Do you want to know why California is going broke?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
If somebody is able to stop illegal voting how will Dems ever be elected again? Deep State and their puppets will scramble but will NOT allow that to happen.

P,S. 12 Russians were accused in "influencing US elections". But millions of illegal votes DO NOT. People, you need more math classes at school!
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Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?

Actually, I was surprised to see that Cali's debt to GDP ratio isn't too bad. Check out the clock. $2.8T GDP with $428B in debt. About $10k per person.

State of California Debt Clock

Now if you REALLY want to see what insolvency looks like. Check out Ontario, crooked as it comes:

Ontario has $350B in debt, about $22k per person and we have nothing going on here, a fraction of Calis economic activity
Who said CA was going broke
Their own books.....Brown lied and took money set aside for the future of California's roadways and public safety dollars to make the books add up before his last election....that is now being investigated but it has exposed California's real debt....they are already broke...
Compare Debt By State for 2018 - Charts
426 billion in debt California was lied to by their leader....
Where are the feds?

Keep in mind...this does not include the total cost of moonbeams train...that bit of news will be released after the November elections....
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?

Some guy on the internet.

And you know, you can’t put it on the internet if it’s not true.
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?

Actually, I was surprised to see that Cali's debt to GDP ratio isn't too bad. Check out the clock. $2.8T GDP with $428B in debt. About $10k per person.

State of California Debt Clock

Now if you REALLY want to see what insolvency looks like. Check out Ontario, crooked as it comes:

Ontario has $350B in debt, about $22k per person and we have nothing going on here, a fraction of Calis economic activity

Just think, if they used CA accounting in Ontario wouldn't you be proud of the multi-trillion dollar surplus you would have?
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
One guess is they are running out of other peoples money.
The dam that was patched not fixed will take out Sacramento and Oakland, if not fixed. That is @ $10 trillion in contingent liabilities right there.
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Why is Oklahoma going broke? Kansas?
Maybe California needs to give all dim poh rich folks a tax cut to increase revenue and increase debt, like the GOP states dood..
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?
Cons say that a lot, but the US would be in trouble without CA.
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?
Cons say that a lot, but the US would be in trouble without CA.
Where else would we get Shasta cola from?
California has been going broke for years. It’s because they give everything away pander to the self imposed victims and the rich pseudo liberal Hollywood stars stash their money elsewhere.
Here is one example of why they are going to be forced into bankruptcy...
California is spending a combined total of more than $1 million a year on providing cars and drivers for just six top government officials...not including the Governor and the AG...
so much for working for the people...they should be forced to drive their own cars on the pothole filled roads they mismanage....rotten democrat hypocrites.... don't allow America to become a one party ruled state where dishonest democrats serve themselves only....

Build the wall stop illegal voting or face this kind of corruption all over America.....
Who said CA was going broke?
Cons say that a lot, but the US would be in trouble without CA.

Yes and no. Given the band aid fixes that the various state governments use (see above) The liabilities of keeping CA alive when the hamster dies will be a triage decision. IL, NJ & NY are in just as bad of trouble. When one goes the other three will come along shortly.

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