Do You Support the Death Penalty?

Do you support the death penalty?

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but it was the only movie in the series really worth something!

Really? I liked a couple of the others in the series too--as novels. What I like better are the Ripley novels by Patricia Highsmith.
Life matters. All life matters.

Does quality of life matter? What sort of quality of life does a life behind bars inmate have, particularly those convicted of heinous crimes who are restricted to their cells for 23 hours per day? What about the safety of the guards who are tasked with guarding these inmates? Do THEIR lives matter to you?
Does quality of life matter? What sort of quality of life does a life behind bars inmate have, particularly those convicted of heinous crimes who are restricted to their cells for 23 hours per day? What about the safety of the guards who are tasked with guarding these inmates? Do THEIR lives matter to you?

The person behind bars is not living a 'quality life' by any of our standards. I doubt you have any interest in improving the quality of life of people who are sentenced to LWOP.

The truth is that there are options for sentencing. Not every state has the death penalty. Prison guards are tasked with a dangerous job--everywhere in prison. A friend of mine sent me this in an email:

"Correctional Officers (CO's) have the second highest mortality rate of any

33.5% of all assaults in prisons and jails are committed by inmates
against staff.

A CO's 58th birthday, on average, is their last.

A CO will be seriously assaulted at least twice in a 20 year career.

On average a CO will live only 18 months after retirement.

CO's have a 39% higher suicide rate than any other occupation and
have a higher divorce and substance abuse rates then the general population."
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That is why I said movies, the novels of course are good. Hannibal Rising was terrible luckly I got drunk why I watched it.

I see you are from Spokane. I used to visit a Buddhist lama there.
Cool! Probably the only interesting thing here!lol My mom would shoot me for that statement.
The place is called Padma Ling, (that means lotus place) and the woman lama is called "Lama Inge'. She's got great qualities.
I used to be in favor of the death penalty. After all, if a murderer takes a life, why should he or she not pay with a life?

There are problems with that philosophy, and serious problems with the death penalty.

For one thing, there are too many documented cases of innocent people having been convicted of serious crimes.

There is the Grisham novel, The Innocent Man, which is based on a true story of an innocent on death row and the effects on him and his family. Chilling.

Giving the government power of life or death over anyone, even a convicted criminal, is placing too much power in their hands.

There is the damage to our national prestige from nations that have already abolished the death penalty.

Finally, there is the question of which is really the most severe punishment: Spending a lifetime in prison, or a quick, relatively painless death? I would think that the former is more severe.

I say, abolish the death penalty. Let the real bad guys rot in prison, where they can't do any more harm to the rest of us, but don't kill them. If they're exonerated, then they can be let out, but they can't be brought back from the dead, at least not yet.
I also was a supporter of the death penalty in the past. But as a Christian with some time under my belt, I no longer feel I should, so I don't.

Jesus told a criminal who was crucified with him on the cross that he would be in heaven with him that day. Jesus defended a woman who was to be stoned, cured lepers who were ostracized, and drove demons out of men and women who were considered beyond redemption.

I don't think I should support the death penalty. If you've got a criminal in prison, what's the point? The more time he has to get straight with God, I guess the better off everyone will be.
Quite right - I'm not arguing against retribution, it's necessary for the criminal justice system to function, I'm just arguing that a particular form of retribution is not a good idea.

Psycopathic murderers shouldn't be given much consideration. If I could, I would have them executed in the same way they tortured and murdered their victims, maybe even more slowly so they can feel every second of pain. No mercy for the merciless.
Psycopathic murderers shouldn't be given much consideration. If I could, I would have them executed in the same way they tortured and murdered their victims, maybe even more slowly so they can feel every second of pain. No mercy for the merciless.

Sadistic thought. What's the difference in essence between your murderous thought and the murderers?

Thoughts like these create suffering. Taking delight in another person's suffering- has lasting negative effects on the mind.
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Sadistic thought. What's the difference in essence between your murderous thought and the murderers?

Thoughts like these create suffering. Taking delight in another person's suffering- has lasting negative effects on the mind.

Let the punishment fit the crime. I'm sorry it bothers your conscience. It doesn't bother mine.
Let the punishment fit the crime. I'm sorry it bothers your conscience. It doesn't bother mine.

It doesn't bother my conscience that you feel the way you do. It would have bothered by my conscience if I didn't say anything to you.

It doesn't bother you to take delight in having murderous thoughts.

I find having murderous thoughts disturbing. I'd prefer to be free of them forever and that's what I wish for every living being.
The person behind bars is not living a 'quality life' by any of our standards. I doubt you have any interest in improving the quality of life of people who are sentenced to LWOP.

Three of my clients are serving life in prison without the potential for parole for homicides they committed. I have a significant interest in what occurs behind bars. I've actually spent the last 18 years working with violent juveniles and programs that serve them. I know how these people think, act, and how they are created. I've spent my CAREER trying to change the system to prevent kids from ever getting to death row. You don't know diddlyshit about what my interests are, old hippy.

While you were chanting mantras, I was serving gang members and getting shot at. Don't ever fucking forget that.
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Three of my clients are serving life in prison without the potential for parole for homicides they committed. I have a significant interest in what occurs behind bars. I've actually spent the last 18 years working with violent juveniles and programs that serve them. I know how these people think, act, and how they are created. I've spent my CAREER trying to change the system to prevent kids from ever getting to death row. You don't know diddlyshit about what my interests are, old hippy.

While you were chanting mantras, I was serving gang members and getting shot at. Don't ever fucking forget that.

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ya think? At least I'm openly hostile versus being a cowardly passive aggressive bitch. ;)

For the record, your comment to me was hostile. It was a veiled attack. If you're going to attack me, at least have the fucking balls to do so openly. And stop fucking PMing me. We aren't pals.
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