Do You Think That Causing Fear And Using Intimidation And Harassment Is Okay Just To Win Elections?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Democrats are waging a war on America. They're using thugs like Antifa to beat people up, intimidation in various forms including doxxing and race-baiting, and harassment of donors by releasing their private information to the public. They're showing up at Republican's homes attacking them and putting them in the hospital, making death-threats outside of their homes, and even trying to kill them as has happened at a Republican baseball practice. Do you fine people think any of this is acceptable? I sure don't. But that is what Democrats and their leftist cohorts are doing. They're even openly talking about causing a recession as a sure way to get rid of Trump.

They're shooting at us in Walmart, attacking us in social media, assaulting us everywhere (thanks to Maxine Waters).....and we're supposed to just give them our guns and let it continue...and in the process as always happens, watch it get increasingly worse. Giving in to them only encourages them to do more and commit more criminal activity.

Bill Maher was kicked off of ABC for saying that we deserved to be attacked on 911. He is a jackass, but he is also a Democrat....and unfortunately more mainstream than they are willing to admit. And here's the terrible truth.....he is beginning to look like a rightwinger because the Democrat party keeps pushing further and further left. Democrats are beginning to call each other 'Comrade'. Many are openly communist. Nobody in their right mind would support communism in a free society, but Democrats are moving in that direction. Many of their supporters are in complete denial about this fact. However, if you're a supporter of Democrats in Washington your denials only show a quiet acceptance of the chaos that Democrat politicians are causing all over America. Illegal immigration is the catalyst of the downfall of a society. Democrats are using open borders to flaunt law and order and bring down Capitalism. They're indoctrinating our children in our schools and colleges and turning them into American-hating, self-centered pecker-woods who can't handle the truth anymore.


August 9, 2019
Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, their own brownshirts
By Thomas Lifson
As America slips into what many are calling a “cold civil war,” not a single Democrat running for president is willing to condemn Antifa, the contemporary version of the Brownshirts that terrorized opponents of the Nazis in Weimar Germany.

CNS News repeatedly sought comments from all 23 Democrats currently running for president, and not a single one of them would condemn the thugs terrorizing and suppressing their own opponents.

Despite the well-documented violence of the radical left Antifa group -- the Department of Homeland Security classifies it as “domestic terrorist violence” – not one of the 23 Democrats running for president would condemn Antifa when repeatedly asked by over the course of 12 business days.

The Trump administration did respond, within a day, condemning Antifa.

In emails and telephone calls to the press offices and campaigns of the 23 Democrats running and to the Trump campaign, asked the candidates to answer two questions about Antifa…. (snip) … asked the candidates, 1) Do you condemn Antifa? And 2) Do you believe federal law enforcement agencies should take all lawful steps necessary to prevent Antifa from engaging in ‘domestic terrorist violence’ during the 2020 U.S. election campaign? repeatedly sent these questions to the 24 candidates by email and telephone between July 23 and Aug. 7. Not one Democratic candidate responded. (The Trump campaign answered on July 24.)

Many of the Democratic candidates’ press offices confirmed they had received the question and thanked for “reaching out.”

Instead, they pretend that “white nationalists” represent some sort of organized threat to civil order, even though the biggest gathering they have been able to launch was a pathetically small number of torch-bearing marchers at Charlottesville, explicitly condemned by President Trump. A lone, deranged driver managed to kill someone, was promptly arrested, prosecuted and convicted, but that’s the basis for ems claiming “white nationalists” present a lethal threat. The few explicitly racist marchers at Charlottesville were far outnumbered by sincere demonstrators whom wanted to preserve the historic works of art that leftists want to obliterate, just as the Taliban blew up statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. And they have no ability to generate violent mobs capable of shutting down their opponents, the way that Antifa does repeatedly. Antifa is apparently well-organized, and explicitly announces its intention to violently disrupt political events they disapprove of.


Antifa thugs in Washington, DC

Antifa activists constitute a dedicated, organized national violent organization openly suppressing political opponents, something that ought to be condemned by everyone, not just those whom they seek to silence.

Antifa now is arming itself.

History teaches us that armed thugs pave the way for monstrous political oppression. Yet the leaders of the Democratic Party are now becoming complicit with armed thugs, the way the party failed to condemn the KKK in its two phases of political terrorism, the post-Civil War phase where African Americans were terrorized and killed, and the 1920s, when KKK racists marched by the tens of thousands and elected racist Democrats to office, with the occasional lynching and other terror operations suppressing dissent – just as Antifa does today.
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Here's the oppression that the left has in store for us if we give in to them.

