Do you want Obama to send troops to fight ISIS?

Doesn't really matter Obama has made it very clear he will not send in ground troops no matter what.

Why would he? Iraqis won't even fight.

Well thats a flat out lie.

Really? ISIS has lots of great US weapons from Iraqis throwing them down and running away.

US weapons were provided by the CIA via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood with Qatar, Turkey and SA's help.

Want the New York Times link lib?

NOW in this battle all they did was pull back. Do you understand war? At all douche bag?

They didn't run away and that General should face a firing squad for saying they did so. That's Obama politics talking.

You know better than the general? That's funny. Get a clue.
Right now we have a DoD that's bragging about 8-10 air strikes per day when early in Iraq we were doing hundreds of them per day

What's up with your lunatic Generals by the way. Bad enough you got that crazy mother fucker with NATO now you have assholes like this one going"Iraqis ran away".

They did run away.

Prove it bitch. Give me a link apart from the fuck faced Obama dick sucking General.

All they do is run. Mosul too.

Iraqi soldiers police drop weapons flee posts in Mosul -
Doesn't really matter Obama has made it very clear he will not send in ground troops no matter what.

Why would he? Iraqis won't even fight.
They did when ISIS was in Iraq the last time back when they were known as Al-Qaeda in Iraq. And the Kurds will fight the problem is we won't help them there not asking for American troops just weapons and ammo and we won't even give them that.
they decided when they decided to volunteer for the military Bucs . If they get to decide when they go to war then pretty soon after that they'll want to be 'union' employees .
Doesn't really matter Obama has made it very clear he will not send in ground troops no matter what.

Why would he? Iraqis won't even fight.

Well thats a flat out lie.

Really? ISIS has lots of great US weapons from Iraqis throwing them down and running away.

US weapons were provided by the CIA via the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood with Qatar, Turkey and SA's help.

Want the New York Times link lib?

NOW in this battle all they did was pull back. Do you understand war? At all douche bag?

They didn't run away and that General should face a firing squad for saying they did so. That's Obama politics talking.

You know better than the general? That's funny. Get a clue.

Saddest play in the universe. I don't trust Obama's generals. Now there is a sad day.
Right now we have a DoD that's bragging about 8-10 air strikes per day when early in Iraq we were doing hundreds of them per day

What's up with your lunatic Generals by the way. Bad enough you got that crazy mother fucker with NATO now you have assholes like this one going"Iraqis ran away".

They did run away.

Prove it bitch. Give me a link apart from the fuck faced Obama dick sucking General.

All they do is run. Mosul too.

Iraqi soldiers police drop weapons flee posts in Mosul -

If you won't let the Shia fight the mother fucking sunni bastards what do you expect?

Your asshole at 1600 is making the ROE's
Ok the good Sunnis aren't allowed to fight the bad Sunnis. AND the Shia because friction could occur aren't allowed to fight ISIS.


Fuck people.
can't think of their names but I see them on telly every other day . All the good Generals and experienced military have been purged or retired . Seems that mrobamas generals that I'm aware of are all his 'yes' boys .
can't think of their names but I see them on telly every other day . All the good Generals and experienced military have been purged or retired . Seems that mrobamas generals that I'm aware of are all his 'yes' boys .

This one hurts my parts. Worst is when he trots some one out there claiming climate change is the worst threat.

I'd die before I caved but obviously others are right in lock step with the bastard.
Nearly two-thirds of voters say U.S. allies losing fight against Islamic State - Washington Times

A lot has been said about isis and it seems we the people of the United States are united with the point on the future of isis.
It is clear that they must be killed (no variants).

To solve the problem we train Iraqis troops to do all the dirty job (doesn't work cause muslims sympathize muslims, even the most radical ones) and at the moment we are not officially involved into a War with isis.

What do you think, should we send our troops to fight isis or should we wait for something?

What is more important - lives of our soldiers or lives of the innocent refusing to negotiate with terrorists?
Do you know why we have not?
purge is happening under this guy plus the military is being turned into a social experiment Moonglow . Plus this guy and his 'roe' are pretty foolish , fight the war but don't hurt anyone .
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there you go 'climate change' is the most important topic for the military , its really pretty funny . Oh well , at least 'bruce jenner' could join the military and rise through the ranks if he wasn't so old TinyDancer !!
can't think of their names but I see them on telly every other day . All the good Generals and experienced military have been purged or retired . Seems that mrobamas generals that I'm aware of are all his 'yes' boys .

This one hurts my parts. Worst is when he trots some one out there claiming climate change is the worst threat.

I'd die before I caved but obviously others are right in lock step with the bastard.

Our generals aren't making the Iraqis run scared. They have no heart.
purge is happening under this guy plus the military is being turned into a social experiment Moonglow . Plus this guy and his 'roe' are pretty foolish , fight the war but don't hurt anyone .

Our military could run ISIS over easily, but then what? We pay to defend iraq forever? No thanks. If ISIS over runs syria and Iraq then iran is next. Nothing much lost there. Saudi has lots of money, let them deal with Isis.
It's a mess just with the factions vying for power and position in Iraq... The govt. is majority Shia, which are not the best of friends with Sunni..You have Shia militias and Sunni militias.Iraq refuses to allow the US to supply Sunni militia's, like the Kurds...Iraq does not want US occupation troops in their nation.....
“We wish the army could be at the same level as the [popular-mobilization units],” a Kataib Hezbollah fighter told the Post near Ramadi. “In reality, they are much weaker.”

The apparent shift in US policy toward Shia militias signals the acceptance of a dark reality in Iraq — that without the Shia militias, ISIS might be able to further consolidate their gains in Iraq.

Relying on Shia militias is far from a perfect solution, however, even if US officials are willing to overlook the fact that some of these militias have American blood on their hands.

As noted in The Journal, the US allowing Shia militias to take a greater role in fighting ISIS "guarantee a perpetuation of sectarian tension between Sunnis and Shiites — an outcome that benefits ISIS, whose extremists see the sectarian divide as a way to capitalize on Sunni disaffection and boost their own influence."
The US is embracing a dark reality in Iraq - Yahoo Finance

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