell us how good it is for us......just as they did with eggs, and many other things.

I had 2 grandmothers. One lived to age 93. The other lived to 101. They both used Aluminum foil.

I don't know. Sometimes I get tired of Doctors using the scare tactics, ya know?

Knowledge is scary, just stick your head in a plastic bag and seal it tight to protect against reality.
Knowledge is scary, just stick your head in a plastic bag and seal it tight to protect against reality.
Well, I see the penis enlargement pills you're taking are working...
you're a bigger dick today then you were yesterday!

I see the ignore button is working. I'm going to stick you on the ignore list. Bye.

I see the ignore button is working. I'm going to stick you on the ignore list.Bye
or you can not believe it and think it's all a bunch of bs and keep right on using it so in ten years you can have your Doctor tell you , you are so ill because it's genetic

I'll go with this because I know how stupendously fucked up medical research is.


Comparison of the regional distribution of transferrin receptors and aluminium in the forebrain of chronic renal dialysis patients.
Morris CM1, Candy JM, Oakley AE, Taylor GA, Mountfort S, Bishop H, Ward MK, Bloxham CA, Edwardson JA.
Author information

Recent studies have emphasised the potential neurotoxicity of aluminium in dialysis encephalopathy and it has also been suggested that this element may have a role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Aluminium is known to be transported by the iron transport protein transferrin. In this study using receptor autoradiography we have demonstrated the presence of transferrin binding sites in the human forebrain and shown a pattern similar to that found in other species. Imaging secondary ion mass spectrometry has demonstrated the distribution of aluminium-containing cell-like profiles in the brains of chronic renal dialysis patients who have raised levels of brain aluminium (greater than 4 micrograms/g dry weight) and even in dialysis patients where the gross level of aluminium was within the normal range. The density of these profiles corresponded to the regions of high transferrin receptor density. In contrast, the distribution of iron in the brain showed an inverse correlation with transferrin receptor density with highest iron levels present in the globus pallidus, an area of low transferrin receptor density. These results suggest that the regional distribution of neuropathological changes seen in dialysis encephalopathy patients and also Alzheimer's disease may reflect the distribution of transferrin receptors. The discrepancy between iron distribution and transferrin receptor distribution suggests that further, as yet uncharacterized mechanisms, govern the distribution of brain iron.
I can write an abstract that looks just as convincing. What you and so many other mildly educated individuals don't realize is what little we do know, we're still scratching the surface. We still mostly draw what can be best considered subjective correlations between cause and effect which in relative layman's terms means not all potentially related factors are included in the studies, other potential indicators. This is why years ago coffee was deemed bad, now it's deemed good in limited quantities and a few years from now medical scientists will be telling us to bath in it.
But go ahead, buy into every medical scientific study that comes down the pike but just remember, without aluminum foil how are you going to protect your brain from the government controlling it........ :eusa_whistle:
i do know your supposed to line your cooking pan with the shiny side of the foil "UP"

I dunno, I just went to cook dinner LOL, and started to reach for some foil to line the pan with and I stop dead in my tracks and asked myself the same thing. I was like -------t what the hell do I use now. LOL
I used a pan instead.

I've noticed for a long time how foil sometimes has that black soot on it even if not cooking with it but just throwing it over top of a pot lets say.................

I dunno guess there will have to be a new way to cook..........TEFLON ain't no dam good for people either.
Good old fashion cast iron or stainless steel pans and their glass lids are the best. Both are easy to clean if they are made from good quality materials and do not get pitted.
or you can not believe it and think it's all a bunch of bs and keep right on using it so in ten years you can have your Doctor tell you , you are so ill because it's genetic

I'll go with this because I know how stupendously fucked up medical research is.


Comparison of the regional distribution of transferrin receptors and aluminium in the forebrain of chronic renal dialysis patients.
Morris CM1, Candy JM, Oakley AE, Taylor GA, Mountfort S, Bishop H, Ward MK, Bloxham CA, Edwardson JA.
Author information

Recent studies have emphasised the potential neurotoxicity of aluminium in dialysis encephalopathy and it has also been suggested that this element may have a role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Aluminium is known to be transported by the iron transport protein transferrin. In this study using receptor autoradiography we have demonstrated the presence of transferrin binding sites in the human forebrain and shown a pattern similar to that found in other species. Imaging secondary ion mass spectrometry has demonstrated the distribution of aluminium-containing cell-like profiles in the brains of chronic renal dialysis patients who have raised levels of brain aluminium (greater than 4 micrograms/g dry weight) and even in dialysis patients where the gross level of aluminium was within the normal range. The density of these profiles corresponded to the regions of high transferrin receptor density. In contrast, the distribution of iron in the brain showed an inverse correlation with transferrin receptor density with highest iron levels present in the globus pallidus, an area of low transferrin receptor density. These results suggest that the regional distribution of neuropathological changes seen in dialysis encephalopathy patients and also Alzheimer's disease may reflect the distribution of transferrin receptors. The discrepancy between iron distribution and transferrin receptor distribution suggests that further, as yet uncharacterized mechanisms, govern the distribution of brain iron.
Oh and he's what I was referring to in big words and scientific jargon;