Anne Frank Center

"Terrible things are happening outside... poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart; men, women and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared." - Anne Frank (Jan 13, 1943)


They're getting away with so much now. Imagine what they'll try to get away with if we are no-longer a threat to them.

Some clearly hiding weapons as flags...i pull the flag off ya have a nice NBC stick
the fat ugly loser girl on the left even has hers taped up

you aint fooling anyone ya violent progressive leftwing nazi rats
Don't use gender based pronouns....

Don't talk to cops.......

Marks Steyn discusses chaos at Socialism conference.

Spock, the link in your signature to gaslighting is fantastic. Thanks for posting.

It’s like the Dimm playbook on top of RULES FOR RADICALS.
Why was AOC talking about white terrorism before the El Paso shooting? It has been years since Dylan Rouf attacked a black church. Why the focus now on whites attacking us......RIGHT BEFORE IT HAPPENS???

Do You Think That Causing Fear And Using Intimidation And Harassment Is Okay Just To Win Elections?

Definitely not. You need to tell tRump and the other republican fear/hatemongers to stop immediately.
Do You Think That Causing Fear And Using Intimidation And Harassment Is Okay Just To Win Elections?

Definitely not. You need to tell tRump and the other republican fear/hatemongers to stop immediately.
Yes....stop murdering people in their cells in the dead of night and stop talking about White Supremacy 24/7.
Democrats are waging a war on America. They're using thugs like Antifa to beat people up, intimidation in various forms including doxxing and race-baiting, and harassment of donors by releasing their private information to the public. They're showing up at Republican's homes attacking them and putting them in the hospital, making death-threats outside of their homes, and even trying to kill them as has happened at a Republican baseball practice. Do you fine people think any of this is acceptable? I sure don't. But that is what Democrats and their leftist cohorts are doing. They're even openly talking about causing a recession as a sure way to get rid of Trump.

They're shooting at us in Walmart, attacking us in social media, assaulting us everywhere (thanks to Maxine Waters).....and we're supposed to just give them our guns and let it continue...and in the process as always happens, watch it get increasingly worse. Giving in to them only encourages them to do more and commit more criminal activity.

Bill Maher was kicked off of ABC for saying that we deserved to be attacked on 911. He is a jackass, but he is also a Democrat....and unfortunately more mainstream than they are willing to admit. And here's the terrible truth.....he is beginning to look like a rightwinger because the Democrat party keeps pushing further and further left. Democrats are beginning to call each other 'Comrade'. Many are openly communist. Nobody in their right mind would support communism in a free society, but Democrats are moving in that direction. Many of their supporters are in complete denial about this fact. However, if you're a supporter of Democrats in Washington your denials only show a quiet acceptance of the chaos that Democrat politicians are causing all over America. Illegal immigration is the catalyst of the downfall of a society. Democrats are using open borders to flaunt law and order and bring down Capitalism. They're indoctrinating our children in our schools and colleges and turning them into American-hating, self-centered pecker-woods who can't handle the truth anymore.


August 9, 2019
Democrats refuse to condemn Antifa, their own brownshirts
By Thomas Lifson
As America slips into what many are calling a “cold civil war,” not a single Democrat running for president is willing to condemn Antifa, the contemporary version of the Brownshirts that terrorized opponents of the Nazis in Weimar Germany.

CNS News repeatedly sought comments from all 23 Democrats currently running for president, and not a single one of them would condemn the thugs terrorizing and suppressing their own opponents.

Despite the well-documented violence of the radical left Antifa group -- the Department of Homeland Security classifies it as “domestic terrorist violence” – not one of the 23 Democrats running for president would condemn Antifa when repeatedly asked by over the course of 12 business days.

The Trump administration did respond, within a day, condemning Antifa.

In emails and telephone calls to the press offices and campaigns of the 23 Democrats running and to the Trump campaign, asked the candidates to answer two questions about Antifa…. (snip) … asked the candidates, 1) Do you condemn Antifa? And 2) Do you believe federal law enforcement agencies should take all lawful steps necessary to prevent Antifa from engaging in ‘domestic terrorist violence’ during the 2020 U.S. election campaign? repeatedly sent these questions to the 24 candidates by email and telephone between July 23 and Aug. 7. Not one Democratic candidate responded. (The Trump campaign answered on July 24.)

Many of the Democratic candidates’ press offices confirmed they had received the question and thanked for “reaching out.”

