Do you think your average tea partyer would take a pepper spray to the face-

Teabaggers are older, wealthier folks - many retired, who support the wingnut agenda. Whereas, the OWSers are youth who don't see a future. They can't afford motor homes and Medicare scooters - so they camp out in tents and such.

Anyone see the difference...?

poor wittle children don't see no future...they could do like THEIR PARENTS DID....worked their asses off AND THEN RETIRED to give these spoiled children the EASY life they have enjoyed up UNTIL they have to go out a FIND A JOB and TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES.
If the average tea-party person suffered as much as a splinter in their big toe that would threaten their movement.

Between things like that and taking their meds, they are a pint away from self-destruction.
Teabaggers are older, wealthier folks - many retired, who support the wingnut agenda. Whereas, the OWSers are youth who don't see a future. They can't afford motor homes and Medicare scooters - so they camp out in tents and such.

Anyone see the difference...?

Don't see a future under Obama's kill business policies?

Mercy me, I don't either!!!!

Voting republican can bring back the economy, the jobs, and businesses, as much as we know Obama thinks he can do a better job of taking over banks and making them loan out money to his buds, payback favors, quid quo pro style.

How'd that kill-the-drilling-in-the-Gulf stuff work out for the 20% unemployment rate this country has going on? [9% + 11% or more hard-core unemployed (unemployed more than 6 months)]

Obama's somethin-fer-nothin' attitude frightens people into so much caution, they are afraid of what he is going to do to them next--raising gas prices 250%, killing the tourist industry, putting a pox on drilling, and making dubious loans to noncompetitive alternative energy sources that were proven failures over 20 years ago. My husband's friend bought a windmill from the government that failed to produce enough electricity to pay for itself in 15 years on the windiest plain in the United States. We've known and he did too that you can't get steady power from windmills, and they're disastrous when they just stop working. Urban areas depending on that kind of stuff can quickly get into trouble in inclement weather when the windmill rigs freeze up, need constant upkeep and are dangerous to endangered bird species.

It's unconscionable to try and jumpstart solar power which would result in just as great a fiasco in cloudy weather over a month's time.

Dependability is paramount in delivering the kind of power it takes to run computers, televisions, clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers, etc. in modern life.

You can't develop one-way myopic vision and run this country. Our economy is a horror story and it's not George W. Bush's fault Obama shut down oil wells in the Gulf, raised gas prices 250%, put half the tourism industry out of work.

Obama did it by listening to pie-in-the-sky liars, who want somebody else to let them "experiment" with billions of dollars doing the same failed things over and over.
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If the average tea-party person suffered as much as a splinter in their big toe that would threaten their movement.

Between things like that and taking their meds, they are a pint away from self-destruction.

the people in the Tea Party had a hell of harder life (because they actually WORK for a LIVING) then these SPOILED little kiddies playing at CAMPING OUT in a DAMN CITY PARK
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This has nothing to do with no matter what, but a very specific instance of losers obstructing the police in their lawful duties.

Suppose the police just decided to let a serial killer go because he had a nice smile.
If the average tea-party person suffered as much as a splinter in their big toe that would threaten their movement.

Between things like that and taking their meds, they are a pint away from self-destruction.


There's absolutely NO basis for that claim.

It's just typical "liberal" thinking.

And I use the term "thinking" (conjoined with the term "liberal") most loosely.
for the cause? They like to talk big but they are telling the OWS protesters to meekly submit to state authority when the state arbitrarily decides their rights have run out. All those who say they would never submit if the government trampled their rights need to look at OWS to see what that looks like.

You must have a great deal of respect for radical Muslim suicide bombers.
If the average tea-party person suffered as much as a splinter in their big toe that would threaten their movement.

Between things like that and taking their meds, they are a pint away from self-destruction.

If the average OWS shitter suffered as much as a shower, bath, or delousing, that would threaten their movement.

Between things like that, and taking their worm meds, they are a fifth away from a good hangover.
Authorities stirred a major hornet's nest when they did that to UC Davis students.

not sure why. This is a liberal circle jerk. Jerry Brown, the President of the UC system, the Chancellor of UC-Davis, and the students- all liberals.

They'll probably just fire the two cops for doing their jobs, because that's what libs do. Then the Public Service Union will sue to get them huge back pay when no one cares anymore.
Still wondering if any of them would have stood their ground in the face of official resistance. I guess all this talk of watering the tree was just talk, they are just looking for the right (republican) tyrant to bow down to.
This has nothing to do with no matter what, but a very specific instance of losers obstructing the police in their lawful duties.

Suppose the police just decided to let a serial killer go because he had a nice smile.

Hot diggity dog, now righties are comparing OWSers to serial killers. Will we have a Jeffrey Dahmer comparison in the near future? I can't wait...
i don't think Teapartiers would be criminals.

So I guess that's where your comparison kinda breaks down.

I guess you didn't see that the kids who were sprayed with pepper spray by the criminal cops were just sitting quietly.

otherwise i'm sure you wouldn't say anything that silly.

and i'm sure you'll correct your statement once you see the video.

[ame=]Police Pepper Spray Peaceful UC Davis Students - YouTube[/ame]
Nooooooooooooo, they were infringing on the rights of the other students by blocking the path to their classes.

That's why support of the OWS is going down the toilet......People are tiring of them thinking they are the only ones with rights......And of course, the rudeness, destruction, violence, and mayhem they practice isn't helping their whiney, "every child gets a trophy, gimme gimme gimme" cause either.
What did they get done other than to sabotage the government into inaction and force partisan games of chicken with our livelihoods?


they got what they set out for and articulated with elected offcials and a caucus to boot

ows not so much

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