Do You Want the Government Buying Your Data From Corporations?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Do You Want the Government Buying Your Data From Corporations?

A new bill moving through Congress would give the authorities unprecedented access to citizens' information.

Our government collects a lot of information about us. Tax records, legal records, license records, records of government services received-- it's all in databases that are increasingly linked and correlated. Still, there's a lot of personal information the government can't collect. Either they're prohibited by law from asking without probable cause and a judicial order, or they simply have no cost-effective way to collect it. But the government has figured out how to get around the laws, and collect personal data that has been historically denied to them: ask corporate America for it.

It's no secret that we're monitored continuously on the Internet. Some of the company names you know, such as Google and Facebook. Others hide in the background as you move about the Internet. There are browser plugins that show you who is tracking you. One Atlantic editor found 105 companies tracking him during one 36-hour period. Add data from your cell phone (who you talk to, your location), your credit cards (what you buy, from whom you buy it), and the dozens of other times you interact with a computer daily, we live in a surveillance state beyond the dreams of Orwell.

It's all corporate data, compiled and correlated, bought and sold. And increasingly, the government is doing the buying. Some of this is collected using National Security Letters (NSLs). These give the government the ability to demand an enormous amount of personal data about people for very speculative reasons, with neither probable cause nor judicial oversight. Data on these secretive orders is obviously scant, but we know that the FBI has issued hundreds of thousands of them in the past decade -- for reasons that go far beyond terrorism.

NSLs aren't the only way the government can get at corporate data. Sometimes they simply purchase it, just as any other company might. Sometimes they can get it for free, from corporations that want to stay on the government's good side.

CISPA, a bill currently wending its way through Congress, codifies this sort of practice even further. If signed into law, CISPA will allow the government to collect all sorts of personal data from corporations, without any oversight at all, and will protect corporations from lawsuits based on their handing over that data. Without hyperbole, it's been called the death of the 4th Amendment. Right now, it's mainly the FBI and the NSA who are getting this data, but -- all sorts of government agencies have administrative subpoena power.

Data on this scale has all sorts of applications. From finding tax cheaters by comparing data brokers' estimates of income and net worth with what's reported on tax returns, to compiling a list of gun owners from Web browsing habits, instant messaging conversations, and locations -- did you have your iPhone turned on when you visited a gun store? -- the possibilities are endless.

Government photograph databases form the basis of any police facial recognition system. They're not very good today, but they'll only get better. But the government no longer needs to collect photographs. Experiments demonstrate that the Facebook database of tagged photographs is surprisingly effective at identifying people. As more places follow Disney's lead in fingerprinting people at its theme parks, the government will be able to use that to identify people as well.

In a few years, the whole notion of a government-issued ID will seem quaint. Among facial recognition, the unique signature from your smart phone, the RFID chips in your clothing and other items you own, and whatever new technologies that will broadcast your identity, no one will have to ask to see ID. When you walk into a store, they'll already know who you are. When you interact with a policeman, she'll already have your personal information displayed on her Internet-enabled glasses.

Soon, governments won't have to bother collecting personal data. We're willingly giving it to a vast network of for-profit data collectors, and they're more than happy to pass it on to the government without our knowledge or consent.

This bill is put forward by Republican Mike Rogers.

I thought Republicans were concerned with protecting our freedoms?
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I see very few Democrats.
The government has been getting private info from big business for years. This is how government gets around laws preventing them from spying & compiling data on us. That is why government supports big business compiling enormous amounts of data on us. What we need is a bill to stop this. Not one making it more legal.
The government has been getting private info from big business for years. This is how government gets around laws preventing them from spying & compiling data on us. That is why government supports big business compiling enormous amounts of data on us. What we need is a bill to stop this. Not one making it more legal.
And which Party is aligned with big business, and came up with the Patriot Act, and authorized warrant-less wiretaps, and suspended Habeus Corpus?

Which Party's member introduced this bill?
I thought this subject would have more outrage from some of our freedom-obsessed friends here at USMB.

I guess it's no biggie when it's a Republican violating your Constitutional rights.
Its a Republican orgasm. A partnership between government and business. If it were Democrats they would just take the data, and then you would hear the howls of protests from the Republicans.
Do You Want the Government Buying Your Data From Corporations?

A new bill moving through Congress would give the authorities unprecedented access to citizens' information.

Our government collects a lot of information about us. Tax records, legal records, license records, records of government services received-- it's all in databases that are increasingly linked and correlated. Still, there's a lot of personal information the government can't collect. Either they're prohibited by law from asking without probable cause and a judicial order, or they simply have no cost-effective way to collect it. But the government has figured out how to get around the laws, and collect personal data that has been historically denied to them: ask corporate America for it.