Instead, they pretend that “white nationalists” represent some sort of organized threat to civil order, even though the biggest gathering they have been able to launch was a pathetically small number of torch-bearing marchers at Charlottesville, explicitly condemned by President Trump. A lone, deranged driver managed to kill someone, was promptly arrested, prosecuted and convicted, but that’s the basis for ems claiming “white nationalists” present a lethal threat. The few explicitly racist marchers at Charlottesville were far outnumbered by sincere demonstrators whom wanted to preserve the historic works of art that leftists want to obliterate, just as the Taliban blew up statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. And they have no ability to generate violent mobs capable of shutting down their opponents, the way that Antifa does repeatedly. Antifa is apparently well-organized, and explicitly announces its intention to violently disrupt political events they disapprove of.


Antifa thugs in Washington, DC

Antifa activists constitute a dedicated, organized national violent organization openly suppressing political opponents, something that ought to be condemned by everyone, not just those whom they seek to silence.

Antifa now is arming itself.

History teaches us that armed thugs pave the way for monstrous political oppression. Yet the leaders of the Democratic Party are now becoming complicit with armed thugs, the way the party failed to condemn the KKK in its two phases of political terrorism, the post-Civil War phase where African Americans were terrorized and killed, and the 1920s, when KKK racists marched by the tens of thousands and elected racist Democrats to office, with the occasional lynching and other terror operations suppressing dissent – just as Antifa does today.

David Horowitz pointed this out years ago....he tried to warn Republicans and conservatives.....he stated that Republicans play politics....they win elections, they lose elections, they wait for the next election if they lose......then he said...democrats fight total political war.....and I will add they do not take prisoners, and they show no mercy........

When Trump was in El Paso.....he took a photo with a nurse........just an innocent the left are doxxing her...

Here is an obviously warm-hearted lady who has literally saved dozens of lives in the most stressful professional setting imaginable, the terrible Dayton mass shooting, and for merely posing for posing for a picture with the president, she gets threats, security, and her life upended, too. She also got doxxed. It wasn't in the Instagram post, it was in this sick leftist tweet here, encouraging harassment calls:
Why was AOC talking about white terrorism before the El Paso shooting? It has been years since Dylan Rouf attacked a black church. Why the focus now on whites attacking us......RIGHT BEFORE IT HAPPENS???

Remember, she was one of the inspirations of the guy who tried to attack the ICE facility.....with molotov cocktails and a rifle...had he not been killed by armed ICE agents, he would have been another left wing killer, like the El Paso environmental killer, and the Dayton antifa, democrat, socialis, Elizabeth warren shooter....and the Bernie Sanders supporter who tried to murder republicans at the baseball game...
Do You Think That Causing Fear And Using Intimidation And Harassment Is Okay Just To Win Elections?

Definitely not. You need to tell tRump and the other republican fear/hatemongers to stop immediately.
Yes....stop murdering people in their cells in the dead of night and stop talking about White Supremacy 24/7.
stop being white supremacists.

Not sure where you're going with that other thing.
Do You Think That Causing Fear And Using Intimidation And Harassment Is Okay Just To Win Elections?

Definitely not. You need to tell tRump and the other republican fear/hatemongers to stop immediately.

Trump is not a hate monger
oh, is it opposite day again?
Do You Think That Causing Fear And Using Intimidation And Harassment Is Okay Just To Win Elections?

Definitely not. You need to tell tRump and the other republican fear/hatemongers to stop immediately.

Trump is not a hate monger
oh, is it opposite day again?

it's realism day
Do You Think That Causing Fear And Using Intimidation And Harassment Is Okay Just To Win Elections?

Definitely not. You need to tell tRump and the other republican fear/hatemongers to stop immediately.
Yes....stop murdering people in their cells in the dead of night and stop talking about White Supremacy 24/7.
stop being white supremacists.

Not sure where you're going with that other thing.
You cannot stop something you never started.

You know....this is actually think anyone who doesn't agree with you is in fact a white supremacist.
That argument is so lazy and so dishonest it literately blows my mind....but that is exactly what you folks are saying.
Not a fan of Bill Maher but he wasn't alone. I recall back then many evangelist were saying God thought America deserved 9/11.

The Rev Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson set off a minor explosion of their own when they asserted on US television that an angry God had allowed the terrorists to succeed in their deadly mission because the United States had become a nation of abortion, homosexuality, secular schools and courts, and the American civil liberties union.
Falwell: blame abortionists, feminists and gays
When their statement comes to mind it gets me thinking how it follows that God allowed three of the planes to smack into structures representing America's capitalism and military while the 4th said to be destined for our political power (either White House or the Capital Building) was taken down in a Pennsylvania field. Perhaps there is a message there.

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