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

and in layman's terms;

Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
Aluminum foil, which was first introduced in the early 1900s, is currently one of the most commonly used kitchen items. It is extremely versatile too, and is used for cooking, wrapping, and even for treating some common heath issues. However, the problem with this kitchen item is its neurotoxic nature, which negatively affects the brain function and it was even found to trigger the onset of Alzheimer`s disease. As explained by medical expert, exposure to this metal may lead to mental decline and loss of memory, balance, bodily control, and coordination.
Doctors Are Now Warning: If You Use Aluminum Foil, Stop It Or Face Deadly Consequences

or you can not believe it and think it's all a bunch of bs and keep right on using it so in ten years you can have your Doctor tell you , you are so ill because it's genetic.

Of course, I'll change immediately. Because a website like FAITH PANDA is a trusted source of cutting edge medical research and did NOT try to hack my computer while I went to view your link..

STUPIDITY maybe if you stop using the foil and teflon pans you might grow some of that brain back..

View attachment 119748

Turns out you shouldn't be using aluminium foil on the barbecue

View attachment 119749

Comparison of the regional distribution of transferrin receptors and aluminium in the forebrain of chronic renal dialysis patients. - PubMed - NCBI

Nawww. Don't think it's stupidity in my case. More CURIOUS and ANALYTICAL than a member of the easily panicked herd.

Let's start here -- The study you produced was done on people with kidneys SO FAR GONE that they required "chronic dialysis". So, that's not a measure of how much Alum. sticks around from ingestion. Which maybe in the range of 1% or less. And as it turns out -- the ONLY verifiable Alzheimer deaths due to "aluminum poisoning" are less than 5. One a man who WORKED in a hazardous Alum dust enviro. One a women who's municipal water supply had HIGH levels of NATURALLY occurring ALum..

So -- the "foil" risk is just a SMALL FRACTION of the concerns when considering how the body inhales or digests FOOD PRODUCTS containing aluminum. For instance, if you are a cook or a baker -- and I am --- I KNOW that many leavening agents show Alum components right on the damn pkg. To wit....

Aluminium content of selected foods and food products
Aluminium is the third most abundant element in the earth's crust and is therefore a natural component of drinking water and foodstuffs and is a component of many manufactured materials. Exposure of the human body to aluminium may be by food [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] including drinking water, fruit juices wine and beer [9, 10, 11], articles of daily use that are made of aluminium, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals such as local therapeutic agents, anti-diarrhoeal drugs or antacids. Increased aluminium exposure can be compensated for by excretion via intestines and normal, healthy kidneys. Kidney insufficiency was shown to result in increased aluminium concentrations in the kidneys of dialysis patients, possibly resulting from dialysis fluids that may contain substantial concentrations of aluminium [12].

For many years, aluminium was not considered a health threat because of its relatively low bioavailability. In 1965, however, animal experiments suggested a possible connection between aluminium and Alzheimer's disease, whereby aluminium salts were injected directly into rabbit brain where they caused tissue alterations (for a review see [13]). Increased aluminium concentrations were found in the brains of deceased Alzheimer's patients. Other studies, however, have been unable to find definite indications supporting the hypothesis that aluminium plays a causative role in Alzheimer's disease or causes pathological alterations in vivo in the species studied [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20].

In the 1970s, the issue of toxicity of aluminium gained importance after Berlyne et al. (1970) reported on increased aluminium concentrations in the serum of nephropathic persons [21]. The findings of Alfrey et al. [22] increased concerns about an increased oral intake of aluminium since these findings were the first to establish a connection between neurologic diseases of dialysis patients and an increased intake of aluminium in the organism. In a more recent study aluminium is also discussed as as an endocrine disruptor in female Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) [23].

Food is unquestionably the main source of aluminium intake, whereby the source is considered either primary or secondary. The primary content is the natural content of food caused by uptake from the geologic surrounding during growth and is for all practical purposes unavoidable. The secondary content is the primary content plus any possible contamination from aluminium articles that come into contact with food and additives as well as veterinary drugs, fertilisers and the air. Table 1 shows the main, permissible secondary aluminium sources that may lead to an aluminium accumulation in food.

Check out the FOOD table in that article to see how "herbal teas" cocoa powder, baked goods and other common foods, food additives, vaccines, and enviro exposure to common stuff --- BESIDES Alum foil is actually a part of this concern..

Then cruise over to WebMd (aluminum toxicity Alzheimers) and read about all the studies that DID NOT SHOW aluminum toxicity as a suspect cause...

It's "unsettled science" --- As MOST of science is..


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