It's no secret that we're monitored continuously on the Internet. Some of the company names you know, such as Google and Facebook. Others hide in the background as you move about the Internet. There are browser plugins that show you who is tracking you. One Atlantic editor found 105 companies tracking him during one 36-hour period. Add data from your cell phone (who you talk to, your location), your credit cards (what you buy, from whom you buy it), and the dozens of other times you interact with a computer daily, we live in a surveillance state beyond the dreams of Orwell.

It's all corporate data, compiled and correlated, bought and sold. And increasingly, the government is doing the buying. Some of this is collected using National Security Letters (NSLs). These give the government the ability to demand an enormous amount of personal data about people for very speculative reasons, with neither probable cause nor judicial oversight. Data on these secretive orders is obviously scant, but we know that the FBI has issued hundreds of thousands of them in the past decade -- for reasons that go far beyond terrorism.

NSLs aren't the only way the government can get at corporate data. Sometimes they simply purchase it, just as any other company might. Sometimes they can get it for free, from corporations that want to stay on the government's good side.

CISPA, a bill currently wending its way through Congress, codifies this sort of practice even further. If signed into law, CISPA will allow the government to collect all sorts of personal data from corporations, without any oversight at all, and will protect corporations from lawsuits based on their handing over that data. Without hyperbole, it's been called the death of the 4th Amendment. Right now, it's mainly the FBI and the NSA who are getting this data, but -- all sorts of government agencies have administrative subpoena power.

Data on this scale has all sorts of applications. From finding tax cheaters by comparing data brokers' estimates of income and net worth with what's reported on tax returns, to compiling a list of gun owners from Web browsing habits, instant messaging conversations, and locations -- did you have your iPhone turned on when you visited a gun store? -- the possibilities are endless.

Government photograph databases form the basis of any police facial recognition system. They're not very good today, but they'll only get better. But the government no longer needs to collect photographs. Experiments demonstrate that the Facebook database of tagged photographs is surprisingly effective at identifying people. As more places follow Disney's lead in fingerprinting people at its theme parks, the government will be able to use that to identify people as well.

In a few years, the whole notion of a government-issued ID will seem quaint. Among facial recognition, the unique signature from your smart phone, the RFID chips in your clothing and other items you own, and whatever new technologies that will broadcast your identity, no one will have to ask to see ID. When you walk into a store, they'll already know who you are. When you interact with a policeman, she'll already have your personal information displayed on her Internet-enabled glasses.

Soon, governments won't have to bother collecting personal data. We're willingly giving it to a vast network of for-profit data collectors, and they're more than happy to pass it on to the government without our knowledge or consent.

This bill is put forward by Republican Mike Rogers.

I thought Republicans were concerned with protecting our freedoms?

Pretty ironic that the left would be against intrusive government surveillance while defending the Hussein administration for using the IRS to keep a data base on political enemies.
Why does the government need to buy data when Facebook and Google give it to them for free?
Do You Want the Government Buying Your Data From Corporations?

I think a better question is "Aren't you glad that your Social Security and tax records are controlled by federal employees and not potentially for sale to the highest bidder on the Hong Kong stock exchange?"

Pretty ironic that the left would be against intrusive government surveillance while defending the Hussein administration for using the IRS to keep a data base on political enemies.

You have nothing to worry about. Very rich and powerful republicans didn't lose their tax exemptions and still don't have to disclose who their donors are even if they're saudis or chicoms. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find an issue worse than IraqWMDgate, torture, or a crashing economy brought about by a former president who can't speak more than five or six words without mangling the english language. Keep posting. Tea bag crybabies are a hoot.
I thought this subject would have more outrage from some of our freedom-obsessed friends here at USMB.

I guess it's no biggie when it's a Republican violating your Constitutional rights.

Because you're trolling, ass clown.

This isn't a partisan issue. Both of you are infringing on Americans' privacy and have been for years. Stop acting like your so outraged about it when you quite clearly support it.
Do You Want the Government Buying Your Data From Corporations?

I think a better question is "Aren't you glad that your Social Security and tax records are controlled by federal employees and not potentially for sale to the highest bidder on the Hong Kong stock exchange?"

Tea Bag Republicans would rather see the Hong Kong exchange handle things if it would put worthless lazy federal workers out of a job and make wealthy people wealthier, chinese or otherwise, and don't dare tax them cuz they're the job providers, because reagan said that government is the problem.
I thought this subject would have more outrage from some of our freedom-obsessed friends here at USMB.

I guess it's no biggie when it's a Republican violating your Constitutional rights.

Because you're trolling, ass clown.

This isn't a partisan issue. Both of you are infringing on Americans' privacy and have been for years. Stop acting like your so outraged about it when you quite clearly support it.

Sorry, but I'm not a Fascist.

I am firmly against all the public video cameras, red light cameras, face recognition, domestic commercial drones, etc.

I think the Boston Marathon incident was a total disaster for Americans' rights.

You even suggesting this shows me you really haven't paid attention to my posts, and are merely playing your part in the partisan wars.
Does not matter what party is in power the unholy alliance between the FAT CAT COPORATIONS and the nation's governments continues.

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