Do You Know Who Sent Shock Waves Through The Media?


Sep 23, 2010
The answer is Representative Trey Gowdy:

[ame=]Trey Gowdy Demands Answers On Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]​

If the attack in Benghazi was a case before the Supreme Court it would be docketed as Congress v. Media. You can guess which side the public is rooting for.

Everything Rep. Gowdy said in the video hit the mark, but one topic in particular sent nuclear-blast shock waves through the Administration and the US military. The Administration and their media stooges can withstand every shock wave except this one:

Do you know why no assets were deployed during the siege? And I’ve heard the explanation which defies logic, frankly, that we couldn’t have gotten there in time. But you know they didn’t know when it was going to end; so how can you possibility cite that as an excuse?

Do you know whether the president called any of our allies and said “Can you help? We have men under attack.” Can you answer that?

Rep. Gowdy along with everyone on the Special Committee offer one last hope of returning some credibility to Congress. God only knows that credibility and Harry Reid’s Senate are total strangers. Indeed, the US Senate was not good for the country long before Taqiyya the Liar became a senator. I’d go so far as to say that the House’s Special Committee may very well bring down the the US Senate itself along with Taqiyya’s Senate Administration.

Finally, John Boehner is not my favorite member of Congress, but I have to give the Devil his due. Selecting Rep. Gowdy to head the Special Committee will go down as Boehner’s greatest achievement.
We have an incurious press. They no longer care about uncovering untruths or misdeeds. This is not unusual nor uncommon in dictatorships. The curious have a very short life in dictatorial regimes.
One, there is no dictatorship.

Two, dictatorships do not occur when the far right loonies lose.

Three, Fox News undermines your silliness.
We have an incurious press. They no longer care about uncovering untruths or misdeeds. This is not unusual nor uncommon in dictatorships. The curious have a very short life in dictatorial regimes.

:thup: The press stopped doing their job when they started hiring so-called reporters and progressive agendas.

Go Fox. Go Trey.
Neither should money, and the media is the 4th estate.

The media isn't supposed to take sides, but they've been bought off by the Dems.

They are supposed to be the watchdogs of the people against corrupt government.

They no longer do their jobs.

I really like the point he made about the special freedoms and privileges the press has in order to hold government accountable.
Hillary has very few redeeming qualities.

She's not very likable.
She hasn't accomplished much.
She merely punched her ticket by being literally placed in her positions as Senator and Sec of State, and it was all just to give her credibility.
She literally ruined our standing in the world as Secretary of State.
Two major foreign policy failures happened on her watch. The Russian Reset and Benghazi.

Everywhere she goes she leaves a mess behind for someone else to clean up. She was asked about what she felt was her best accomplishment, and she said that basically all she did was pass the baton to the next Secretary of State.

Her husband was a decent president compared to our current president, but Hillary is not Bill Clinton. Most of the scandals that happened during his administration were caused by Hillary, outside of Monica. And even then she claimed it was a vast right-wing conspiracy.
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They don't have anyone who can beat Hillary.

To Luddly Neddite: Hillary Clinton is what you found important in Rep. Gowdy’s comments. No surprise there. You want to protect a media that protects the Clintons more than they protect Barack Taqiyya.

Our media shouldn't be allowed to dictate who our leaders are.

To mudwhistle: Exactly so. They start by picking the candidates in both parties. The Republican must be an acceptable substitute for the Democrat. God forbid that another Ronald Reagan slips past the media.

We have an incurious press. They no longer care about uncovering untruths or misdeeds. This is not unusual nor uncommon in dictatorships. The curious have a very short life in dictatorial regimes.

To Katzndogz: One slight disagreement. They actively coverup for dictators.

Trey is awesome. And he's not going to be intimidated and bullied by the Obama Administration.

Go Trey!

To boedicca: Right on. I believe that he is going to go all the way. Happily, it looks like the members of his committee are right there with him. I’ll trust Gowdy’s judgement on Philip Kiko:

Gowdy names Capitol Hill veteran to Benghazi probe
By James Rosen
Published May 16, 2014

Gowdy names Capitol Hill veteran to Benghazi probe | Fox News

The press stopped doing their job when they started hiring so-called reporters and commentators

To AquaAthena: I think it began in the 1950s:

They no longer do their jobs.

To mudwhistle: Sad to say their job is doing what the people who sign their paychecks tell them to do.

I really like the point he made about the special freedoms and privileges the press has in order to hold government accountable.

To boedicca: I glad you mentioned it. I wasn’t sure if anybody would see it.

Hillary has very few redeeming qualities.

She's not very likable.
She hasn't accomplished much.
She merely punched her ticket by being literally placed in her positions as Senator and Sec of State, and it was all just to give her credibility.
She literally ruined our standing in the world as Secretary of State.
Two major foreign policy failures happened on her watch. The Russian Reset and Benghazi.

Everywhere she goes she leaves a mess behind for someone else to clean up. She was asked about what she felt was her best accomplishment, she said that basically all she did was pass the baton to the next Secretary of State.

Her husband was a decent president compared to our current president, but Hillary is not Bill Clinton. Most of the scandals that happened during his administration were caused by Hillary, outside of Monica. And even then she claimed it was a vast right-wing conspiracy.

To mudwhistle: Watch out now. You just rattled Luddly Neddite’s cage.
Neither should money, and the media is the 4th estate.

The media isn't supposed to take sides, but they've been bought off by the Dems.

They are supposed to be the watchdogs of the people against corrupt government.

They no longer do their jobs.

I really like the point he made about the special freedoms and privileges the press has in order to hold government accountable.

Woulda coulda shoulda, but we live in reality, and most of the press is owned by the extremes of right and left
One, there is no dictatorship.

Two, dictatorships do not occur when the far right loonies lose.

Three, Fox News undermines your silliness.

and once again fakey shows is utter ignorance when it comes to knowledge, politics and pretty much everything.

stalin, castro, chavez.....

read up on politics jake, you might not look so stupid in the future
The answer is Representative Trey Gowdy:

If the attack in Benghazi was a case before the Supreme Court it would be docketed as Congress v. Media. You can guess which side the public is rooting for.

Everything Rep. Gowdy said in the video hit the mark, but one topic in particular sent nuclear-blast shock waves through the Administration and the US military. The Administration and their media stooges can withstand every shock wave except this one:

Do you know why no assets were deployed during the siege? And I’ve heard the explanation which defies logic, frankly, that we couldn’t have gotten there in time. But you know they didn’t know when it was going to end; so how can you possibility cite that as an excuse?

Do you know whether the president called any of our allies and said “Can you help? We have men under attack.” Can you answer that?

Rep. Gowdy along with everyone on the Special Committee offer one last hope of returning some credibility to Congress. God only knows that credibility and Harry Reid’s Senate are total strangers. Indeed, the US Senate was not good for the country long before Taqiyya the Liar became a senator. I’d go so far as to say that the House’s Special Committee may very well bring down the the US Senate itself along with Taqiyya’s Senate Administration.

Finally, John Boehner is not my favorite member of Congress, but I have to give the Devil his due. Selecting Rep. Gowdy to head the Special Committee will go down as Boehner’s greatest achievement.

Unfortunately I think the media is beyond being shamed into conducting themselves in an unbiased manner...they also don't seem to be concerned about their credibility. It's sad when you need watchdogs to watch those who we expect to look out for everyone, and not just segments of the population approved by them. It's disturbing to have witnessed the level of compliance that so many in the press have provided this administration in highlighting/covering up issues that suit the agenda of the left. I'm always skeptical of politicians, but even more so of a manipulative media.
Unfortunately I think the media is beyond being shamed into conducting themselves in an unbiased manner...they also don't seem to be concerned about their credibility. It's sad when you need watchdogs to watch those who we expect to look out for everyone, and not just segments of the population approved by them. It's disturbing to have witnessed the level of compliance that so many in the press have provided this administration in highlighting/covering up issues that suit the agenda of the left. I'm always skeptical of politicians, but even more so of a manipulative media.

To Sherry: Well said.

Regarding Trey Gowdy: As soon as I saw the video I thought of the first rule of political survival laid done by Mark Twain well over a century ago:

Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.

I’m not sure what the electronic equivalent to a barrel of ink is, but somewhere on the road to Benghazi Rep. Gowdy must have said to himself “Enough is enough with the media.” So he picked a fight with the lot of them. Political courage like that deserves the public’s attention and support.

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